Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Several days later ?    


"Qin Rouer, how is it?"    


When Ye Xiu walked out of the Gravity Room, he immediately went to Qin Rouer to ask him about the situation inside the Healing Room.    


"Ye Xiu, you're not optimistic!"    


Regarding Ye Xiu's inquiry, Qin Rouer naturally answered it truthfully.    


Although the Healing Room was closed, Qin Rouer was the master of the entire Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion, so she only needed to rely on her senses to know the situation within.    


The land of extermination and the Entomophagy had become one, and the Entomophagy had also become a part of his body, so it was impossible for him to expel these bugs from his body again.    


"Can't Healing Room help exterminate the land?"    


After receiving Qin Rouer's reply, Ye Xiu's brows darkened.    


It had to be known that the Healing Room of Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion was an existence that could even save a dead person with one breath left, but why couldn't it help to exterminate the land?    


"Ye Xiu is not completely useless!"    


Just as Ye Xiu was about to think of another way to help the Wasteland Restoration, Qin Rouer's voice came out again.    




Hearing Qin Rouer's words, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a look of pleasant surprise.    


Originally, Ye Xiu had already completely given up on him, but Qin Rouer's words caused him to rekindle his hope.    


"Qin Rouer, quickly tell me, what effect does Healing Room have on the Destruction of Earth?" Ye Xiu said anxiously.    


"Ye Xiu, after going through the treatment from the Healing Room, I managed to recover my consciousness, but I can't completely control it. At least, he has recovered his consciousness right now." Qin Rouer replied.    


"I regained consciousness. That's great!"    


After hearing this news, Ye Xiu immediately clapped happily.    


To have regained consciousness was definitely a heavenly great news to Huitian. As a result, Ye Xiu was extremely happy at this time.    


"Qin Rouer, if he regains his consciousness, is it possible for him to control his own body?" Ye Xiu asked.    


"Ye Xiu, this is not too clear. He is currently standing still, and whether or not he can control himself and not attack recklessly is still unclear." Qin Rouer replied.    


"I got it!"    


Ye Xiu nodded, and then immediately told Huitian the good news.    


"It's true, I've completely regained consciousness!"    


As expected, when Huitian received this news, he also revealed a happy expression.    


A person who had already lost his rationality would regain it at this moment. That was extremely good news.    


"Big Brother Huitian, the land of destruction might just be a temporary recovery, we are not even sure if he can control his body and stop his attacks." Ye Xiu said.    


"Even if I am unable to control my body, as long as I recover my consciousness, it will be a good start." Huitian said.    


Now that things had progressed to this point, Huitian knew that his little brother was in trouble. But at least the situation had turned for the better, which was good news for him.    


"Qin Rouer, let's go in and take a look. If we can control ourselves from attacking recklessly, Big Brother Huitian, then I'll let you in." Ye Xiu said.    




Huitian nodded his head to show that he understood.    


After speaking with Huitian, Ye Xiu and Qin Rouer entered the Healing Room.    


Of course, when entering, Ye Xiu was extremely alert, and would immediately open all five gates in his body when he met an attack that could exterminate the land.    


Of course, with the Profound Bell of Clear Sky's protection, Ye Xiu knew that nothing would happen to him, but he still had to be careful.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


When Ye Xiu and Qin Rouer entered the Healing Room, Exterminate the Earth that was originally standing motionlessly suddenly opened his mouth and spoke.    


Although this sentence was no longer the same as the original voice that sounded like a land of destruction, and was even a little hoarse and unstandard, Ye Xiu could still hear it clearly.    


"Exterminate the Earth, how do you feel?"    


Seeing that Exterminate the Earth could even speak after a few days of treatment from his Healing Room, other than being shocked, Ye Xiu was also shocked at the recovery ability of his Healing Room.    


Of course, if even someone who was about to die could save someone, then this Healing Room already proved just how powerful he was.    


It was just that Ye Xiu was not clear who had made this Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion, for the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion to be so severe, the person who had created it must be even more terrifying.    




Hearing Ye Xiu's question, she continued to speak in a hoarse voice that was not too clear.    


"Your brother is outside. Do you want to see him?" Ye Xiu asked.    


Even though the situation seemed to have stabilized, it was extremely likely that he would die soon.    


Therefore, while the situation was looking good, it would be good to let the two brothers reunite. At least they wouldn't leave too much regret for each other.    


"My brother!"    


After a moment of shock, he lowered his head to look at his current appearance. He bitterly smiled and shook his head. "Forget it, I don't want my brother to see my current appearance."    


"Exterminate the Earth. Actually, he has already seen your current appearance." Ye Xiu reminded.    


"Is that so?"    


Although her voice was hoarse, Ye Xiu could hear the sadness and reluctance in her tone.    


He knew very well that his situation wasn't optimistic, and even if he woke up now, he might lose himself again.    


Of course, he did not know what he had done after losing his consciousness, but he could guess what he had done.    


"Ye Xiu, I beg of you, please help me kill me if I once again lose control of myself and even randomly kill people." Exterminate the Earth pleaded in a low voice.    


Inviting others to kill him, this was the most painful begging Ye Xiu had ever heard of in his life.    


However, Ye Xiu had no choice but to agree to his request for the land to be exterminated, because this was probably his last request.    


"Don't worry, your brother and I will do our best to heal you. If there really is no other way, I will send you away." Ye Xiu agreed.    


"Thank you!"    


Seeing Ye Xiu agreeing to her request, she nodded her head in relief.    


"Your brother is still outside. I'll let him come in and talk to you." Ye Xiu said.    


Although Exterminate the Heavens did not wish for Huitian to see him like this, Ye Xiu had already said that Huitian had already seen him like this a long time ago, so he did not refute him.    


"How is it, are you feeling any better?"    


When Huitian walked in from outside with Healing Room, he saw that the expression in his eyes had returned to normal.    


"Brother, I'm sorry for making you worry!"    


Seeing Huitian coming in, the first thing Exterminate the Heavens did was apologize.    


Of course, he had never expected to get killed like this. After all, it was in the wilderness, and killing people was a common occurrence.    


As a Hunters, he was already prepared to be killed, so killing one or two people in the wild would be a piece of cake.    


However, such a thing had caused him to be in such a state, and he was even suffering from inhuman pain.    


"It's fine. As long as you're fine, I won't blame you." Huitian asked while holding back her tears.    


After hearing those words, Exterminate the Earth felt very uncomfortable. However, the current him could no longer be considered a normal person. Hence, even crying had become a luxury.    




A few seconds later, the originally calm and peaceful man suddenly began to struggle. At the same time, his face turned malevolent.    


"Not good, I'm going to lose control!"    


When Qin Rouer saw this scene, she immediately let out a loud shout, and in the next second, she brought Ye Xiu and and left the Healing Room.    


In the next second after the three of them left the Healing Room, the destructive ground's expression once again became empty. Evidently, at this moment, he had once again lost his consciousness.    


However, because he did not have a goal in the Healing Room, he currently stood in place without moving.    


"Qin Rouer, what's going on? Why is it that your consciousness has only recovered for such a short amount of time?" Ye Xiu asked.    


How could Qin Rouer know about this situation? She only knew that she had lost all consciousness again.    


In other words, if anyone were to enter at this time, they would definitely be met with an intense attack at the first possible moment.    


"Big Brother Huitian, don't be anxious. The Profound Sky Continent is so great, I believe there's definitely a way to cure it." Ye Xiu said.    


He didn't have any other choice at the moment, but that was only temporary. Would the difficulty be enough to trap a living person to death?    


"Sigh, the hope is slim!"    


Although Ye Xiu's words were reasonable, when he saw the state of Extermination, Huitian naturally sighed helplessly.    


However, in other words, having hope was better than despair. Even if the hope was slim, it was still a kind of hope.    


"Ye Xiu, before we found a place to save him, was he always locked here?" Huitian asked.    


"Brother Huitian, if my Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion is to be absorbed into the body, then there must not be any living people in the house, so the place of destruction should be trapped in Ye Xiu's Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda." Qin Rouer explained.    


Although Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion and the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda's situation were similar, there was still an intrinsic difference between the two. The Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda was like a dimensional mustard seed, so even if there was a living thing inside, Ye Xiu could still keep it inside his body.    


However, the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion was different, it was not a spatial mustard seed, so if one wanted to enter, they had to release it from Qin Rouer's body and make it bigger.    


Otherwise, if the mansion did not change in size, then the rooms and space inside would also shrink.    


"Qin Rouer, if you let Exterminate the Heavens stay in the Healing Room for a few more days, if the situation does not improve after a few more days, I will seal him inside the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda." Ye Xiu said.    




Qin Rouer lightly nodded his head. A few days was naturally nothing.    


Just like that, since they had already decided, Ye Xiu and his group naturally stayed inside the Profound Sky Spiritual Mansion for a few more days.    


Of course, these few days were not wasted, Ye Xiu and the rest were training with all their might, and this naturally included Huitian who had just broken through.    


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