Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Previously, the person Song Qianqian liked was Ye Xiu, while Chen Aoxuan thought himself to be inferior to Ye Xiu, so he could only hide this feeling.    


But just when he thought that he finally had hope of winning against Song Qianqian, he was suddenly cut off by Xu Zifeng.    


Indeed, Xu Zifeng was also more outstanding than Chen Aoxuan, he did not deny this fact. But how long had Song Qianqian and the other party only known each other?    


However, Lin Tian's words were not unreasonable, since Song Qianqian had chosen to go with Xu Zifeng to train, and did not even notify him, the result was already out.    


Thus, even if he did catch up, the one who would be embarrassed at that time would still be himself.    




After taking in a deep breath, it was obvious that Chen Aoxuan's eyes had reddened a little, but he did not cry.    


As the saying goes, a man doesn't shed tears easily. How could Chen Aoxuan shed tears in front of everyone?    


"Lin Tian, do you remember what we said before we became famous? We said that we would go out to train, and after all, our cultivation had reached a bottleneck, if we continued to cultivate in the sect, the effects would not be great." Chen Aoxuan asked.    


"I know, Chen Aoxuan, when do you plan on going to train, I will go with you." Lin Tian replied.    


"Then let's go tomorrow morning. We'll set off tomorrow morning." Chen Aoxuan said fiercely.    


Originally, Chen Aoxuan was somewhat looking forward to this event. After all, they had agreed to meet Song Qianqian back then, but now such an unexpected change had occurred, so no one could have predicted it would happen.    


As the saying goes, the world is unpredictable. No one can say what will happen in the future because there are too many variables that do not happen.    


"Alright, tomorrow will be tomorrow!" Lin Tian nodded.    


Since their Five Elements' Sect had already been successfully completed, and their cultivation had indeed encountered a bottleneck, continuing to stay in the sect would only be a waste of time.    


Taking advantage of the fact that a bottleneck had just formed, breaking through it was the easiest task. The longer it dragged on, the more stable the bottleneck was, and the harder it was to break through.    


"Ye Xiu, Chen Aoxuan and I will be going out for training tomorrow. You have no objections on this matter, right?" Lin Tian asked Ye Xiu.    


"Of course not, going out to train is a normal cultivation route. Moreover, all of you used Profound Pill to cultivate previously, it's about time you go out to train." Ye Xiu nodded in agreement.    


If it was just Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan, then Ye Xiu would be slightly worried, but they had a Fifth Level Profound Beast protecting them, which meant that their safety rate was much higher.    


Moreover, training itself was a path filled with danger. If everything went smoothly, then one would not be able to obtain training, and in the end, one would not be able to become a true expert.    


Therefore, even if Ye Xiu was extremely worried about the safety of the two of them, he had to let go of them now, otherwise, it would bring harm to them.    


"Qin Rouer, do you want to go with us?" After agreeing to Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan going out, Ye Xiu asked Qin Rouer who was silent at the other side.    


"Ye Xiu, I want to stay with you. Besides, there doesn't seem to be any meaning in training my body, right?" Qin Rouer replied.    


"That's true. Then come with me." Ye Xiu nodded.    


Qin Rouer's physique was special, so she did not need to go out to train. No matter what danger she met, whether it was Profound Beast or bad people, the ones who were unlucky in the end would definitely be others.    


Moreover, if Qin Rouer went out to train, the moment he killed more people or Profound Beast, the secret of his physique would be exposed.    


Thus, letting Qin Rouer stay by his side was a good idea.    


Of course, Ye Xiu did not plan to stay in the Five Elements' Sect for long. After all, he did not need to deal with the internal affairs of the Five Elements' Sect, so he would probably go out to train.    


After all, only true experience could train a person, and only then could one's cultivation rise to a whole new level.    


Just like this, after the four of them finished discussing, they each returned to their own rooms. As for Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan, they naturally allowed themselves to rest, because tomorrow, once they go out to train, they would have to rely on themselves to walk the rest of the way.    


A large portion of the reason why they were able to come this far was because of Ye Xiu. If not for Ye Xiu, they might have died a long time ago.    


Ye Xiu was no longer by their side, so if they met with danger, they could only rely on themselves to resolve the problem. There was no way to rely on Ye Xiu anymore.    


"Master, are you really that confident?"    


When Ye Xiu re-entered the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, Ye Long saw that he was still a little worried, so he asked again.    


And after hearing Ye Long's question, Ye Xiu became silent. Indeed, he was still worried.    


No matter what, Chen Aoxuan and Lin Tian had come out of the Bluestone Town together with him, and were his two oldest friends who came to this world.    


Now that his two good friends were stepping into the unknown, Ye Xiu would definitely be lying if he said that he wasn't worried.    


But at the same time, Ye Xiu knew that he would not be able to protect the two of them for the rest of their lives and that the two of them would have to face danger and everything that would happen in the future on their own.    


So, releasing them as soon as possible was also for the good of Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan. They had to get used to the cruel environment outside earlier.    


"Master, if you are truly worried, why don't you give some of your blood to the two of them. With the power of the Berserk Blood, even if it is a fatal injury, it would be worth it to have your blood as a gift." Ye Long suggested.    


As a Blood Link Profound Beast, its duty was to protect its master and split the worries between the two. But Ye Xiu was currently troubled, so it naturally gave its own thoughts and suggestions.    


Of course, this was only Ye Long's opinion and thoughts. As for whether Ye Xiu would accept it or not, Ye Long did not care.    


"Ye Long, thank you for reminding me."    


Hearing Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu nodded his head, perhaps this was the only thing he could help the two of them.    


Thinking about it here, Ye Xiu immediately found two little Jade Bottle, and then he cut himself open as he stored the blood in his body into the two little Jade Bottle.    


The Berserk Blood in Ye Xiu's body had extremely strong recovery abilities. As for whether it had any other effects, Ye Xiu was not sure.    


No matter what, these two bottles of Berserk Blood were a gift from Ye Xiu to Lin Tian and Yue Yang. It could even be said that they were life-saving talismans.    


If even this thing was unable to pull them back from the brink of life and death, it meant that they were destined to do so. Ye Xiu had nothing to blame himself for.    


"Brother Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, come out. I have something to give you."    


When Ye Xiu filled up the two little Jade Bottle s with his own Berserk Blood, he left the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda s without hesitation and left his room to go to Lin Tian and Yue Yang's room.    


"Ye Xiu, actually, you don't have to worry about us. You've already helped us more than enough, so we don't want to take anything from you." Lin Tian said sincerely as he opened the door.    


Of course, with Lin Tian's understanding of Ye Xiu, the things that the other party gave him were definitely good things. They would definitely be able to help him out in the wild when he was in danger.    


But this time, they truly wanted to rely on themselves, because they believed that they were not bad either.    


After all, whether it was Lin Tian or Chen Aoxuan, both of them were well-known figures in the young generation when they were in Bluestone Town, geniuses amongst geniuses.    


So, even now, with the appearance of Xu Zifeng and the rest, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan still thought that they were not worse than them, it was just that they were born a little behind them.    


"Ye Xiu, Lin Tian is right, you have helped us enough, so we cannot take your things." After Lin Tian finished speaking, Chen Aoxuan followed up.    


Big Brother Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, if you don't accept this thing of mine, then I will not let you guys leave the Five Elements' Sect. This thing is specially prepared for you guys, to be able to help you guys when you are on the verge of death, of course, you only have one chance. Ye Xiu said.    


Hearing that Ye Xiu said that if they did not accept the things, they would not let them go train, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan could only nod their heads. At the same time, they muttered in their hearts, This is the last time they will accept Ye Xiu's help.    


If there was still a future, they hoped that they would be able to help Ye Xiu and not Ye Xiu.    


"Here, one each!"    


Seeing that the two of them had finally agreed, Ye Xiu took out the two little Jade Bottle he had prepared.    


"Hold on!"    


Just when Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan was about to open it and take a look, Ye Xiu hurriedly stopped them.    


"What's wrong? Can't you look at it? "    


After they were stopped, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan asked at the same time.    


Since Ye Xiu gave them the thing, why couldn't he open it and have a look?    


"Big Brother Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, the thing that I am giving you can only be opened when you meet a near death situation, which means that if you are seriously injured, or when you are on the verge of death, you can only take it. You absolutely cannot open it other times, because it can only be used once." Ye Xiu reminded.    


Of course, after hearing what Ye Xiu said, whether it was Lin Tian or the others, both of them were even more curious about the little Jade Bottle in their hands.    


"Ye Xiu, can you reveal what's inside this little Jade Bottle? After hearing you say that, my heart itched, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist peeping." Chen Aoxuan asked.    


"Chen Aoxuan, if you were to secretly open it, then you don't see me as your friend. Because I don't want you to use it, I will never use it." Ye Xiu said fiercely.    


Ye Xiu's attitude was extremely resolute, so no matter how curious they were, they would not dare to open the little Jade Bottle in their hands.    


After all, Ye Xiu was using the word friend to threaten them, so they naturally had to take him seriously.    


"Ye Xiu, I promise you, unless I'm about to die, I will never open this Jade Bottle." Lin Tian promised.    


After Lin Tian gave his assurance, Chen Aoxuan naturally gave his guarantee with a resolute face.    


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