Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"I'm not sure, but there are a lot of Profound Pill there. Although I've seen a lot, I don't know the uses for most of them, so I can't tell if they are poison pills or not." Ye Xiu replied.    


Because they could not be separated, even if Ye Xiu looked through all the Profound Pill inside once, it would be to no avail, not to mention, Ye Xiu did not look at them all.    


And even if it was Ling Zhen, he had never seen all of the Profound Pill inside, especially the high level Profound Pill.    


After all, it was useless looking at it. High level Profound Pill also didn't have any good fortune with Ling Zhen's current cultivation.    


"Ye Xiu, let's go over to take a look. If there is one, feel free to use it. After all, other people don't use it often." Ling Zhen said.    


"Sovereign, then I won't be polite." Ye Xiu smiled and nodded.    


Just like that, after they finished talking, Ling Zhen and Ye Xiu walked towards the Five Elements Trial Field.    


However, not long after the two of them had entered the Five Elements Trial Field, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear ran in anxiously from outside.    


Previously, Song Qianqian and Xu Zifeng had spent more than four hours to reach that place, but they did not use all of their strength to get there. Now, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear was using all of her strength to get there, so naturally, they spent less time on it.    


"What's wrong with the Ground Fissure Profound Bear? What a great evil aura!"    


When the Ground Fissure Profound Bear rushed into the Five Elements Sect at its fastest speed, the two disciples guarding the gate were so frightened that their faces lost color.    


The evil aura of the Fifth Level Profound Beast was not a joke. Even if such a powerful evil aura did not directly descend upon the two of them, it would still be enough to frighten them.    


It was a good thing that the Ground Fissure Profound Bear did not kill them, otherwise the two of them would definitely be scared stiff.    


And the moment the Ground Fissure Profound Bear entered the Five Elements Sect, its first reaction was naturally to look for Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu was its master before it.    


However, after searching through the entire Five Elements Sect, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear still could not find Ye Xiu.    


"Where is he?"    


The Ground Fissure Profound Bear asked himself anxiously.    


In the next second, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear quickly headed towards the Profound Beast Garden. Because the Blood Link Profound Beast could feel its master's existence, it had to find the Sirius Dog to help it.    


After all, Song Qianqian had fallen into an unknown black hole. Even if Xu Zifeng was by his side, it would still be very dangerous.    


Therefore, time was life. The Ground Fissure Profound Bear had to find Ye Xiu as soon as possible and then inform him of Song Qianqian's situation.    


Of course, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear didn't plan to let Ye Xiu save her. After all, the other party wasn't weak, but their strength was indeed not that high. If they were to continue, there would only be one more person in danger.    


The reason the Ground Fissure Profound Bear insisted on finding Ye Xiu was because only if he were to look for Ling Zhen, would the latter be able to save him.    


If it were to go itself, Ling Zhen might not necessarily care about it. Even if he did go, he would not go all out to save it.    


Furthermore, Long Yazi wasn't familiar with the Ground Fissure Profound Bear at all, so if it were to go and tell the other party that something had happened to Xu Zifeng, the other party would have to believe it as well.    


After all, everyone knew Xu Zifeng's strength. Would such a person get into trouble for no reason?    


"Sirius Dog, help me find the location of your master. I have something urgent to do."    


When the Ground Fissure Profound Bear rushed into the Profound Beast Garden, the first thing it did was to find a resting Sirius Dog.    


"Ground Fissure Profound Bear, did something happen? Weren't you with your master? "Why did you suddenly come back with an anxious look on your face?" The Sirius Dog asked curiously.    


Forget about Sirius Dog, even Chang Ningyuan who had been squatting outside the Profound Beast Garden had a face full of curiosity when he saw the burning Ground Fissure Profound Bear.    


"Don't ask me why. Hurry up and help me find your master's position. If you're too late, someone's going to die." The Ground Fissure Profound Bear urged.    


When the Sirius Dog heard how serious the situation was, it did not hesitate and began to feel it seriously.    


However, no matter how the Sirius Dog felt, it could not determine where Ye Xiu was.    


"How is it, where is your master?" Seeing the Sirius Dog seriously feeling it, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear hurriedly asked.    


"I am currently unable to confirm my master's location. He should be in a place like the Five Elements Trial Field or the Profound Crystal Sacred Grounds." The Sirius Dog guessed.    


Because in the entire Five Elements Sect, other than these two places that could be shielded, the rest could be accurately felt.    


"In these two places?"    


The Ground Fissure Profound Bear frowned, because regardless if it was the Five Elements Trial Field or the Profound Crystal Holy Land, they were both things it could not enter.    


"Forget it, I'll just go straight to the Sect Leader."    


Because their lives were at stake, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear could only go and save Ling Zhen.    


Just like this, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear rushed out of the Profound Beast Garden in a flustered manner, and then directly went to look for Ling Zhen.    


"What's going on? The Ground Fissure Profound Bear looks very anxious, did something happen?" Chang Ningyuan, who was squatting in the Profound Beast Garden, was extremely curious when he saw the Ground Fissure Profound Bear rush away.    


However, Ye Xiu did not come out again after he went in, so he could only continue to wait.    


However, he never expected that Ye Xiu had already left.    


"Where's the Sect Leader?"    


However, just as the Ground Fissure Profound Bear was hoping to find Ling Zhen, a scene that disappointed it appeared, because it couldn't find Ling Zhen either.    


Ye Xiu could not find it, nor could Ling Zhen, causing the Ground Fissure Profound Bear to stomp its feet anxiously.    


"Could it be that Ye Xiu and the Sect Leader are at the same place?" The Ground Fissure Profound Bear muttered.    


Both of them could not find the other one, but Song Qianqian and Xu Zifeng's lives were extremely important. If they were to wait, it was unknown how long they would have to wait.    


Thinking about it, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear immediately turned to Long Yazi's residence to the other disciples of the Five Elements Sect, and immediately ran off.    


"Senior, Senior!"    


Once they arrived outside Long Yazi's room, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear shouted with all its might.    


This time, the previously quiet room finally began to move. Following that, the room's door slowly opened as an old man slowly walked out.    


"Are you looking for me?"    


When Long Yazi walked out of the room and saw that it was actually a Fifth Level Profound Beast calling him, he immediately revealed an expression of surprise.    


Of course, Long Yazi already knew how many Fifth Level Profound Beast there were in the Five Elements Sect, so he was only surprised because Profound Beast came to find him.    


"Senior, quickly come with me to save people. My master and your disciples have met with an accident. They fell into a hole, and long vines even grew out of it." The Ground Fissure Profound Bear said repeatedly.    


"Did your master have an accident with my disciple?"    


After Long Yazi heard the Ground Fissure Profound Bear's words, his eyes revealed a look of doubt. It was clear that he did not fully believe the Profound Beast's words.    


"Senior, what I said was true. They are right outside the Five Elements Sect, they are not too far away, hurry up and come with me to save them, if you are too late, I'm afraid there will be danger." The Ground Fissure Profound Bear answered.    


Now that the Ground Fissure Profound Bear had not died, it meant that as its master, Song Qianqian had not died either.    


As long as one didn't die, everything was hope.    


Although the Ground Fissure Profound Bear appeared to be very anxious, Long Yazi still had some doubts. After all, he was very clear on the strength of his disciple.    


"Senior, what I said is all true. If I had been any later, I might not have been able to save him." Seeing the doubt in Long Yazi's eyes, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear became even more anxious.    


As he was in such a rush, the doubt in Long Yazi's eyes lessened. After all, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear looked extremely real.    


"Why didn't you go find your Sect Leader?" Long Yazi could not help but ask.    


Although his disciple was one of the people in trouble, there were still Five Elements Sect disciples. If a disciple was in trouble, then the most appropriate person to report would be the Patriarch.    


"I've already looked for the Sect Leader and Ye Xiu, but they can't contact us, so the only person who can save them now is you, Senior. So, don't doubt me, quickly follow me." The Ground Fissure Profound Bear said.    


"Alright, I'll go with you." Long Yazi nodded after thinking for a while.    


No matter what, this matter was still related to the safety of his disciple, so it wouldn't be a big deal to follow them.    


Furthermore, with his cultivation level, Fifth Level Profound Beast would not have the guts to trick him.    


However, Long Yazi was very confident in the disciple he had taught, so even if he met with danger, his life should not be in danger.    


Therefore, Long Yazi was not in a hurry, and was in complete contrast to the Ground Fissure Profound Bear.    


"Senior, you are fast. Go out of the door and head towards the southwest. If you see an unfathomable hole in the ground, then this is the accident point. My master and your disciple fell inside this hole." The Ground Fissure Profound Bear reminded.    


"What is it? Aren't you coming with me? " Long Yazi asked doubtfully.    


Since its master was in trouble, as a Blood Link Profound Beast, it should rush in to save its master the most. After all, if its master died, it would die without a doubt.    


But now, the Ground Fissure Profound Bear actually did not plan to go with him to save her. Wasn't this asking for others to doubt the authenticity of the entire matter?    


Long Yazi did not have complete trust in the first place, but now that such a situation had occurred, the doubt in his heart was reborn.    


No matter what, Long Yazi was still an occasional dangerous existence, so he was clear about this point.    


Therefore, it was understandable that he had such suspicions.    


"Senior, I need to go to the Profound Beast Garden and tell them what happened. This way, the moment Ye Xiu comes out, I will be able to tell them immediately." The Ground Fissure Profound Bear answered.    


Moreover, Long Yazi's cultivation was high, his speed was fast, so if he went to save them first, then Song Qianqian and Xu Zifeng would be able to escape from danger immediately.    




Long Yazi nodded his head, and then unhesitatingly walked towards the Five Elements Sect.    


After leaving the Five Elements Sect, Long Yazi followed the Ground Fissure Profound Bear's guidance and headed southwest. Of course, the doubt in his heart had not been dispelled, so he was naturally still a little afraid.    


If this really was a trap set up by Five Elements Sect, he could still react in time, and could even counterattack.    


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