Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"This ?"    


Hearing Ye Xiu ask for the map, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan's expression became a little unnatural.    


Although they had previously said that they wanted to buy a map, halfway through, they saw Heaven's Edge Pavilion, and then entered to become a Hunters.    


And in the next few days, the two of them continued to finish the bounty missions outside of Liyang City.    


But just as they finished their mission and were about to return to the Liyang City, an unexpected event occurred. They coincidentally walked onto the Transport Profound Array that had been activated by Qin Rouer, and then the two of them were teleported into the poison cave.    


Therefore, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan did not go and buy the map.    


"You didn't buy it?"    


Seeing Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan's somewhat unnatural expressions, Ye Xiu's brows lightly twitched as he asked.    


Of course, even if he did not get the map, Ye Xiu would not be angry at the two of them for this.    


However, without a map, he didn't know what to do next. He could only take one step at a time.    


"Ye Xiu, I'm sorry, we agreed to buy the map, but we couldn't." Lin Tian apologized.    


Even if he had promised others, he did not succeed in the end. Even if Ye Xiu could not blame the two of them, the person in question should at least apologize, this was the least form of courtesy.    


"Ye Xiu, we were planning to buy it after we finished our mission, but something unexpected happened." After Lin Tian apologized, Chen Aoxuan continued to speak.    


"Brother Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, you don't need to apologize to me, there is no map if there isn't one, haven't we since we came out from the Bluestone Town? "It's fine, at most, I'll just take it one step at a time." Ye Xiu gently smiled.    


Right now, it was still far from the three year agreement, so Ye Xiu did not need to intentionally head in the direction of Lingyun Sect.    




Thinking of these two words, Ye Xiu suddenly thought of something, and thus his gaze landed on the two Sirius Dog s.    


remembered these two Sirius Dog very clearly. Zhu Tianzheng had reminded him before, the strength of these Sirius Dog generally only reached the level of Third Level Profound Beast s.    


But now, these two Sirius Dog had both reached level four, so they must have met with some sort of opportunity.    


Even though he had already left the Liyang City, it was not too far away, so if there was still such a good opportunity, Ye Xiu could use it to smoothly allow his cultivation to step into the Small Perfection of Profound Qi Stage.    


Although his strength was already very strong, it was still much stronger than Lin Tian's and Chen Aoxuan's.    


However, if one's cultivation was low, the Profound Power in their body would be a hard wound. In a few moments, the Profound Power would be completely exhausted, how could they fight and protect themselves?    


Therefore, with such a chance before him, Ye Xiu naturally wouldn't want to miss it.    


"Sirius Dog, can you take me to the place where you used to live?" Ye Xiu suddenly asked the two Sirius Dog.    


"Woof woof!"    


Hearing this, the two Sirius Dog s called out at the same time, and after changing their direction, they ran forward.    


"Ye Xiu, you are..."    


Seeing that Ye Xiu was actually going to the Sirius Dog's residence, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan both revealed suspicious expressions.    


A place where a Profound Beast lived, what was there to go to?    


But since it was Ye Xiu's decision, then neither Lin Tian nor Chen Aoxuan had any objections.    


As for Qin Rouer who was ten meters away, she naturally didn't have any objections, because she was currently only following Ye Xiu and the other two. As long as they went anywhere, she would follow them.    


Just like this, under the guidance of the Sirius Dog, after Ye Xiu and the other three had traveled for nearly four hours, they finally arrived at a forest.    


"Hey, isn't this the same forest as before?" When Ye Xiu saw the forest that appeared in front of them, he let out a surprised cry.    


"Ye Xiu, this is the Profound Beast Forest, it's different from the forest we entered before. The previous forest is in the southeast direction of the Liyang City, and this Profound Beast Forest is in the northwest direction of the Liyang City." After Ye Xiu let out a light cry of surprise, Qin Rouer, who was not far away, spoke out.    


Although Qin Rouer had never come out to gain experience, she had grown up within the Liyang City, so she still had some understanding of the things that lay around the Liyang City.    


The Profound Beast Forest was a rather dangerous place, it was filled with Second Level Profound Beast, and there were many of them, including many of them. Therefore, not everyone dared to venture into this part of the Profound Beast Forest.    


Especially those with only Small Perfection of Profound Qi Stage, unless they were courting death, they would absolutely not step into this forest of Profound Beast.    


"Oh, this is the Profound Beast Forest."    


After hearing Qin Rouer's simple introduction, Ye Xiu silently nodded his head.    


It seemed like it was necessary to have a map in his hand. Otherwise, he would just walk in and wait for him.    


Of course, this Profound Beast Forest was dangerous for the rest of the Small Perfection of Profound Qi Stage, or even the strong ones at large success or perfection, but it was not so for Ye Xiu and the rest.    


It was because they had Sirius Dog s at their sides. Two Level Four Profound Beast s.    


"Let's continue walking!"    


Although he clearly knew that this was the Profound Beast Forest, and was different from the few people who had entered before, since they were all here, he still had to go in and take a look.    


"Sirius Dog, don't let any Profound Beast come near." When they successfully entered the forest, Ye Xiu reminded the two Sirius Dog once again.    


With Ye Xiu's improvement, two strong auras of hostility instantly spread out from the Sirius Dog's body, and with these two auras of hostility, even a level four Profound Beast wouldn't dare to get close to it. After all, there were two level four Profound Beast here.    


Just like this, under the Sirius Dog's lead, the four of them quickly arrived near a tree cave.    


This tree was very large, and a few people had to hold hands to hold it tightly.    


However, there was actually a small tree hole under such a big tree. Even this tree hole had become a resting place for Profound Beast and humans.    


"Woof woof!"    


However, when the two Sirius Dog stopped in their tracks, they suddenly shouted towards the tree hole with vicious expressions.    


Seeing the two Sirius Dog's reaction, Ye Xiu and the other three instantly became vigilant.    


Judging from the Sirius Dog's reaction, there should be people or Profound Beast in the hollow of the tree ahead.    


"Level 4 Profound Beast?"    


When Ye Xiu and the rest were on their guard, a surprised voice came out from the tree cave.    


Afterward, a middle-aged man with a goatee slowly walked out of the tree hole.    


"Two Level Four Profound Beast!"    


But when the man walked to the entrance of the tree, he saw two Sirius Dog staring at him angrily, and the surprise in their eyes became even more intense.    


At the same time, the man revealed a vigilant look. It was obvious that the two Level Four Profound Beast were not a small threat to him.    


"Senior, the hollow in the tree that you are currently living in belongs to them, so can you please leave?" Otherwise, I can't guarantee that they'll attack you. " When Ye Xiu sensed that the middle-aged man's Qi was not weak, he asked respectfully.    


Although Ye Xiu was unable to sense how high the cultivation of the middle aged man who walked out of the cave was, but from what he sensed, the middle aged man's cultivation should not be weaker than Zhu Tianzheng's.    


Zhu Tianzheng's cultivation was at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm, so this middle-aged man's cultivation was at least at this level.    


For a powerhouse of this level to actually live in this tree hole, was it a coincidence or was it a search for something?    


Ye Xiu was not sure, but at the moment, his heart was on alert. After all, this kind of expert was strong enough to instantly kill them.    


"Kid, are these two Level Four Profound Beast yours?" When the middle-aged man's gaze landed on Ye Xiu, his eyes revealed a little surprise.    


After all, Ye Xiu's cultivation was only at Twelveth Layer of Profound Vein Stage, but he was actually the owner of two Level 4 Profound Beast. This was simply too shocking.    


To be able to become the owner of a Level 4 Profound Beast, his cultivation had to be at least similar to his, because only with his current strength, he could tame a Level 4 Profound Beast.    


"Yes, senior, but my cultivation is still shallow, so I can't control them well at times. Therefore, I hope that you leave immediately, lest you accidentally injure them and embarrass yourself." Ye Xiu nodded.    


Because the truth was right in front of his eyes, Ye Xiu naturally readily admitted that these two Level Four Profound Beast were his own Blood Link Profound Beast.    


"Kid, who are you?"    


When Ye Xiu admitted that he was the owner of the two Level 4 Profound Beast, the middle-aged man became curious about his identity.    


This was because a brat with Twelveth Layer of Profound Vein Stage had two fourth level Profound Beast, his background definitely wasn't low.    


"Senior, is it important who I am? If Senior still does not leave, my two Sirius Dog will have to take action. " Ye Xiu continued.    


"Woof woof!"    


The moment Ye Xiu finished speaking, the two Sirius Dog s immediately shouted out, and at the same time, their row of dense white teeth revealed themselves, causing everyone to feel a little fearful when they saw it.    


"Little guy, we don't have any grudges between us. Besides, when I first came here, this tree hole was indeed ownerless, so I decided to stay here. Since the owner of this tree hole has returned, I will leave now." Looking at the two Level Four Profound Beast s that could pounce at him at any time, the middle-aged man laughed lightly.    


While they were talking, the middle-aged man ran off, his speed was so fast that Ye Xiu and the rest could not even catch up to him.    


"Brother Lin Tian, you should all be more careful, that fellow would not leave so easily." When the middle-aged man disappeared, Ye Xiu warned the two by his side.    


With that said, Ye Xiu walked over to Qin Rouer who was over 10 metres away from him.    


"Qin Rouer, this tree hole can't be considered small. You should come in as well." Ye Xiu said as he walked in front of Qin Rouer.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu's eyes blinked a few times, and upon seeing this, Qin Rouer nodded her head to express her understanding.    


Just like this, when the two Sirius Dog s and Lin Tian entered the tree cave, Ye Xiu and Qin Rouer walked in one after the other.    


However, when everyone entered the tree hole, a figure slowly appeared on top of a large tree not far away.    


This person was none other than the middle-aged man who was kicked out of the tree cave by Ye Xiu.    


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