Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



As the sect master, Xu An was naturally well aware of Zhang Hua's worries.    


But no matter how worried he was, he didn't know when the Nine Profound Bell had been lost.    


"Sect Leader, are we just going to let it go like this?" Zhang Hua asked again.    


Although without Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, even if there were Nine Profound Bell s, they would not be able to display any kind of power, so for Nine Profound Sect that had already lost their Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, losing this Nine Profound Bell had no effect on them.    


However, if the Nine Profound Bell merged with the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, then the latter's power would be complete. As long as a person reached a certain level of cultivation, the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda's power would truly be unleashed.    


"Of course we can't let it go like this. The person who stole the Nine Profound Bell is definitely in one of the thirty some sects. As for the specifics, I'm not sure for now." Xu An said.    


Because there were many sects involved, if they were to be suspected at the same time, then it would undoubtedly be a disaster for the Nine Profound Sect.    


But if he knew that he had lost a Nine Profound Bell and did not do anything, once this matter spread out, what face would he have left in the Nine Profound Sect?    


"Great Elder, the only thing we can do now is to announce it to the entire continent. As long as we return the Nine Profound Bell, we will have to thank you." Xu An said.    


"Sect Master, since we clearly know that there are more than thirty sects, then why is it announced throughout the entire continent?" Zhang Hua was a little puzzled.    


Even if questioning the presence of over thirty sects was a little inappropriate, Nine Profound Sect alone was enough to do this.    


"Great Elder, if the news is announced across the entire continent, then it won't only be targeted at the thirty-odd sects. What if the sects are unhappy? What do we do if the sects are unhappy? When the time comes, we'll be in trouble." Xu An explained.    


With regards to this explanation, Zhang Hua didn't say anything more. Since it was Sect Master's orders, he would naturally follow them unconditionally.    


Just like this, not long after, the Nine Profound Sect announced this matter to everyone on the entire continent. Furthermore, a bounty mission was even released, and this mission had no time limit, until someone safely brought the Nine Profound Bell back to the Nine Profound Sect.    


When the bounty mission was issued, in the short span of less than a day, most of the Hunters had accepted it because the bounty missions were very substantial.    


In any case, this mission had no time limit, and even if someone truly completed the mission ahead of time, the other Hunters s would not receive any punishment.    


Therefore, for Hunters, if they received this mission, if one day their luck really went against the heavens and found a so-called Nine Profound Bell, then this reward would be enough for them to live for many years.    


Several days later!    


"Lin Tian, is this Nine Profound Bell very important to the Nine Profound Sect to actually offer such a bounty to issue the bounty mission? Should we go and receive this mission as well? In a small tavern, a young man was slightly moved after hearing the description of the guest at the side table.    


"Forget it, how could the Nine Profound Bell be found so easily? Since it is lost in the Nine Profound Sect, then the person who stole the bell must have a high cultivation level. Let's not wade in this muddy water, we should complete the mission before us." The young man called Lin Tian said as he ate.    


Of course, when he spoke, he was frowning slightly. It was obvious that he was not in a good mood at the moment.    


"Lin Tian, don't make your face look like wax, I know it's my fault, I shouldn't have made a bet, but there's no need to keep on not smiling, it's been a few days already, smile for me." The young man sitting opposite to Lin Tian said with a smile.    


But even if he was teasing Lin Tian, he still had a bitter face.    


"Chen Aoxuan, I think you understand the location of the Demon Abyss, is that place accessible to us?" Lin Tian said in a heavy voice.    


"This ?"    


Hearing this, the smile on Chen Aoxuan's face immediately stopped. Indeed, to two people of the Profound Pill Realm, that Demon Abyss was simply suicidal.    


"Lin Tian, that bastard relied on his amazing big brother at the early stage of Profound Sea Stage. If we didn't come out to do it ourselves, he wouldn't be so arrogant." Chen Aoxuan said.    


"What is it? You aren't thinking of going back to Five Elements' Sect to seek help, are you? " Lin Tian asked with furrowed brows.    


This Demon Abyss was a dangerous place, and he had even heard that there were a lot of Monster inside, so Lin Tian didn't want to implicate others, especially Ye Xiu.    


Even if Ye Xiu's cultivation was much stronger than theirs, Lin Tian did not want them to solve this problem.    


If it was only a fight to the death, he would rather go to the Demon Abyss with Chen Aoxuan. Even if they died, there wouldn't be any regrets.    


"No, why would I want to go back to Five Elements' Sect? We haven't made a name for ourselves yet, so I wouldn't go back just like that." Chen Aoxuan said.    


Although the two of them had lived a difficult life after leaving the Five Elements' Sect, their hard work had paid off. At the very least, after they had left the Five Elements' Sect, the cultivation of the two of them could be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.    


Even though the cultivation of the two wasn't extremely high, they were already at the peak of the Profound Pill Realm.    


The peak of the Profound Pill Realm. If Ye Xiu did not receive the inheritance, then he would have caught up soon.    


One had to know that before, Ye Xiu had already surpassed two people, and now that they had caught up, it could be seen from this just how difficult their lives had been after leaving the Five Elements' Sect.    


"Un, then why don't you hurry up and eat more? I have already inquired about the date, and the devil energy in the Demon Abyss will start to weaken in three days. We will enter the Demon Abyss to complete the mission on that day." Lin Tian said.    


"Three days later!"    


Hearing that, Chen Aoxuan quietly nodded his head, the Demon Abyss was not a place where anyone could casually enter, so the usually smiling had a serious expression.    


Just like this, without thinking too much, Chen Aoxuan also started to eat wildly, because three days later, he didn't know if he would still be able to eat these delicious delicacies.    


"Phew, I've finally reached the city!"    


But just as Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan was eating, within the same city, Ye Xiu successfully entered.    


"Master, are you going to rest in this city?" Ye Long asked.    


"Mn, let's rest for the day. Since I'm not in a hurry to return to Five Elements' Sect, I should first take a good rest and not treat myself unfairly." Ye Xiu said with a light smile.    


As they spoke, Ye Xiu strode into this city that wasn't very big, and this city was the city that he had already planned before.    


Other than this city, the rest of the journey back to the Five Elements' Sect was covered with wilderness, and this city was still quite a distance away from the Five Elements' Sect. If it was at a normal pace, then it would take at least four or five days to reach the Five Elements' Sect.    


Ye Xiu's cultivation had already risen to the Peak Profound Sea Stage, so if he met any Profound Beast along the way, they would naturally not refuse him.    


As long as he continued to train, Ye Xiu would have a much easier time grasping the power in his body.    


In addition, with an increase in cultivation, Ye Xiu would be able to set up higher level Profound Array, including the compound Profound Array inside the Profound Array scroll.    


With Ye Xiu's cultivation, he should already be able to set up the sixth stage Profound Array. Of course, if he went all out, he should also be able to set up the seventh stage Profound Array.    


Of course, there was a difference of one grade between level 7 and level 6 Profound Array, and there was also a huge difference in might. Therefore, if level 7 Profound Array was used, it would be extremely harmful to Ye Xiu.    


Therefore, unless it was absolutely necessary, a level six Profound Array was already enough. After all, this was a level six compound Profound Array, and its might was much stronger than an ordinary level six Profound Array.    


However, even if he could set up a level 6 Profound Array, Ye Xiu knew that it was still some time before he could fulfill the White Crane's wish.    


Of course, the current Ye Xiu had already received the inheritance of the Heavenly Sect Master, so as long as he didn't die accidentally, it wouldn't be a problem for him to fulfill the White Crane's wish in the future.    


"Ye Long, help me find a pretty well-provided hotel or something. It's been a long time since I've had a good meal, my mouth is so light now, I need to properly eat a big meal." Ye Xiu said.    


"Master, I'll help you look for it now." Ye Long said.    


As Ye Xiu hurried on his way, Ye Long constantly used his senses to search for the restaurant that Ye Xiu needed.    




But after a few minutes of time, Ye Long suddenly let out a surprised cry.    


"Ye Long, what happened?" Ye Xiu could not help but ask.    


Because this soft cry of Ye Long's came out uncontrollably, it was natural for Ye Xiu to hear it.    


"Master, guess who I saw?" Ye Long asked.    


"See who?"    


Hearing Ye Long's question, Ye Xiu frowned. He did not know many people in the wilderness, but from Ye Long's reaction, he knew that the person was related to him.    


"Ye Long, you couldn't have seen Big Brother Lin Tian and that fellow Chen Aoxuan, right?" Ye Xiu replied casually.    


"Master, can you be a bit more reserved? It's meaningless for you to guess the truth like this." Ye Long said somewhat speechlessly.    


"What? You really saw them?"    


Originally, Ye Xiu had said it casually, but when he heard Ye Long say that he had guessed right in an instant, he was instead shocked.    


"Ye Long, are the two of them really in this city?" Ye Xiu asked.    


It had been several months since the two of them had left without saying a word. During this period of time, neither of them had heard of the other's existence. They didn't even know if they were alive or dead.    


"Master, the two of them are eating in a not too big tavern. However, they look a bit heavy, do you want to go see them?" Ye Long said.    


"No, since they chose to train themselves, then I should not disturb them. Oh right, whatever cultivation the two of them have now, you must know that back then when they left the Five Elements' Sect, they did not reach the Minor Profound Core Stage yet." Ye Xiu asked curiously.    


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