Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"What are you telling him? It's not like he's someone on my side. I'm a disciple of Five Elements' Sect, so I only need to report to the sect master. You went back on your word? " Song Qianqian frowned slightly.    


If Xu Zifeng regretted it, then Song Qianqian would definitely not force her. After all, she had the Sixth Level Profound Beast and even without Xu Zifeng, she could still go out to train by herself.    


"No, how could I renege on my promise? Since I've agreed to go on a experiential learning with you, then I won't regret it, but I have to inform my Master, after all, I don't know when I'll be returning from this experiential learning, so at least tell him." Xu Zifeng said.    


As a disciple, it was perfectly justified for him to report to his Master that he was leaving for training.    


Therefore, even Song Qianqian had no reason to refute this point.    


"Alright, then go and quickly come back. If you do not appear at the entrance of the sect within ten minutes, then I will not wait for you. At that time, I will leave alone." Song Qianqian reminded.    


"I know!"    


Xu Zifeng nodded, and immediately went to look for Long Yazi.    


At the same time, Ling Zhen hesitated for a moment before taking the initiative to look for Ye Xiu, because if Song Qianqian did not look for him, then it would not be a small matter.    


After all, Song Qianqian had gone out to train before, and something had almost happened, so he had to take this matter seriously.    


"Master, Ling Zhen is here!"    


Just as Ye Xiu was researching inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, Ye Long's voice suddenly came out.    


"The grand master is here?"    


Hearing that it was Ling Zhen, Ye Xiu came out from the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda and waited quietly in his room.    


"Ye Xiu, are you resting?"    


A few minutes later, Ling Zhen's voice sounded outside of Ye Xiu's house.    


"It's not over yet. Sect Leader, do you need anything?" Ye Xiu asked.    


As they spoke, Ye Xiu quickly arrived at the room's door and opened it.    


"Oh, it's like this. Did Song Qianqian tell you that she's going out to gain experience?" Ling Zhen directly asked.    


"Song Qianqian is going out to gain experience? When did this happen? " Ye Xiu was slightly stunned for a moment before asking.    


Seeing Ye Xiu's reaction, Ling Zhen did not even need to ask to know that Song Qianqian did not even mention this to him.    


Luckily he was careful, or else, if something really happened to Song Qianqian, Ling Zhen would not be able to explain himself to him. After all, he was the one who let him out, and if something happened to Song Qianqian, he would be held responsible.    


"It was just a few minutes ago. She told me she would tell you, but I still couldn't let her go, so I came over to ask. I was worried for a reason, but she didn't tell you about the experiential learning." Ling Zhen said.    


"I got it, thank you Sect Leader!"    


Ye Xiu thanked Ling Zhen, and without saying anything, he left his room.    


"Master, Song Qianqian is right at the entrance of the sect right now. She seems to be waiting for someone." When Ye Xiu was prepared to search outside the sect, Ye Long's voice sounded once again.    


"Waiting for someone?"    


Ye Xiu muttered to himself, and then increased his speed and flew towards the sect gate.    


"Master, Ye Xiu is here!"    


When Ye Xiu was about to reach the sect gate, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear warned him softly.    


"How did he know?"    


Hearing this, Song Qianqian was surprised, but since he was discovered, then even if he left now, he would still not be able to.    


As a result, Song Qianqian appeared in front of him like this and quickly arrived in front of her.    


"Song Qianqian, what are you doing? Why didn't you inform me that you were going out to train?" Ye Xiu looked at Song Qianqian who was not looking at him, and asked.    


"Going out to gain experience is my problem. Furthermore, I have already reported it to the sect master, and the sect master has also agreed to let me go out to gain experience. Thus, I probably did not destroy the Sect Rule." Song Qianqian said calmly.    


Seeing that Song Qianqian was treating him coldly, Ye Xiu frowned. It was clear that he did not know how he offended this little ancestor.    


"Song Qianqian, even if you have Ground Fissure Profound Bear protecting you, it's still quite dangerous to go out to train alone. How about this, in a few days, I will call Big Brother Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan along, how about we go out to train together?" Ye Xiu said.    


Today was a grand day when the Five Elements' Sect was reputed to be great, so even if they had to go out to gain experience, it definitely wasn't today or right now.    


Even if Ye Xiu did not interfere, he was still an elder of the Five Elements' Sect after all. He had to be on standby in the sect at this time, so if anything happened, he would be able to help in time.    


Therefore, it wouldn't be too late to go out and gain experience.    


Regarding training, Ye Xiu did not object. After all, from the moment they had joined the Five Elements' Sect until now, it had been a while since they had went out to train, so it was time for them to go out and relax, as this would help in raising their cultivation.    


Especially since Song Qianqian and the others had used Profound Pill s to raise their cultivation before, if they could train more, it would be of great benefit to them.    


"Ye Xiu, I plan to go out to train with Xu Zifeng, and as for what Big Brother Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan said, please help me apologize to them, I had previously promised that I would go out to train with them, but now that the situation has changed, I can only default." Song Qianqian said.    


To Song Qianqian, going out to train now was secondary. The most important thing was to relax and dispel the sliver of hope he had for someone.    


Otherwise, Song Qianqian didn't know how he would've faced the man in front of him right now. He didn't know what kind of attitude he should have.    


"Song Qianqian, I..."    


After hearing Song Qianqian's words, Ye Xiu really wanted to say something, but at this moment, Xu Zifeng's voice interrupted him.    


"Ye Xiu, why are you here?"    


In regards to Ye Xiu's appearance, Xu Zifeng's eyes revealed a little astonishment. Originally, he had been full of joy when he received Long Yazi's approval, but the moment he saw that Ye Xiu was actually together with Song Qianqian, the smile on his face immediately froze.    


"Xu Zifeng, your Master has agreed to let you go out to train?" Seeing Xu Zifeng coming over, Ye Xiu asked.    


"Yes, I just went to report it to Master. Master agreed, and also said that I must protect Qianqian well and not let anything happen to her." Xu Zifeng replied.    


"Xu Zifeng, since your Master has already agreed, let's hurry up and set off. Song Qianqian said at this time.    


After he finished speaking, Song Qianqian didn't speak any further with Ye Xiu and directly turned around, preparing to leave.    


When Song Qianqian left, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear naturally followed immediately, and upon seeing Xu Zifeng, he smiled, then prepared to give chase.    


"Xu Zifeng, what's wrong with her? Why is she looking at me so strangely?" Seeing that Xu Zifeng was about to leave, Ye Xiu hurriedly stopped him and asked.    


Although Song Qianqian was the most straightforward person to ask, even if Ye Xiu asked, the other party wouldn't necessarily be able to answer his question, so asking Xu Zifeng would be the same.    


Don't worry, I'm here, so I'll definitely protect her well. You can rest assured that you can rest assured that I will protect her well. Xu Zifeng said to Ye Xiu, and then he rushed out of the Five Elements' Sect and chased after Song Qianqian.    


Ye Xiu looked at the two people and one beast slowly disappearing into the distance. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that Song Qianqian's sudden excursion out there was related to him.    


"Master, you should know why, but you still have a sliver of luck in your heart. Hopefully, the truth is different from what you imagined, right?" When Ye Xiu saw the two men and one beast walking off into the distance, Ye Long's voice rang out.    


Regarding Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu did not say much, but from his expression, one could tell that everything was the same as Ye Long's.    


He did not think too much about it. After the two humans and one beast had completely disappeared, Ye Xiu no longer stood at the sect's entrance.    


Song Qianqian wanted to go out and train. This was her own business, Ye Xiu had no right to interfere.    


As the proverb goes, the banquet where there is no end to the world, was perhaps Song Qianqian's departure was just the beginning.    


"Ye Xiu, what's wrong with you?"    


Just as Ye Xiu was about to return to his room to continue studying the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, a voice sounded.    


"I'm fine, it's just that Song Qianqian just left her Five Elements' Sect. She said that she's going out to train for a while." Seeing Qin Rouer walking out of the room, Ye Xiu answered honestly.    


"Song Qianqian went to train?"    


But right at that moment, a surprised exclamation came from the other side, it was clear that Song Qianqian's sudden departure surprised him.    


"Ye Xiu, when did she leave? I saw her before, why did she suddenly leave?" Chen Aoxuan immediately ran in front of Ye Xiu and inquired.    


Seeing such an anxious Chen Aoxuan, Ye Xiu really didn't want to speak of the truth, in case he gave the other party a heavy blow.    


But since Chen Aoxuan was in the Five Elements' Sect, there was no way to hide it.    


Therefore, the sooner he told Chen Aoxuan about it, the more he would have to prepare himself mentally.    


"Not long ago, Song Qianqian and Xu Zifeng left the Five Elements' Sect together." Ye Xiu said truthfully.    




Sure enough, after Ye Xiu finished speaking, Chen Aoxuan's entire person looked as if he had been shocked by lightning, as shock filled his entire face.    


Song Qianqian left with Xu Zifeng, this was something he never thought would happen.    


"No, I can't admit defeat. I have to chase after them." Chen Aoxuan clenched his fists and shouted.    


"Chen Aoxuan, since Song Qianqian didn't call you over, then it's clear that she had made her choice. So, why do you have to painstakingly chase after her?" Seeing that Chen Aoxuan was about to move, Lin Tian immediately stopped him.    


"But I ?"    


Although Chen Aoxuan was clear of this point, he did not want to easily admit defeat. He did not want to lose without even competing, this was a huge blow to him.    


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