Limitless Arrogant Sovereign





When Ye Xiu reached the edge of the cliff, the gravel in his feet slowly rolled down to the bottom.    


"Be careful, if you fall from here, you will definitely be smashed into smithereens." When Ye Kuang saw Ye Xiu walk to the edge of the cliff, he immediately warned him.    


Of course, Ye Kuang didn't dare to reach out and pull Ye Xiu at this time, because if he continued to pull her away, the latter would easily have a reaction.    


At that time, the two would not be able to pull him back. Instead, the two's strength would interact with each other, causing the person to retreat backwards.    


Ye Xiu stood at the edge of the cliff. If he took another step back, he would definitely fall down.    


"Don't worry, I will pay attention." Ye Xiu answered, and then he slightly bent his body and looked down the cliff.    


"It's really here."    


When Ye Xiu looked left and right, he quickly realized that a medicinal herb that looked familiar had appeared in his line of sight.    


Although the Scarlet Refining Spirit Grass that Ye Xiu saw before was not new, its general shape would not change.    


"Chen Aoxuan, the Scarlet Mystical Grass is here. Come quickly." After discovering the medicinal ingredients, Ye Xiu shouted to Chen Aoxuan who was still looking for them.    


"Ah, really!"    


Hearing this, Chen Aoxuan was ecstatic, because if he could find the Scarlet Mystical Grass, then his Profound Refining Pill would have hope.    


Seeing Chen Aoxuan running over happily, Ye Xiu shook his head and replied: "Chen Aoxuan, don't be happy too early, I've found the Scarlet Profound Grass, but it's on the cliff, I'm afraid it's not easy to pick it."    


"Don't worry, I'm already prepared. Look!"    


Chen Aoxuan laughed and said, after that he patted the Profound Treasure Bag, and a rope that was as thick as two or three fingers appeared in his hand.    


"Even if there is a rope, it is still very dangerous. If the rope breaks then you will lose your life." Ye Xiu reminded.    


"It's fine. With Ye Kuang here, help me hold this end of the rope. I'll go down to pick it. Chen Aoxuan said.    


Since Chen Aoxuan wanted the Scarlet Mystical Grass, he had to go down himself. After all, it was dangerous to go down there.    


"Alright, then hurry up, I have a bad feeling about this." Ye Xiu reminded.    


If one were to say that the premonition from yesterday was not too obvious, then Ye Xiu would have felt unease the moment he left his room today.    


This was the first time Ye Xiu had had such a strong reaction when he came to this world.    


"Got it!"    


Chen Aoxuan nodded his head lightly. Of course, he did not feel any unease about it, so he naturally did not engrave Ye Xiu's words into his heart.    


After all, in Chen Aoxuan's opinion, with Ye Kuang, the Great Perfection of Profound Qi Stage expert, even if a Second Level Profound Beast really appeared, he would still be able to deal with it.    


If he had the time, he would have successfully harvested the Scarlet Profound Grass.    


Just like that, after Chen Aoxuan finished speaking, he tied one end of the rope to his body, and after Ye Xiu saw this, he also tied the other end to his body.    


If Ye Xiu was an ordinary person, then it was absolutely impossible for one person's weight to hold another person back, and if Chen Aoxuan lost his footing like this, Ye Xiu would also definitely be pulled down the cliff.    


However, Ye Xiu was not an ordinary person, so under strong power, the problems that he had previously hypothesized would not occur.    


"Ye Kuang, keep this piece of Profound Array Jade Chip. If there is any danger, use it immediately. Remember, this Profound Array Jade Chip is inscribed with Second Level Profound Array." Ye Xiu passed a piece of Profound Array Jade Chip to Ye Kuang as a reminder.    




Ye Kuang nodded. Of course, he never thought that this piece of Second Level Profound Array Jade Chip was carved out by Ye Xiu himself, he only thought that this Profound Array Jade Chip was left behind for him by the white crane.    


Just like that, Ye Kuang did not have any doubts, and after he kept the Profound Array Jade Chip, he started to be on guard.    


Just at this moment, Chen Aoxuan, who was already prepared, walked to the edge of the cliff. After he observed the situation of the cliff first, he turned around to take a look at Ye Xiu.    




At this time, Ye Xiu, who had also been prepared, activated his Eight Gates of Limitless to the limit.    


Furthermore, with the Profound Power's help, even if there was one more person, it would still be impossible to pull Ye Xiu off the cliff.    


"Ye Xiu, I'm going down!"    


Seeing that Ye Xiu was also prepared, Chen Aoxuan said that and immediately jumped off the cliff.    


And as Chen Aoxuan jumped down, Ye Xiu instantly felt a strong pull acting on his body. If it wasn't for the Profound Power's support, this pull would have definitely pulled him off the cliff.    


"The chance has come!"    


When Chen Aoxuan jumped off the cliff, Ye Ming, who was following him, smiled, and in the next second, his gaze landed on Ye Kuang.    


As long as he could get rid of Ye Kuang, the remaining Ye Xiu would be at his mercy. At that time, he would definitely be able to get her to hand over the treasures on her.    


Once he obtained the treasure, Ye Ming would only need to push the person down the cliff. If that was the case, even if Ye Zhantian searched around, he would definitely not be able to find the body.    




Thinking about this, Ye Ming did not hesitate. He immediately turned into a shadow and rushed out from the darkness.    




After Ye Ming unleashed his powerful Profound Power, the vigilant Ye Kuang naturally reacted.    


However, Ye Ming had deliberately launched a sneak attack, and his speed was extremely fast, so even if Ye Kuang managed to react, it was already too late.    


"Go to hell!"    


A stern voice came out, only to see Ye Ming bringing a powerful Profound Power and punching the unprepared Ye Kuang.    




When the astonishing sound of impact rang out, Ye Kuang's entire person was directly sent flying.    


One had to know that not far behind Ye Kuang was a cliff, so if he flew very far away, he would probably fall straight down the bottomless cliff.    


As a result, even though his body was severely injured, Ye Kuang gritted his teeth and endured it. He stopped in midair right at the edge of the cliff due to an urgent transfer.    




When some of the shattered rocks tumbled down the edge of the cliff, Ye Kuang looked at the edge of the cliff, which was less than two or three meters away from him, with an ashen face.    


"Third Elder, what are you doing!"    


When Ye Kuang turned around and saw a familiar face, his expression immediately became grave.    


Previously, because it was too sudden, Ye Kuang did not see the attacker's appearance clearly, but although he did not see it clearly, the aura had already made Ye Kuang guess who the attacker was.    


Therefore, when Ye Kuang looked at Ye Ming, who was standing not too far away from him, his face revealed a grave expression, not astonishment or surprise.    


"What is it? Can't you see what I want to do? " Ye Ming said with a sinister expression.    


"Ye Kuang, what are you wasting time with him for? Hurry up and make your move." When Ye Xiu saw Ye Ming who suddenly appeared, he knew what the uneasiness in his heart was.    


If Ye Kuang was not injured, he would be able to resist against Ye Ming for a while by relying on Luo Ye Kuang's Slash. But the former was already heavily injured, and adding the difference in cultivation, besides using the Profound Array, there was no other way to remove the danger.    


Of course, with Ye Kuang's cultivation, a Level 2 Flame Boundary would never be able to kill him. This was something that the White Crane had used on her before, and it had only left her battered and exhausted in the end.    


However, with the current situation, being able to delay for a bit was naturally for the best. As long as Chen Aoxuan came back safely, then Ye Xiu would have no choice but to make his move.    


Although Ye Xiu did not believe that he could fight with Ye Ming when he opened the door, he still had a little confidence in being able to cooperate with the Profound Array and array formation.    


Therefore, the most important thing for Ye Kuang to do now was to use a Level 2 Flame Formation to trap Ye Ming.    


"Hiss hiss!"    


"Evil creature, scram!"    


But when Ye Xiu was waiting for Chen Aoxuan to gather the ingredients, a voice suddenly came out from beneath the cliff.    


"Chen Aoxuan, what's wrong?"    


When he heard the voice and felt the rope that was tied to his body constantly shaking, his brows fiercely creased.    


As the saying goes, disaster does not work alone. Now, trouble had indeed appeared again.    


"Ye Xiu, there is a Scarlet Refined Snake guarding this Scarlet Refined Spirit Grass, I was almost bitten, but don't worry, I can take care of it." Chen Aoxuan's voice came from below the cliff.    


"Hurry up, I'm in trouble too. Ye Kuang is injured, how about this, I'll drag you onto the shore first, we can't rush to harvest the Scarlet Refining Spirit Grass later." Ye Xiu said.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu was preparing to pull the rope, but before a few tugs, the rope could not be pulled anymore.    


"Damn it!"    


When Ye Xiu saw that the rope was stuck in a crevice, his expression became even more unsightly, because if he continued to pull at it, it would be easy to cut the rope because of the edge near the crevice.    


But if he did not, Ye Xiu would not be able to do anything to Ye Ming.    


"Ye Xiu, hurry up and use your formation to protect yourself. I'll handle him." The injured Ye Kuang growled, after that he took a deep breath, and then slowly pulled out the blade at his waist.    


At the same time, a Profound Array Jade Chip appeared in his other hand.    


Ye Ming looked at Ye Kuang's actions, and his eyes revealed a look of disdain: "Ye Kuang, this is a grudge between Ye Xiu and I, if you don't mind, and if nothing else happens today, I can consider sparing your life, because if you do, then today will be the day of your death next year."    


"Hmph, cut the crap. My job is to protect Ye Xiu, if you want to touch him, then step on my corpse. Also, Ye Xiu is the hope of the Ye Family rising to prominence. Ye Kuang said angrily.    


"What a joke, I killed all of you, so how would the Patriarch know that I killed Ye Xiu? Ye Kuang, since you insist on seeking death, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Ye Ming coldly snorted. Following that, he grabbed with his right hand, and a Profound Artifact Sword appeared in his hand.    


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