Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Why is there a Profound Array here?"    


However, not long after he entered the small path, Ouyang Qianxue saw a Profound Array not far away from him, and it looked to be quite strong.    


"Sister Xue, this Profound Array was set up by me yesterday. It seems like the situation that I met with is different from yours." Ye Xiu said.    


Ouyang Qianxue said that the road she was walking on would change on the second day, but this road was the one Ye Xiu and the others were walking on yesterday.    


"Ye Xiu, did you bring the Profound Array Jade Chip in?" Ouyang Qianxue asked softly.    


Because after entering this place, the things inside the Profound Treasure Bag could not be taken out, so unless one carried it with them, the things placed inside the Profound Treasure Bag would not be used.    


"Sister Xue, I forgot to tell you one thing. I am a dual cultivator, so I am still a Profound Array Master." Ye Xiu introduced himself.    


"Profound Array Master? What rank Profound Array Master is it? " Ouyang Qianxue was slightly shocked in his heart, and then, he couldn't help but ask as he glanced at the Profound Array at the side.    


Although Ouyang Qianxue did not know what Profound Array was, and what level it was, but she could feel the powerful strength it contained.    


"This... I think you should be a Fifth Level Profound Array Master. " Ye Xiu thought about it and replied.    


Although Ye Xiu believed that level six Profound Array could still be set up if he went all out, and this Profound Array was a compound Profound Array, its power was comparable to a level seven Profound Array.    


Moreover, so far, he had only set up a Fifth Level Profound Array. Even if it was a fifth level composite Profound Array, it would still only be a Fifth Level Profound Array.    


Therefore, Ye Xiu saying that he was a Fifth Level Profound Array Master should not be an exaggeration.    


"What, a Fifth Level Profound Array Master?"    


But even so, when Ouyang Qianxue heard about this rank, she was even more shocked than before.    


What was a Fifth Level Profound Array Master? It was a Profound Array Master that could set up the Fifth Level Profound Array.    


Even if the Fifth Level Profound Array Master and the Profound Sea Stage Expert were of the same level, the status of a Fifth Level Profound Array Master was undoubtedly much higher than the Profound Sea Stage Expert.    


The reason was simple, a Fifth Level Profound Array master was much more terrifying than Profound Sea Stage Expert. After all, the opponent could trap many Profound Sea Stage experts with just a Profound Array.    


"Ye Xiu, you wouldn't be telling me that this Profound Array is a Fifth Level Profound Array that you have arranged, right?" Ouyang Qianxue asked.    


"Mn, it is a Fifth Level Profound Array." Ye Xiu lightly nodded as he replied.    


Regarding the level of the Profound Array, Ye Xiu did not need to lie, because the truth was the truth and it was indeed a Fifth Level Profound Array.    


"Not only is it a Fifth Level Profound Array, it is also a fifth level composite Profound Array." Ye Xiu continued to explain.    


"What! A fifth level compound Profound Array!?"    


When the already sufficiently astonished Ouyang Qianxue heard these words, the look of shock in his eyes became even more intense.    


Even if she wasn't a Profound Array Master, she knew clearly what a level five compound Profound Array meant. It meant that if she entered the array with her cultivation, she wouldn't necessarily be able to come out alive.    


"Ye Xiu, why did you set up such a powerful Profound Array here?" Ouyang Qianxue could not help but ask.    


"Sister Xue, my Profound Array is able to absorb the surrounding gas. Yesterday, my two friends and I entered in search of Demon Abyss Fruit, and the fruit had a terrible stench, so I was able to determine the whereabouts of the fruit using this Fifth Level Profound Array." Ye Xiu explained.    


"What, you used the Fifth Level Profound Array to search for the location of the Demon Abyss Fruit, you ?" When he heard about Ye Xiu's goal for setting up the array, Ouyang Qianxue was momentarily at a loss for words.    


A single Fifth Level Profound Array was enough to threaten even a Profound Void Stage expert, yet such a powerful Profound Array was only used to absorb auras to search for Demon Abyss Fruit in Ye Xiu's hands.    


"Ye Xiu, I really don't know what to say about you, but that's right, you are a Fifth Level Profound Array Master, and to you, the Profound Array is just a few Profound Power, it's no big deal." Ouyang Qianxue muttered.    


The Profound Array was an extremely important item to Rankers that were not from Profound Array Master. It could even be said to be a weapon that had killing power.    


But to Profound Array Master, as long as Profound Power existed in his body, there was no lack of Profound Array.    


"Sister Xue, let's not talk about me anymore, I have a total of three or four Profound Array s here, let's go and see if they are all there. One Profound Array is just a coincidence on the original road, if the others are all on the same road, then it's inevitable, maybe we can use an array to determine the route, and even if we don't spend the night there, we can still enter the depths of Demon Abyss." Ye Xiu said.    


Because the road that he walked on changed every time he entered, even if it was Ouyang Qianxue who entered the room, he would have to find a new path.    


And if they went the wrong way, they might encounter Monster or something like that.    


However, because of the sunlight, even if they met the normally powerful Monster, they would lose all their strength in this period of time. As long as their strength wasn't too weak, it would be easy for them to kill it.    




After hearing Ye Xiu's words, Ouyang Qianxue nodded her head lightly. Previously, she had been hesitating whether she should spend the night with the both of them because with their strength, they should be able to do so within the Demon Abyss.    


But if Ye Xiu was sure that drawing the sword now could prevent the route from changing, then they could definitely leave and wait until the next day to come in.    


Just like that, because of time, Ye Xiu took Ouyang Qianxue and quickly moved forward.    


"It's here!"    


With their level of cultivation, it didn't take long for them to reach the second Profound Array that Ye Xiu had set up.    


"Ye Xiu, looks like the Profound Array can indeed preserve the original path." Seeing the second Profound Array, Ouyang Qianxue was excited.    


"En, I think so, because the scenery on the side of the road has completely changed, and the only thing that hasn't changed is this road, which probably has something to do with the Profound Array." Ye Xiu observed his surroundings and said.    


Although they had only found the second Profound Array, the two of them could already deduce the result.    


Of course, it was still just noon, so the next thing Ye Xiu and Ouyang Qianxue wanted to do was to take this road as their secret, and then slowly explore the road that led to the deeper parts of the Demon Abyss.    


"Ye Xiu, how long can these Profound Array last for?" Ouyang Qianxue asked.    


Because every month's worth of safety was only seven days, and today was already the second day, so if these Profound Array could not persevere for several days, then everything would be wasted.    


"Sister Xue, holding on to these Fifth Level Profound Array s for three to five days shouldn't be a problem, but if we continue to hold on, I'm afraid that won't be too good." Ye Xiu said.    


"Ye Xiu, can you still use that Profound Array that never disappears?" Ouyang Qianxue asked.    


Because there was a bit of time left, Ouyang Qianxue did not think that they would be able to clearly investigate the situation within the Demon Abyss within a few days.    


So, once these few days passed, then he would have to wait for a month before he could easily enter Demon Abyss again.    


If they were to enter within this month, then the situation would not be any worse than the one that Ye Xiu and Yue Yang had encountered before.    


Facing the countless number of Monster, not only were their movements slow, their lives were also in grave danger. Furthermore, if the Profound Power in their body could not endure it, there was a high chance that they would die here.    


Therefore, if Ye Xiu could ensure that the Profound Array would not disappear for a month or even a year or two, then as long as he worked hard, he would be able to obtain a bit of rewards.    


"Sister Xue, I can set up this kind of Profound Array you mentioned, but it would be best to use a Profound Stone. Otherwise, if I use a Profound Power to set it up, it won't last more than a few months before it disappears automatically." Ye Xiu said.    


Although a few months wasn't a short amount of time, only seven days per month would allow him to enter the cave unscathed. Thus, a month's time was extremely short.    


If the Profound Array really disappeared a few months later, wouldn't that mean all his efforts would be for naught?    


"Profound Stone Formation?"    


However, when Ouyang Qianxue heard these words, her eyes revealed a look of doubt. She had only heard about Profound Array s and Jade Chip s setting up arrays, but she had never heard of a Profound Stone setting up a Profound Array.    


"Ye Xiu, have you become ignorant? Isn't the Profound Stone something that can only be used for cultivation? Can it still set up Profound Array? " Ouyang Qianxue could not help but ask.    


"Sister Xue, using Profound Stone s to set up the formation was something I invented myself. I stumbled upon a trick for Profound Stone to set up the formation and the Profound Stone s that they use are Profound Power s from the Profound Stone s. Their own Profound Power s are a waste, so as long as there are enough Profound Stone s, in principle, there should be a lot of them." Ye Xiu replied.    


"Alright, then let's leave the Demon Abyss first. I'll go prepare some Profound Stone. What level do you need, Middle Grade Profound Stone or High-grade Profound Stone?" Ouyang Qianxue said.    


Although Ouyang Qianxue's cultivation was not very high, she was still an existence at the 52nd rank of the Hunter Ranking, so some Middle Grade Profound Stone or High-grade Profound Stone could still be used.    


Of course, Ouyang Qianxue did not know how many Profound Stone s were needed to set up a Profound Array, nor did he know how much influence Profound Stone's level had on the Profound Array.    


If he really had to set up many Profound Array s to maintain his route without disappearing, then the number of Profound Stone he would need would definitely shock Ouyang Qianxue.    


Sister Xue, if possible, the higher the grade of the Profound Stone, the better. Because the higher the grade of the Profound Stone used to set up the formation, the stronger the power of the formation would be. "Ye Xiu replied.    


Of course, Ye Xiu only said that the higher it was, the fewer it was. He didn't say that he had to use either a High-grade Profound Stone or a Top Grade Profound Stone.    


Although Ye Xiu had many Profound Stone, among them there were even some Top Quality Profound Stone.    


Therefore, he had no reason to contribute the Profound Stone to the sect by himself. After all, he still wanted to keep the Profound Stone for his own use in the future when he established his sect.    


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