Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



When the shop owner happily put away the High-grade Profound Stone, he was naturally overjoyed and handed over the two stone-like things to Ye Xiu.    


Seeing these two stone-like objects, Ye Xiu was slightly taken aback. Is this a map?    


Previously, Ye Xiu had obtained a map, but it was all paper, so what would happen if he gave a rock?    


"Guest, this is an image map, after all it's a million kilometer long map, even if it's smaller, it's still very big and it's extremely inconvenient to carry, but this image map is different, as long as you type in a little Profound Power, it will appear on the map." The shop owner explained.    


"So convenient!"    


Ye Xiu nodded, he had never seen this kind of map before, so in the next second he held onto a stone and tried to transport the Profound Power inside.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


After the sound of the Light Buzz resounded, in the next second, the stone that Ye Xiu was transporting the Profound Power started to shine brightly. Then, a beam of light shot out from the stone, with Ye Xiu as the starting point, it formed a circle.    


Ye Xiu stood at the very center of the circle.    


Although Ye Xiu took out a rock at random, the map that he chose was extremely detailed. Red and green dots were written on the map.    


Where there were green dots, there was only one. However, there were different places where there were red dots. There were places where there were more red dots, and places where there was only one red dot.    


"Not bad, not bad!"    


After observing the map briefly, Ye Xiu's face revealed a satisfied look.    


Although he did not look at the other map, this map was already worth the two hundred High-grade Profound Stone s to Ye Xiu.    


And it was like this that Ye Xiu quickly withdrew the map, and with a wave of his hand, he kept the two stones.    


"Guest, are you satisfied?" The Middle-aged And Elderly Men asked with a smile.    


Of course, even if Ye Xiu did not answer, the smile on his face had already expressed his thoughts.    


"Not bad!" Ye Xiu smiled and nodded in agreement.    


"Sir, is there anything else you want to buy next? "If you don't buy it, then let's go back first. The food won't taste good if it gets cold later." Luo Hui suggested.    


"I'm not buying anymore. If I just go to your house, wouldn't that be a bit too much trouble?" Ye Xiu asked politely.    


Hearing that, Luo Hui immediately shook his head: "I won't disturb you, how can that be, you are the person who saved my life, and I am the only child of the Luo Family, you saving me is equivalent to saving the entire Luo Family, my father has always wanted to thank you, so when you go to my father's house, he was happy but did not have the time to disturb you, why would I disturb you?" Luo Hui hurriedly explained.    


"Hehe, then I'll do as you bid. Lead the way!" Ye Xiu smiled and nodded.    




Seeing that Ye Xiu agreed to follow him back to the Luo Family, Luo Hui nodded his head repeatedly, then he hurriedly walked out of this shop and began to guide him from the front.    


Just like this, as Ye Xiu and Qin Rouer followed Luo Hui towards the Luo Family, they admired the scenery along the streets at the same time.    


Tiantang City was not considered small, so it took them nearly twenty minutes to walk from this street to Luo Family.    


"Benefactor, this is my Luo Family. I hope you won't mind if this isn't a big place." Luo Hui introduced.    


Previously, Ye Xiu had taken out two hundred High-grade Profound Stone s to buy the map, to the point where he did not even bat an eye when he took them out.    


Looking at this scene, Luo Hui believed that Ye Xiu was definitely not an ordinary person and there was even a high possibility that he was the young master of a large force or family.    


Therefore, if Ye Xiu's identity was like this, then Luo Family was indeed rather simple and crude for him.    


"Not bad. I'm not particular about it, so don't be too particular about it. Otherwise, I won't get used to it." Ye Xiu said with a smile.    


Ever since he spent two hundred High-grade Profound Stone to purchase the map, Luo Hui's attitude towards Ye Xiu had clearly changed a bit.    


It could even be said that he was constrained, as if he was afraid that a single word from him would offend Ye Xiu and he had become extremely cautious.    


This way, Ye Xiu did not like it much, because he did not like people who were too restrained. That would be too fake.    




Luo Hui nodded his head repeatedly, but even if Ye Xiu said so, he still remained extremely cautious.    


Seeing Luo Hui like this, Ye Xiu revealed a helpless expression. It seemed that sometimes revealing too much money was not a good thing.    


If it wasn't to stir up trouble, it was to make some people treat them with caution.    


Luo Hui was a good person and had a good personality, so Ye Xiu liked to be his friend.    


But now, Luo Hui's actions made Ye Xiu uncomfortable. If the other party insisted on doing so, then Ye Xiu and him were just passersby, and would not become friends.    


No matter what status you have in the future, the next time we meet, I will automatically ignore your identity and status.    


If someone placed too much importance on status and identity, then such a person was unsuitable to be a friend.    


Of course, if Ye Xiu regarded his status and identity too highly, and thought that he should be above everyone else, then he was also not a friend that was worth making.    


Just like this, under Luo Hui's somewhat formal invitation, Ye Xiu, Qin Rouer and the two Sirius Dog entered the Luo Family.    




When Luo Hui brought the two of them to the banquet hall, he realized that it was completely empty. There was not even a single dish prepared on the table.    


"Someone, come!"    


Seeing this, Luo Hui's face revealed a look of awkwardness. It must be known that he had clearly told Ke Yao to come back and notify them first, but why is it that there wasn't even a single dish?    


"Young Master, do you have any instructions?" Under Luo Hui's orders, a young man who looked like a servant quickly ran over.    


"Didn't I tell you to prepare dinner? "How come there's not even a single dish? What's going on?" Luo Hui asked.    




However, facing Luo Hui's questioning, the person under his name revealed a look of confusion, because he did not receive any notice saying he wanted to prepare a banquet.    


"Young Master, we didn't receive any notice!" The person in question hurriedly explained.    


"No notification?"    


Luo Hui frowned, then continued to ask: "As for Ke Yao, I told her to come to my house to notify me, did she not notify me?"    


"Young Master, Miss Ke didn't come to the mansion at all, so we didn't receive any notice." The servant continued to answer.    


"Hmm? She didn't come! "    


Luo Hui was slightly stunned, he had clearly told Ke Yao to come to Luo Family, and the other party had also agreed, but why had he not come yet?    


"Luo Hui, could it be that she went back to her own home and asked them to prepare for dinner?" Ye Xiu asked softly from the side.    


Hearing this, Luo Hui nodded his head, because there was indeed such a possibility.    


"Benefactor, how about this, I will send Ke Yao a message and ask, if she's really preparing for dinner at her own home, we can go over, since Ke Family is not too far away from here." Luo Hui replied.    


As he spoke, Luo Hui took out a Profound Note Stone. Because it wasn't a long-distance teleportation, Luo Hui naturally didn't need any Sound Transmission Stone that could teleport from a distance; all he needed was a short Profound Note Stone.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


When the stone in Luo Hui's hand let out a faint light, the light shot out from the stone and quickly disappeared.    


After the communication was complete, Luo Hui began to wait. After all, this Profound Sound Stone had a warning function; the moment he received the news, his master would definitely detect it at the first possible moment.    


But five minutes later, Luo Hui still did not hear a response, which made him feel that something was amiss.    


"Luo Hui, could it be because she's busy that she didn't answer you?" Qin Rouer guessed.    




Luo Hui muttered to himself, this was indeed a reason, but no matter how busy he was, he should have time to reply with a message.    


But now, five minutes later, Ke Yao still had not responded to him, causing him to feel that something was amiss.    


"Luo Hui, let's stop thinking about it here, let's go check out the Ke Family, and besides, the city gates are already closed, it should be safe inside the city." Ye Xiu asked.    


Ye Xiu wasn't clear about the situation of the Ke Yao family, but to be able to become friends with Luo Hui, one's background must not be too inferior.    


Thus, based on his calculations, nothing would happen to Ke Yao while he was in the city.    


"Un, let's go over to take a look now!" Luo Hui said.    


Although Luo Hui thought that Ke Yao would be fine, since there was nothing wrong, why didn't she send him a message at all?    


With that in mind, Luo Hui brought Ye Xiu and the others and quickly rushed to the Ke Family.    


"Young Master Luo!"    


When Luo Hui quickly rushed to the Ke Family gate, two guards who were guarding the gate immediately called out respectfully.    


"Is your young lady at home?" Luo Hui hurriedly asked.    


Since he was a guard, he was naturally clear as to whether Ke Yao had returned home or not.    


"Young Master Luo, since Miss left in the afternoon, she hasn't come home yet. What business do you have?" A guard asked softly.    


"What? He didn't go home!"    


When Luo Hui heard this, he was shocked.    


Ke Yao had obviously gone back according to her plan, but she did not go to the Luo Family, nor did she go back to her own home.    


Not knowing why, the current Luo Hui felt extremely uneasy, because he had an intuition that something bad was about to happen.    


"Is your Patriarch home?" Luo Hui asked quickly.    


Something big had happened to Ke Yao, so Luo Hui had to tell this matter to Ke Yao's father.    


"He's here!"    


One of the guards seemed to have noticed the change in Luo Hui's expression and replied him repeatedly.    


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