Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Exterminate the Earth, I don't know where I'm going next. Can I follow you?" Fang Ling pleaded pitifully.    


Since Fang Ling's injuries had already recovered, the exterminating area naturally urged for her to quickly separate from them.    


But for Fang Ling, she had set her eyes on Qin Rouer's Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion, so she naturally had to find an opportunity to snatch it away.    


In order to snatch the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion, the first thing he had to do was to get close to Qin Rouer, so naturally, Fang Ling begged to be annihilated at this time.    


"Why are you following me? I'm used to being alone all the time. You should hurry up and leave!" He waved his hand.    


Obviously, Exterminate the Earth didn't want this woman to follow him because in his opinion, with others following her, things would become extremely troublesome.    




But when Fang Ling heard this word, her eyes revealed a look of doubt, because the current him wasn't acting alone, but he still had Ye Xiu and a few others with him.    


Therefore, Fang Ling naturally did not agree to annihilating the land.    


Moreover, Fang Ling had a goal, so how could he bear to leave right now?    


"Exterminate the Earth, you're not young anymore. Since someone is willing to follow you, then you can agree." Ouyang Qianxue tried to persuade her.    


"Yaoji, you are right. Her cultivation is so low, if you follow me, how will I be able to complete more missions in the future? Isn't that too much of a burden?" The exterminator replied.    


If he really did return to normal and things were not going out of control, then he would naturally return to his normal life.    


As far as exterminating a land, unless their strengths were equal, he wouldn't bring a burden to complete a quest, because doing so would only bring him more trouble.    


"Extinguish the land. Just let me follow you. You're very powerful, so I won't cause you any trouble." Fang Ling pleaded.    


The Sister Xue was right, a person cannot be alone forever. Now that there is a girl willing to follow you, you must not miss it, as the saying goes, after this village, there will be no such shop. " Ye Xiu said with a smile.    


"Alright, alright, since both Yaoji and Ye Xiu have spoken like that, then follow me." Under Ye Xiu's and Ouyang Qianxue's persuasion, he could only nod his head in agreement.    


"Thank you, thank you so much!"    


When Fang Ling agreed to let her follow him, she immediately expressed her gratitude.    


Just like this, agreed to follow along with them, and Ye Xiu and the others naturally had no objections. After all, they would split up after they sent the Wasteland back.    


Regardless of whether it was Ye Xiu or Ouyang Qianxue, both of them were considering their own personal issues. After all, there were people who would not mind his current state.    


As for cultivation, that didn't matter. What's more, the power to exterminate an entire land was already strong enough, so even if his woman's cultivation was weak, it wouldn't be a problem. After all, it wasn't good for a girl to keep fighting and killing.    


In the blink of an eye, a few days had passed, and in these few days, Ye Xiu had ordered Ye Long to observe the ground of destruction from time to time.    


And in the end, there wasn't even the slightest sign of him losing control.    


Of course, even so, Ye Xiu did not dare to relax, so he secretly prepared a bottle of his blood as a precaution.    


"Extermination, you ?"    


When Ye Xiu returned home, the moment he received the news, he immediately rushed back.    


When he had first received this news, Huitian's face was naturally filled with disbelief. Furthermore, in order to exterminate the land, he had naturally been constantly inquiring about the situation regarding the Entomophagy.    


However, even if it was Huitian, he had gained nothing from asking about Entomophagy s.    


"Big brother, I'm fine now."    


Seeing Huitian, Exterminate the Earth revealed an excited expression.    


It was very simple. He thought that he would definitely die this time and that he would not be able to see Huitian again in the future.    


"Why are you alright now? I've been asking about the Entomophagy all these days, but I couldn't get any information no matter what!" Huitian asked curiously.    


Although exterminating the place was no longer an issue, Huitian was still very curious. If it was only an ordinary situation, how could he not find anything after asking around for a few days?    


"We met a Entomophagy mother, and after killing it, we ate an item from its body. Although we don't know what it was, it was very helpful to me, and from then on, I didn't lose control again." Extinguished, he explained.    


After all, the latter had already warned him before that if this matter were to spread, his life would be in danger.    


"Entomophagy Mother!"    


When Huitian heard the name, his eyes revealed a look of doubt, it was clear that he did not know what Entomophagy's mother was.    


But no matter what it was, as long as the place was safe and sound, Huitian would be at ease.    


"It's good that you're safe, it's good that you're safe!" Huitian smiled and nodded.    


And it was at this time that Huitian's gaze fell on Fang Ling. He had seen the others before, but only this woman was unfamiliar to him.    


"This lady is ?" Huitian pointed at Fang Ling and asked curiously.    


"Brother, nice to meet you, my name is Fang Ling and the one who destroyed my life is my savior. If not for the fact that I saved him in time, I might already be dead." Fang Ling introduced himself.    


Because he had heard Exterminate the Heavens calling Big Brother Huitian before, Fang Ling now called him Big Brother as well.    


"Oh, oh!"    


After hearing Fang Ling's introduction and looking at Exterminate the Earth, Huitian naturally nodded with a smile. Very clearly, he seemed to have guessed something.    


"Exterminate the land and properly greet the people. I'll go prepare some food. We won't leave until we're drunk tonight." Huitian said.    


"Big brother, there's no need to go through so much trouble. Let's go out and eat." He suggested.    


"There's no point in eating outside. What's more, my cooking skills are not any worse than the employees of restaurants." Huitian said.    


"Really? Then I'll have to have a good taste." Ye Xiu asked with a smile.    


Seeing that Ye Xiu didn't seem to be too convinced, Ouyang Qianxue introduced him several times: "Ye Xiu, I can bear witness to this. Big Brother Huitian's cooking skills are indeed very good, so in the past, I basically came here to eat and drink everyday."    


"Yaoji, greet him well. I'll go prepare some food." Huitian said with a smile.    


With that said, Huitian quickly entered the kitchen. As for the ingredients, they were all prepared.    


"Exterminate the land! Come over here for a moment, I have something to tell you!"    


When Huitian went to busy himself in the kitchen, Ye Xiu waved towards Extinction.    


When she saw Ye Xiu calling out to her, she had naturally quickly walked in front of him.    


"Ye Xiu, what's wrong?" Exterminate the Earth asked curiously.    


"This is for you!"    


Ye Xiu did not say much and directly passed a bottle he had prepared over.    


"This is ?"    


Seeing this small bottle, a look of doubt appeared in his eyes. It was obvious that he did not know what was inside the bottle.    


"A life-saving treasure!" Ye Xiu gently smiled.    


"Protect him?"    


Exterminate the Earth stared blankly for a moment. Then, he thought of something.    


"Ye Xiu, how can I be embarrassed about this, I ?" When he thought of what was in the bottle, he wanted to say something.    


But before he could finish speaking, Ye Xiu interrupted him with a smile: "It's fine, what's more, I have quite a few of these things, just a little more. If you feel that you're about to lose control, drink this drink, and contact the Sister Xue immediately afterwards." Ye Xiu reminded.    


"Thank you!"    


He sincerely thanked her because he knew very well that the most important thing to him was his blood.    


Even if Ye Xiu had a lot of fresh blood on his body, if such a powerful blood was used up, his body would definitely have side effects.    


Therefore, in the face of Ye Xiu's good intentions, she was naturally extremely thankful to him.    


"Master, something happened!"    


But just as Ye Xiu was chatting with Exterminate the Heavens, Ye Long's voice suddenly came out.    


"What's wrong?"    


Hearing Ye Long suddenly say something, Ye Xiu naturally had a face full of suspicion.    


"Master, that woman called Fang Ling stole Qin Rouer's Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion." Ye Long replied.    




Upon hearing these words, Ye Xiu was immediately shocked. One must know that the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion recognized Qin Rouer as their master, and for this reason, Qin Rouer was even trapped in the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion for a very long time.    


If he kept it, Fang Ling's cultivation would not be very high, so how could he snatch the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion from Qin Rouer's hands?    


Of course, even if he was extremely shocked, Ye Xiu and Exterminate the Heavens had obviously returned to the courtyard at the first possible moment.    


That's right. Previously, when the two of them were chatting, it was outside the courtyard. As a result, they did not know what had happened inside.    


"Give me back my Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion!"    


When Ye Xiu entered the courtyard from the beginning, Qin Rouer shouted at Fang Ling angrily.    


But facing Qin Rouer's anger, Fang Ling was not affected at all. She was playing with the shrinking Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion in her hands, her face full of smiles.    


"I'm sorry, I've taken a fancy to this Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion, so it's mine now." Fang Ling said with a smile.    


Looking at Fang Ling, it was clear that this was not the first time she stole from someone else, and from her looks, stealing from someone else seemed to be very normal.    


"Qin Rouer, what's going on?"    


Ye Xiu quickly rushed over to Qin Rouer's side and asked.    


"Ye Xiu, I don't know what's going on either. She said that she wanted to see the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion, so I summoned the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion out of my body. Somehow, the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion and I removed our relationship as master and in addition, it was taken away by her." Qin Rouer replied.    


"She didn't do anything and she took away your Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion?" Curiosity appeared in Ye Xiu's eyes.    


It had already been some time since he had come to the Profound Sky Continent, but Ye Xiu had never heard of a profound artifact that recognized another person as its master being removed by itself.    


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