Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C727 blood station

C727 blood station

Lei Yang's footwork crossed each other, and ripples instantly appeared in the air. With two light steps, Lei Yang disappeared above the lake's surface.    


However, when Lei Yang left the range of the lake's surface, the blood-colored wyvern also chased after him at an extremely fast speed, directly escaping the lake's surface. It was not like how had analyzed it, as long as he left the lake's surface, it would not chase after him.    


"F * ck me, no way!" Lei Yang realized that his judgement was wrong, and the panic and anxiety in his heart deepened.    


And because his mind was unsteady, the astonishing blood fiend energy that had been circling around him like tidewater suddenly took the chance and entered into his body. In an instant, a sliver of it entered into his body and invaded into his soul, causing three black and red vertical lines to appear on his forehead. At the same time, Lei Yang felt that he was unable to control the evil that was growing within his heart.    


As the fear in Lei Yang's heart continued to grow, the enormous bloody Winged Dragon behind him became even more excited. It roared and pounced towards him ferociously, and even spat out a pool of blood-like blood water from its mouth.    


The moment the water was spat out, it did not scatter but turned into a few special runes, which immediately enveloped Lei Yang, causing the three vertical lines on Lei Yang's forehead to flicker continuously, as though they were resonating with the runes formed from the blood, as though they were suppressing his own soul.    


And the end result of this feeling was that he was constantly trapped in an abyss of fear, unable to extricate himself from it.    


What level of terror had that reached? Even with the opponent's attacks nearing him, he was unable to resist at all.    


The symbol continued to grow larger in Lei Yang's eyes, as though an earth-shaking mountain was pressing down on him unceasingly, causing him to feel only fear in his heart, as though the entire world was only filled with terror.    


And just when Lei Yang did not know how it was, a moment of clarity suddenly appeared in his mind, he felt that his current state was not right.    


In the past, although he was a person of flesh and blood and knew how to be afraid, there was a limit even if he was afraid.    


According to his personality, the more critical the situation was, the calmer he should be. He would definitely not be an existence that failed at such a crucial moment. At this moment, however, he felt as if only fear remained in his heart.    


"This is abnormal, this is definitely abnormal!" In this moment of clarity, Lei Yang suddenly realized the problem.    


No matter if he was alive or dead, he still had to let go. How could he let go just like that? He was so scared that he forgot to return his hand.    


Borrowing this moment of clarity, Lei Yang once again fiercely slammed his palm against his chest. The force of this palm strike was so strong that it caused even his own soul to intensely shake.    


In this instant that his soul shook, the three short lines on his forehead instantly dimmed. At the same time, Lei Yang once again fiercely bit the tip of his tongue.    


Just as the few huge runes formed from the blood were about to press down on him, his aura suddenly exploded, and with a lift of his hand, he threw out eight punches in a row. It was the superimposed power of the eight punches of the Thunder Fist.    


The eight fists combined together and turned into a golden tide of thunder and lightning. It contained the aura of endless heavenly tribulation. With a violent force that could split the air, it collided with the strange runes in front of them.    


The power of the Thunder Fist's eight fists were superimposed at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, they directly collided with the few enchanting runes.    


However, at this moment, there was no loud sound coming from the sky, nor was there even the slightest fluctuation. Instead, under the impact of the Thunder Fist, the originally solid bloodwater runes soundlessly disappeared at this moment.    


This kind of disappearance did not mean that it had been eliminated by the huge impact of the Thunder Fist, but rather, it was simply an illusion.    


"So that's how an illusion works." After a moment of surprise, Lei Yang seemed to understand a little why.    


The golden tide of lightning and thunder that was formed by the Thunder Fist swept out, ruthlessly smashing onto the blood-colored wyvern's body. Even though it wasn't able to completely destroy the wyvern's massive body, he was like a deflated ball, shrinking at an unbelievable speed.    


In truth, it was only an illusion. However, its main body was several times more solid than that technique, so much so that it looked like a real, blood-colored giant beast!    


Lei Yang had a feeling in his heart, and in order to probe, he found the crux of the problem. That fear once again surfaced in his body, and even the aura of his body emitted an indescribably strong fear.    


At the same time the aura of fear spread out, the blood-colored wyvern, which was shrinking rapidly, suddenly stopped shrinking after sensing the aura of fear. Its body swelled up again.    


"So it's like that!" But this time, when Lei Yang saw that the blood-colored wyvern had grown bigger, not only did he not panic, he said slowly after smiling, as if he had complete confidence in himself.    


It was because he finally understood that the reason why these things appeared was because the fear in his heart continued to grow. It was an illusion that ate fear and was born from fear.    


As long as he submitted to his fear, and was no longer afraid, the illusion would disappear on its own, and disappear without a trace. After Lei Yang's deductions and speculations, he concluded that this illusion was most likely the test that the Blood Demon Ancestor had set for the inheritors.    


This kind of hurdle was a test of a person's mental strength and endurance. If a person couldn't even respect the horror in their heart, then they wouldn't be a good inheritor.    


Thinking to this point, Lei Yang's entire person swept away the terror in his heart, and he became resolute and strong. Indeed, that enormous blood-colored wyvern's body quickly shriveled up, and disappeared not long after.    


After experiencing this experience, Lei Yang seemed to have some confidence. After some analysis, he felt that since it was a checkpoint, there would definitely be more.    


In order to activate all of the obstacles in the blood lake at once, Lei Yang thought about it for a while and came up with a solution. Then, he floated down to the lake surface and walked towards the center of the lake, step by step, as if he was lying on thunder.    


And this was indeed the case. As expected, he really did come out looking for trouble this time.    


As he stepped on the surface of the lake, layers of blood-red ripples spread out. When he had reached a certain distance, ripples suddenly spread out from below the lake, followed by the appearance of a huge flying fish.    


The flying fish had sharp teeth and wide wings, it instantly jumped out of the blood lake, with a sinister look, it opened its mouth, and started to fiercely devour Lei Yang.    


But this time, Lei Yang remained completely unmoved. Not only did he not dodge, he directly crashed into it, but just as the big mouth of the flying fish approached Lei Yang, the seemingly solid flying fish suddenly dissipated into nothingness, and turned into nothingness. Boom!    


Lei Yang kept walking like this, constantly lying on the ground like thunder. Every so often, he would come across a ferocious blood-colored beast, but these were all illusions.    


Until Lei Yang entered the center of the lake, the water surface of the entire blood lake suddenly trembled, and in the midst of the tremors, a gigantic and flat blood platform rose up from below the lake.    


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