Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Zifeng, what are you doing here!"    


Just as Xu Zifeng was hiding in the darkness and quietly watching Song Qianqian's back figure, a voice suddenly came out.    


This voice was not soft, but because of a sudden relationship, it caused Xu Zifeng to be shocked.    


"Who is it!"    


When the Song Qianqian who was originally standing alone heard the commotion behind her, she immediately turned around to take a look. In the end, she discovered that Xu Zifeng and Long Yazi were standing not far behind her.    


"Qianqian, don't misunderstand me. I didn't mean to follow you, I ?" When Xu Zifeng saw that he had been discovered by Song Qianqian, he immediately wanted to explain.    


But before waiting for Xu Zifeng to say more, Long Yazi interrupted him with a curious face: "Zifeng, what's wrong with you? Also, what happened to the two of you? Has something happened? "    


"Elder Long, we don't have anything to do. Elder Long, are you looking for me?" Song Qianqian walked up to Long Yazi and respectfully asked.    


"No, I'm looking for Zifeng." Long Yazi shook his head.    


"Oh, if there's nothing else, then I'll be leaving first." Song Qianqian said softly.    


With that, Song Qianqian turned and left, and upon seeing that, Xu Zifeng opened his mouth to say something, but he realized that he did not know what to say.    


Previously, Song Qianqian clearly said that she didn't want him to follow her, but now that he had followed her, Xu Zifeng believed that she was definitely angry at him.    


"Master, why did you come here at this time, you ?" Looking at the gradually disappearing Song Qianqian, Xu Zifeng was momentarily at a loss as to what to say.    


If they had to blame Long Yazi, Xu Zifeng wouldn't have been able to blame them because the other party didn't know about it beforehand.    


The other one, Long Yazi is Xu Zifeng's Master, how can your disciple blame your master?    


"Zifeng, do you like this girl?" Seeing Xu Zifeng not knowing what to do, Long Yazi could immediately tell what the other party was thinking.    


"Master, I ?"    


Being asked like this by Long Yazi, Xu Zifeng instantly didn't know how to reply.    


He did like it, but he just couldn't say it out loud.    


Zifeng, if you really like her, then you have to be brave enough to say it, don't be afraid of failure, even if you fail, you can't be discouraged. It's not easy to capture a girl's heart, especially if she doesn't have a strong feeling for you. Long Yazi advised.    


"Master, I ?"    


Hearing what Long Yazi said, Xu Zifeng immediately revealed a look of hesitation.    


"What are you thinking about? If you like her, then go chase after her. Don't tell me you want this little girl to take the initiative to express her love for you?" Looking at his own somewhat numb disciple, Long Yazi said this in a hurry.    


Although Long Yazi had been extremely strict with Xu Zifeng before, and had even once become his inner demon, his injuries had already been healed by Ye Xiu, so his expectations for Xu Zifeng wasn't that high.    


Right now, Long Yazi only wished for Xu Zifeng to become good, as for how strong he was, it all depended on him, since he had already grown up, and he could not always control it.    


"Thank you, Master!"    


After hearing Long Yazi's words, Xu Zifeng's eyes became serious, and after thanking him, he ran off in the direction Song Qianqian had left.    


"This kid has finally grown up."    


When Xu Zifeng flew away, Long Yazi looked at his back with a gratified expression.    


Originally, Long Yazi had wanted to turn Xu Zifeng into a super genius so that he would be avenged one day.    


But after knowing that he had actually become Xu Zifeng's inner demon, Long Yazi knew that he had gone overboard with his actions, and thus, he decided that he would not ask for Xu Zifeng's cultivation anymore.    


At that time, the hidden injuries on Long Yazi's body had yet to be healed, so what's more, Long Yazi had already returned to normal.    


Long Yazi's talent was not weak as well, thus now that his hidden injuries had been healed, he decided to take revenge by himself and not make things difficult for Xu Zifeng.    


"Qianqian, wait a moment, I have something to say to you."    


Xu Zifeng's speed was much faster than Song Qianqian's, so not long after, he caught up to Song Qianqian.    


"Xu Zifeng, what do you want to tell me?"    


Since Xu Zifeng had called him, then Song Qianqian would have to stop and ask.    


"Qianqian, you should be able to tell that I like you, so I only hope that you can give me a chance. I know that you don't like me, and the person you like is Ye Xiu, but I still hope that you can give me a chance." Xu Zifeng took a deep breath, then spoke out the words in his heart.    


After he said those words, Xu Zifeng suddenly felt a lot more at ease.    


"Give you a chance? What chance is this? " Song Qianqian said, puzzled.    


Even if the person Ye Xiu liked wasn't him, and even if Song Qianqian knew that there was no hope for him, Song Qianqian didn't have any other feelings towards him. At most, he would just be treated as a friend.    


"A chance for me to protect you." Xu Zifeng said in all seriousness.    


Since he had already said what he wanted to say, Xu Zifeng knew that he had no way out. If he failed this time, he knew that there would be no future for him and Song Qianqian.    


Moreover, he still had a love rival. If he failed on this side, wouldn't that mean he gave Chen Aoxuan a chance?    


Therefore, he had to rely on himself to strive for happiness. Xu Zifeng was extremely clear on this point, and if he were to strive for happiness but still fail, he would not have any regrets.    


"Protect me?"    


Song Qianqian's eyeballs moved slightly, it was true, Xu Zifeng's cultivation was much higher than hers, even if she had Sixth Level Profound Beast s, but it was all because of Ye Xiu, if not for Ye Xiu, how could Song Qianqian have such a Blood Link Profound Beast.    


Therefore, Xu Zifeng was someone who could be entrusted with a lifetime, or at least, a lot more suitable than Chen Aoxuan.    


"If I go out to gain experience now, are you willing to accompany me anywhere?" Song Qianqian asked.    


"I'm willing. No matter where you go, I'll go with you." Xu Zifeng said softly.    


If Song Qianqian was willing to bring him out for training, then Xu Zifeng would know that he had already succeeded in half of the trial, and the other half would depend on whether he could move the opponent or not.    


"I want to leave the Five Elements' Sect and go to a further place to take a look." Song Qianqian thought for a while and said.    


There was Ye Xiu within the Five Elements' Sect, so Song Qianqian was afraid that he might feel uncomfortable, so the only way was to stay far away from the Five Elements' Sect and explore the world outside of it.    


"Away from the Five Elements' Sect!"    


Originally, he thought that Song Qianqian would still go to a place near the Five Elements' Sect to train, but it seemed that he was wrong. The other party wanted to distance himself from the Five Elements' Sect, away from this place that made her sad.    


Of course, this would also be good news for Xu Zifeng, because as long as Song Qianqian walked out of the shadow of Ye Xiu, his chance of success would be even greater, especially if the two of them were to leave first, then Chen Aoxuan's problem would be solved.    


"What is it? "Don't you want to?"    


When Song Qianqian saw that Xu Zifeng seemed to be hesitating, she furrowed her brows and asked.    


"I'm willing, of course I'm willing. Didn't I say that I'll go wherever you go?" Xu Zifeng hurriedly stated his position.    


Since things had gotten to this point, if he still refused, he really didn't have any more friends left, so Xu Zifeng naturally didn't have a choice.    


The reason why Xu Zifeng was hesitating was not because he did not want to accompany Song Qianqian to train, but because he still had Long Yazi in his heart.    


After all, Long Yazi was the one who brought him up, so even if they were going on a long journey, they would have to seek his opinion on this matter.    


But now, Xu Zifeng could only agree and then work on Long Yazi's thoughts.    


"Alright, since you're willing, let's set off now." Song Qianqian decided as he focused his eyes.    


"Ah, now?"    


Xu Zifeng was once again shocked by Song Qianqian's imposingness. Even if he wanted to go out and gain experience, he would have to wait until the next day or something.    


Moreover, the two of them were both disciples of Five Elements' Sect. As disciples of a sect, if they wanted to leave the sect to gain experience, they would need at least the permission of the sect master.    


Leaving the sect without permission would be a grave taboo. If they were to be more serious, they could definitely use treason to describe the two of them.    


"It's now. Let's go ask the sect head right now. As long as he agrees, we can set off." Song Qianqian said.    


Seeing Song Qianqian's expression, she didn't seem to be joking, so Xu Zifeng didn't think too much and directly nodded in agreement.    


After that, a man and a woman went to look for Ling Zhen.    


"What? The two of you are going out to train and you are leaving right now? In such a hurry?" Ling Zhen was shocked.    


Today was a big day for the Zong Clan. Although the Zong Clan ceremony had ended, there was no need for them to be in such a hurry to leave.    


"Song Qianqian, do you know that you're going out to train?" Ling Zhen asked.    


Song Qianqian was Ye Xiu's friend, so he naturally had to ask. If Ye Xiu did not know at that time and something happened to him, Ye Xiu would blame him.    


"Sect Master, I am a disciple of Five Elements' Sect, so I only need to report to you. Of course, I will tell Ye Xiu about it, and also, I have Ground Fissure Profound Bear, so I won't be in trouble. Song Qianqian said respectfully.    


"Alright, as long as Ye Xiu agrees, I have no objections." Ling Zhen replied.    


"Thank you, Sect Leader!"    


Song Qianqian respectfully called out to her, and then she and Xu Zifeng left together.    


"Let's go!"    


After the two of them said their goodbyes to Ling Zhen, Song Qianqian went straight to the Profound Beast Garden to take away the Ground Fissure Profound Bear, then she prepared to leave with Xu Zifeng.    


"Qianqian, aren't you going to tell Ye Xiu?" When Xu Zifeng saw that Song Qianqian was planning to leave just like that, he hurriedly asked.    


After all, Song Qianqian had said that she would tell Ye Xiu about it, but now she did not intend to contact him. This made Xu Zifeng feel that it was not right.    


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