Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Poison Dragon!"    


Hearing the name, Qin Rouer's eyes revealed a look of shock, she said why is this power so terrifying, so it's the legendary dragon.    


"Ye Xiu, then why aren't you killing me? This is a dragon, and a dragon is the strongest Profound Beast on the continent, it has taken over my body, I have no way of resisting it, you better hurry up and kill me, so that it won't use my body as an excuse ?" Qin Rouer said anxiously.    


But before she could finish speaking, she suddenly stopped, and then Ye Xiu saw that her eyes had turned blank once again, and when her expression recovered, her eyes became extremely strange.    


"Human, you should have seen it already. I did not kill your friend, so if you continue to attack me, your friend will die by your hands. You have to think carefully." Qin Rouer said.    


Of course, the Qin Rouer now was no longer her, but the Poison Dragon that was occupying her body.    


"Are you the Poison Dragon? As a Profound Beast, why do you want to take over the human race? Could it be that you want to become a human? " Ye Xiu asked.    


Although Qin Rouer, who was occupied by the poison dragon, was not a match for Ye Xiu, he was still hiding inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


Because this place was after all, Toxic Dragon Cave, and the opponent might have other methods, so he could not be careless. Otherwise, if something really happened here, then it would be too late to regret.    


"Hmph, if one doesn't want to become a human, who would want to become an ant if they didn't have nowhere else to go." Qin Rouer, the poisonous dragon said angrily.    


"An ant?"    


Hearing this adjective, Ye Xiu's eyes became serious. It was clear that he did not like this guy describing humans in such a manner.    


"Master, dragons are high and mighty existences, but in their eyes, whether it is humans or other Profound Beast, they are all lowly ants." Ye Long replied.    


"Lowly, ant!"    


Ye Xiu muttered, and in the next second, his eyes became red, he waved his right hand, and the originally motionless golden brick started smashing again.    


"Human, Ye Xiu, what are you doing? Don't tell me you don't care if your friend is dead or alive, or if you just wanted to kill her." The poisonous dragon said angrily.    


Although the poisonous dragon tried its best to control its body to dodge, the speed of the golden bricks was too fast. In addition, it was still unable to adapt to the human's body, so its movement speed was naturally not very fast.    


And it was also because of this that while Ye Xiu was enduring his pain, he continued to smash Qin Rouer's body with the golden bricks.    


"As a friend, since I can't save her in the midst of fire and water, I definitely can't just watch her suffer in the water. As such, rather than being cruelly killed by you, I might as well send her off right now!" Ye Xiu said fiercely.    


As he spoke, Ye Xiu controlled the speed of his Golden Brick attack to become faster and faster, and Qin Rouer's body which was hit by the Golden Brick naturally suffered more and more serious injuries.    


Fresh blood unceasingly flowed out from Qin Rouer's mouth.    


When the Poison Dragon saw Ye Xiu in such a state, it naturally did not expect that the human race would be so heartless, as they completely disregarded the lives of their friends.    


However, it had never thought that the reason why Ye Xiu was so ruthless, was because he was considering Qin Rouer; because once he thought that Qin Rouer's soul could be devoured by the poisonous dragon, he might as well make his move now.    


On one side, he would be tortured to death, and on the other side, he would die happily. Therefore, as a friend, the only thing Ye Xiu could do was to lessen Qin Rouer's pain.    


As long as there was a glimmer of hope, Ye Xiu would not make the same decision, so he attacked Qin Rouer while crying.    


"Human, I'll count it as you being ruthless. How about we make a deal? I can guarantee your friend's safety, but you have to promise not to attack me again." When Ye Xiu was prepared to give Qin Rouer a fatal blow, the poisonous dragon quickly spoke out of compromise.    


"Trade? "Unless you release my friend, there's nothing between us to say." Ye Xiu said fiercely.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the golden bricks, which were emitting a shocking light, began to emit a buzzing sound.    


When this light trembling sound was heard, the Poison Dragon clearly felt a strong sense of death, something it had felt a long time ago.    


Therefore, it had no doubt that Ye Xiu really wanted to personally kill its friend.    




With a curse in his heart, Du Long unwillingly left Qin Rouer's body.    


"Master, the aura on Qin Rouer's body has changed."    


Just as Ye Xiu was about to give his all, Ye Long's voice came out.    


Hearing that, Ye Xiu immediately stopped. If the poisonous dragon really gave up on Qin Rouer's body, then it meant that the latter was out of danger. In that case, Ye Xiu naturally would not dare to attack again.    


"Qin Rouer, Qin Rouer!"    


Ye Xiu's voice continuously resounded within this space.    




"En!" Qin Rouer who was originally standing there with empty eyes suddenly let out a light En sound, after that, the look returned, it was Ye Xiu's familiar gaze.    


"Ye Xiu, thank you!"    


Following the recovery of his eyes, Qin Rouer looked gratefully at the golden brick floating in front of him.    


Of course, Qin Rouer was naturally not clear about Ye Xiu's whereabouts. After all, the former did not mention anything about the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


Compared to the others, Qin Rouer only knew a little more about Ye Long's whereabouts, and as for the other matters regarding Ye Xiu, he was also not very clear about them.    


However, in Qin Rouer's eyes, Ye Xiu was an extremely mysterious existence, so no matter where he was secretly protecting her, she was very happy.    


knew very well that if Ye Xiu had not arrived in time, she might really have died.    


"Qin Rouer, what's going on? Weren't you outside the cave? How did this fellow suddenly give us Grong Vjug? " Seeing Ye Xiu had finally taken back his body, Ye Xiu hurriedly asked.    


The Grong Vjug, this was something that could only be done at a close distance, so when Qin Rouer had left the Toxic Dragon Cave with him, logically speaking, he should not have been affected by the Grong Vjug.    


Therefore, this was also something that Ye Xiu couldn't understand. Why did Qin Rouer want to enter by himself?    


"Ye Xiu, I'm sorry, but I don't know what happened either. At that time, when you were walking towards the Sirius Dog, I wanted to follow you, but suddenly I heard a strange voice coming from the cave. After that, I was confused and did not know what I was doing."    


"After I woke up, I was already here. After that, my body was occupied by a powerful guy." Qin Rouer explained.    


Listening to Qin Rouer's words, Ye Xiu knew that this matter could not be blamed on her, and according to her narration, the other party would have been controlled from the very beginning.    


"Qin Rouer, don't resist, I'll bring you to my side. Remember, do not resist." Ye Xiu said.    


Since the poisonous dragon didn't take over Qin Rouer again, Ye Xiu naturally wanted to keep it in the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda.    


Although this way, the matter of the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda would be known by Qin Rouer, but at a time like this, Ye Xiu could not care so much.    


If the things that Ling Zhen and his group were worried about before had turned into reality this time around, then Ye Xiu would not care.    


Because it was impossible for him to disregard Qin Rouer's safety just because of something that he did not know when it had happened.    


And it was also because of this that after Qin Rouer relaxed, Ye Xiu did not hesitate to accept her into the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda s. Of course, at the same time, there were also the gold bricks.    


Although there was a large lump of meat in the pond outside, Ye Xiu was still concerned about Qin Rouer's injuries the most. After all, Ye Xiu's attacks were not clear, if not he would not have scared off the poisonous dragon that was occupying his body.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When Qin Rouer felt her own body becoming lighter, in the next second, she found herself in a strange place. In front of her, Ye Xiu was looking at her happily.    


"Ye Xiu, what's wrong?"    


Qin Rouer looked at Ye Xiu with some difficulty, and when she noticed the wet eyes of the latter, she immediately asked.    


"Nothing, nothing!"    


Ye Xiu realized that he did not even have the time to wipe the tears off his face. As he spoke, he turned around and wiped the tears off his face.    


However, tears were easy to wipe away, but the slight redness in his eyes couldn't be removed in a short period of time.    


So, even if Ye Xiu tried his best to hide something, in the end, Qin Rouer still found out.    


"Ye Xiu, you're crying. Are you crying because of me?" Qin Rouer asked.    


Of course, even if it was just a question, without a reply, Qin Rouer's heart was moved.    


If it wasn't for the relationship between their bodies, Qin Rouer would have definitely given Ye Xiu a big hug. As for the other person in their heart, Qin Rouer didn't care at the moment.    


This was because on this continent, as long as one had the ability, it was common to have three wives and four concubines, especially within large clans.    


Of course, if the woman held a high position, then her man would have to marry her as his wife and would absolutely not have to have three wives or four concubines.    


It was precisely because of this, that if Qin Rouer wasn't a Heaven Disaster Venomous Body, she wouldn't mind becoming Ye Xiu's concubine. Even if she didn't have any status, as long as she could silently stay by his side, she would be satisfied.    


"No, how could I cry? What's more, I definitely won't let you die, right?" Ye Xiu said with a smile.    


Although Ye Xiu denied it with all his might, Qin Rouer had already remembered it in her heart. At the same time, she was still elated when Ye Xiu cried for her.    


What did this mean? This meant that he had a position in the other party's heart, and even if he could not get the position of lover, he could at least be considered an important friend. Qin Rouer was already very satisfied with this.    


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