Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



Although this was just a guess from Ye Xiu, he had to make a trip to the Heaven Sect just based on this.    


No one would mind having too many treasures, let alone the inheritance.    


Originally, Ye Xiu did not have high hopes for the profound skills in this world. Even until now, not a single one of the profound skills that appeared in front of him caught his eye.    


However, since the founder of the Nine Profound Sect had relied on the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda and legacies to develop the Nine Profound Sect so well, then there must be something special about it.    


"Luo Liuer, I promise you, I will be there for the competition. When the time comes, we will fight again, and at that time, I will not use the Profound Array against you." Ye Xiu said.    


With Ye Xiu's strength, even if it was now, he could still deal with Luo Liuer easily.    


Although there was some difference between the two of them, this difference was nothing to Ye Xiu, who had already opened two gates.    


Since the gap in their cultivation had been made up by the two gates, then with the power of sword techniques and ingenious movement techniques, two or three Luo Liuer's combined wouldn't be able to win against Ye Xiu.    


Although the name of the Sky Sect was limited, Ye Xiu believed that he would still be able to get a placing with his current strength.    


The Five Elements' Sect had only just been proclaimed, so if one could obtain a placing in the Heavenly Sect competition, it would undoubtedly be the best advertisement.    


It was to inform all the sects that even though their Five Elements' Sect were just called a sect, their strength was not to be underestimated.    


"Alright, I'll wait for you. Next time, I'll definitely defeat you!" Luo Liuer said in a heavy voice.    


After he finished speaking, Luo Liuer finished the wine in his cup in one gulp.    


"Liu Er, we should go!"    


Just as Luo Liuer was drinking the wine in his cup, Lingyun Sect Sect Master Mo Fei walked over, and looking at him, it was obvious that he had said his goodbyes to Ling Zhen.    


"Yes, Sect Leader!"    


Luo Liuer respectfully nodded her head, after she looked at Ye Xiu, a man and a woman left the Five Elements' Sect.    


Although Ling Zhen had already arranged rooms for several large sects, this did not mean that every sect's disciple had to stay overnight.    


After all, these few large sects had come to witness the Five Elements Sect and its name, and now that the ceremony had ended, their mission to this place could be considered as completed.    


If that was the case, then whether they stayed or left would be up to their personal wishes.    


Just like this, after the Lingyun Sect left, the other sects did not stay for long, and after saying their goodbyes to Ling Zhen, they left one after another.    


The banquet hall, which had been bustling with noise and excitement, quickly quietened down after the few sects left.    


"Senior, are you also going to bring Leng Yue away?"    


When Ye Xiu saw Qin Tianxu walking towards them, Ye Xiu immediately asked.    


No matter what, Ye Xiu and Leng Yue had only met, and they were about to part in less than a day, this was truly difficult to accept.    


Especially since Ye Xiu and his relationship had only just been established, he should at least give them some time to enjoy the warm atmosphere.    


"Ye Xiu, Senior Uncle and I secretly left from the Profound Sky Sect, so we can't stay any longer. Sorry." After listening to Ye Xiu's words, Leng Yue gave an explanation.    


Qin Tianxu and Leng Yue were both people of the Profound Sky Sect, so their departure didn't inform the Master of the Profound Sky Sect, so it wasn't much if they were to leave for a short period of time, but if time passed, problems would inevitably arise.    


Therefore, since the matter had been resolved, Leng Yue and Qin Tianxu could naturally rush back to the Profound Sky Sect as fast as possible.    


If not for this reason, Leng Yue naturally wanted to stay behind for more than one day, even if it was just for one.    


But the reality was cruel, especially the current Leng Yue, he was unable to control himself, so there were some things that he could not do freely.    




Hearing Leng Yue's apology, Ye Xiu could only nod his head. Besides, there were still a lot of days ahead of them, so they still had a lot of time together.    


Just like this, after bidding farewell to Ye Xiu, Leng Yue also left the Five Elements' Sect with Qin Tianxu. As they left, all of the six major sects that came to the Five Elements' Sect left.    




After Leng Yue and Qin Tianxu left, Ye Xiu did not feel any sadness at all. Instead, he looked for Ling Zhen, who was feeling a little drunk from being happy, at the first possible moment.    


Being named sect was Ling Zhen's biggest wish after becoming the Patriarch, and now that this wish had finally been fulfilled, he, who had already been promoted to Sect Master, was naturally the happiest one.    


"Ye Xiu, quickly come and drink with me. For this Five Elements Sect to become your current Five Elements' Sect, you shall receive the greatest merit. Come, let me toast you."    


Seeing Ye Xiu walking towards him, the drunk Ling Zhen immediately raised the wine cup in his hand and shouted happily.    


"Grand master, although wine is good, you must not be greedy. It is easy to make mistakes when you are drunk. Bear that in mind." Seeing that Ling Zhen still wanted to drink with him, Ye Xiu reminded him with good intentions.    


Hearing that, the originally drunk Ling Zhen's spirit shook, after that, a wave of Profound Power s burst out from his body, causing him to immediately become spirited.    


was right, it was easy to get things wrong when one was drunk, especially since their Five Elements' Sect had only just started, they had to be cautious.    


It was fine to be happy and drink, but it was easy to get drunk.    


Ling Zhen also understood this logic, so after hearing Ye Xiu's persuasion, the first thing he did was to blurt out the wine within his body using the Profound Power.    


"Master, I have something to discuss with you."    


Seeing that Ling Zhen had already returned to normal, Ye Xiu naturally returned to normal and said his piece.    


"Oh? As long as it's something that I can do, I will definitely not decline. " Ling Zhen hurriedly stated his position.    


Although he did not know what Ye Xiu wanted to discuss with him, as long as it was Ye Xiu's problem, it would be Ling Zhen's problem.    


"Leader, have you heard of the Sky Sect competition?" Ye Xiu asked.    


The sect was only allowed to participate in the Heaven Sect competition, and their Five Elements Sect was not yet a sect, so there was nothing wrong with Ling Zhen not knowing.    


Of course, as the head of a sect, he should at least know some important things. Even if it had nothing to do with him, it wouldn't hurt to know a little about it.    


"I know about the competition in the Sky Sect. The Sky Sect was the number one sect back then, and its heritage was unimaginable. However, for some reason, such a powerful sect was destroyed in one night, leaving behind a large amount of treasures and inheritances ?"    


Facing Ye Xiu's inquiry, Ling Zhen naturally told him everything he knew in detail.    


And listening to Ling Zhen's understanding of the Heaven Sect, what he said was basically similar to what Leng Yue said.    


Of course, compared to Leng Yue, Ling Zhen's understanding of the Heaven Sect was definitely lacking. After all, he had never been to the Heaven Sect or even entered it before.    


"Ye Xiu, you heard about this from the Profound Sky Sect, right? "You can't be thinking of going to participate in this competition, right?" Ling Zhen asked curiously.    


Ling Zhen was fairly familiar with the Sky Sect's competition, so he was clear about its rules.    


Although this rule was set by someone, it was made jointly by several large sects and had been modified for many years. Right now, it could already be considered a type of authority, and even if it was the sect master of the Profound Sky Sect, he had no right to change this rule.    


Therefore, facing such a rule, if Five Elements' Sect wanted to participate in the Heaven Sect Competition, there was still some difficulty. And to obtain a placing from a large number of sects, that was even more difficult.    


The reason was simple, the quota to enter the Heaven Sect was fixed, but now there was an additional sect out of nowhere, so if Ye Xiu wanted to enter the Heaven Sect, he had to snatch the quota that should have belonged to them from the hands of the other sects.    


How precious was the heaven sect's position, so if Ye Xiu wanted to snatch it, would the sect that was robbed agree?    


And it was precisely because of this, that these spots could not be obtained easily even if Ye Xiu wanted them to, even Profound Sky Sect could not help him in this aspect.    


"Sect leader, there are many treasures and inheritances in the Sky Sect that have yet to be discovered. Now that we have the qualification to enter, we will naturally have to give it a try." Ye Xiu suggested.    


Hearing that, Ling Zhen rolled his eyes slightly. Indeed, since he had the qualifications, why not give it a try?    


Furthermore, not everyone could send out their Five Elements' Sect. Even if Ye Xiu was not out, his strength was still very strong.    


"Ye Xiu, you are right, since we have the qualifications, why not participate? Alright, leave this matter to me." Ling Zhen agreed.    




Seeing that Ling Zhen nodded his head in agreement, Ye Xiu gave a light grunt of assent, and then turned and left after saying his farewells to Ling Zhen.    


According to Ye Xiu's conjecture, Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda was probably the treasure of the Heaven Sect. Therefore, before the competition has begun, he decided to study it carefully.    


If he could unleash the power of the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, then even if Ye Xiu was only at the Minor Profound Core Stage cultivation level, he probably wouldn't dare to be presumptuous towards him.    


Of course, the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda was the treasure of the Nine Profound Sect, so unless it was absolutely necessary, he did not dare let this treasure appear in the world. Otherwise, there was a huge possibility that the Five Elements' Sect would be implicated by him.    


Five Elements' Sect was not long ago, so naturally, their strength was far inferior to Nine Profound Sect. Therefore, if Nine Profound Sect was used to deal with Five Elements' Sect, the latter would basically not have any strength left to fend them off.    


Just like this, not long after Ye Xiu left the banquet hall, only the disciples in charge of cleaning the hall remained. The rest had already left.    


Just as Ye Xiu returned to his room and started to concentrate on studying the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, Xu Zifeng, who was initially rushing to leave, quietly hid in a corner and looked at a somewhat lonely figure not far away.    


Looking at this figure, Xu Zifeng had the urge to rush over several times, but logic told him that if he were to rush over now, then he and Song Qianqian would not even have the chance to be friends.    


As a result, in order to not disturb Song Qianqian, but he was also worried about leaving, Xu Zifeng could only quietly watch from a distance.    


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