Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Sister Leng Yue, since this city is right in front of us, I think we should go in and take a look. What if the city is safe, and there's danger outside the city? Qin Rouer guessed.    


Of course, Qin Rouer had heard his guess from the Poison Dragon. Although the Poison Dragon's cultivation wasn't very high, from the Profound Beast's intuition, this city shouldn't be a dangerous place. At least, it wasn't currently, but the place they were staying at made the Poison Dragon feel uneasy.    


Regarding Qin Rouer's words, both Leng Yue and Ouyang Qianxue were a little hesitant, but in the end, they still chose to believe him.    


The reason was simple. Since this city had suddenly appeared, then there must be a reason for it to appear.    


Therefore, after thinking about it, and adding Qin Rouer's words, Leng Yue and Ouyang Qianxue naturally agreed to enter the city.    


Just like that, since they had already decided to do so, the three girls headed towards the Life And Death City at the same time.    


Although Ye Xiu had already entered the city, men and women entered through different doors. Thus, on Qin Rouer's side, the three girls were among the first to try to enter the city.    


Only after the three of them had entered did the other girls have the courage to approach the city.    


Of course, as for entering, the girls were still a little afraid, so they all watched Qin Rouer and the other two women enter the city.    


"I don't know if Ye Xiu came in, but since he came to this Flower Sea Purgatory with us, then he must be somewhere nearby." Leng Yue guessed.    


"I'm not sure, but according to that person's explanation, before the Flower Sea Trial began, both men and women were separated. Only when the trial begins will the man and woman meet again, so from the looks of it now, this city should be where they meet." Leng Yue said softly.    


As the three women talked as they walked into the city, their eyes constantly swept the surroundings of the city.    


"This city is pretty good. Even the streets aren't small, but there's no one here." Ouyang Qianxue muttered as he looked around.    


The city was empty at first glance, so it was normal for people to be unpopular.    


"Let's take a look around first. This city definitely has its purpose." Leng Yue reminded.    




After Qin Rouer and Ouyang Qianxue heard this, both of them nodded their heads to express their understanding.    


If the following city was the main focus, then whoever was familiar with this city would naturally have a certain advantage.    


"Welcome to Life And Death City."    


However, just as the three women were walking on the street, an expressionless voice suddenly rang out in their ears.    




When the three girls heard this sound, they all stopped at the same time.    


"Life And Death City?"    


The three women looked at each other, then said two words at the same time.    


"You all heard that voice just now?" Leng Yue asked.    


"Mn, what do you mean this city is called Life And Death City, and you welcome us to enter." Qin Rouer replied.    


"Life And Death City, wouldn't that mean that the people who come in here are dead or alive?" Ouyang Qianxue said with a face full of worry.    


"Why don't we leave?" Ouyang Qianxue was stunned for a while before she suggested again.    




Hearing this suggestion, Leng Yue and Qin Rouer muttered to themselves, they had already entered. If they were to leave just like that, wouldn't their lives be in danger?    


Although the door was still open, what would happen if he went out and died?    


"There are lives and deaths within the city. Does that mean those who don't enter the city will die without a doubt?" Qin Rouer suddenly thought of something, and said.    


"Definitely die outside the city?" Leng Yue and Ouyang Qianxue were slightly shocked in their hearts.    


Although that was the guess of the three women, they received such a prompt the moment they entered. If the city gate was opened, wouldn't they be able to leave at any time?    


Thus, there had to be some sort of situation. Even the three women knew that since they had entered, they couldn't easily leave.    


"Let's take a look around. Maybe I can gain a better understanding of this Life And Death City." Leng Yue suggested.    


Since they couldn't leave, the three women would naturally take it one step at a time.    


Of course, it would be best if they met again with Ye Xiu.    


Just like this, under Leng Yue's suggestion, the three girls started to walk around the city.    


"Ye Long, can you extend your perception a little? "Tell me more or less the situation around us." Ye Xiu ordered the Ye Long in his mind as he walked on the empty street.    


"Master, this is not a problem. However, my perception is still restricted when compared to when I am outside. My perception is unable to cover the entire city." Ye Long replied.    


"That's nothing. I just need to walk around the city." Ye Xiu said.    


Even if Ye Long's perception was restricted, as long as Ye Xiu walked around, he would be able to investigate the entire city thoroughly.    


"Master, we found something!"    


But after Ye Xiu walked around the city for a while, Ye Long's voice sounded.    


"What discovery?"    


Hearing that he had discovered something, Ye Xiu naturally inquired.    


"Master, I found Leng Yue and the others, but I feel that there's something strange!" Ye Long replied.    




Regarding Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu naturally had a face full of doubt. Since he had discovered the three women, why did he feel that it was strange?    


"Don't say anything, tell me where they are first!" Ye Xiu asked.    


"Master, they are walking towards here from a place not far in front of you, but ?" Ye Long replied.    


But before Ye Long could reply, Ye Xiu had already started sprinting forward.    


This was after all, a dangerous place, and the other city was also a Life And Death City. If they met earlier, then Ye Xiu would feel more at ease.    


"Master, we're here!"    


After running for around 10 minutes, Ye Long's voice came out.    




Hearing Ye Long say that he had met the three women, Ye Xiu immediately looked around.    


However, no matter how Ye Xiu searched, there wasn't a single person around him. This made him feel extremely puzzled.    


"Master, stop looking for them, they're at your feet!" Ye Long replied.    




Hearing this, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed shock. The three girls were actually beneath his feet, how was this possible?    


"Ye Long, can you contact the Poison Dragon?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"Master, I'll try to contact him with my perception." Ye Long replied.    


The Poison Dragon's perception was not as strong as Ye Long's, so it was possible that the other party did not discover Ye Xiu's existence at this time. However, if Ye Long contacted him on his own accord, the situation would be different.    


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