Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"A'Tai, just now, two Level 4 Profound Beast passed by us, did you notice them?"    


Just as the two Sirius Dog passed through this group of people at their fastest speeds, a middle-aged man in the crowd asked a man who was about the same age as him.    


"Of course I did. What happened?" The middle-aged man asked.    


"Nothing, I just feel that these two Level 4 Profound Beast are a little strange, why are they so fast?" The man who spoke first frowned.    


When the other man heard that, he couldn't help but burst out laughing and said, "What? Do you think that the two Profound Beast should attack us? "    


"Hehe, that's true, since there are so many of us, then naturally two Level Four Profound Beast would not dare to come. Maybe I am overthinking it." The man who spoke first smiled gently.    


Although he felt it was strange, he couldn't think of any specific reason, so he stopped thinking about it at this moment.    


"Ah Pang, as long as we succeed in taking down Five Elements Sect, then our Profound Leaf Sect will be very developed. Just this Five Elements Trial Field alone is a good thing, maybe we can go in and raise our cultivation a little." The middle-aged man called Atai gently smiled.    


With their cultivations, even if they only increased a little, their strength would still improve by a lot. Therefore, even if it was just a little bit, it was already a huge gain for them.    


"A'Tai, maybe I was overthinking it. After all, we have that brat here, and he knows a lot about Five Elements Sect. As long as we succeed in our sneak attack, we won't have a big problem in taking down Five Elements Sect." The middle-aged man called Ah Pang let out a light breath.    


"Alright, let's go meet that kid again. Hopefully, he doesn't hide anything from us, or else I will definitely make him suffer a fate worse than death." The middle aged man called Atai looked at Wang Yunmo who was resting not far away, stood up and walked towards him.    


"Sect Leader Jiang."    


Wang Yunmo who was resting initially saw the middle aged man walking towards him, he immediately stood up and greeted him respectfully.    


Jiang Tai, the Patriarch of the Profound Leaf Sect, had a cultivation at the middle stages of the Profound Sea Stage and was not far from reaching the late stage of the Profound Sea Stage.    


As its cultivation level rose, the way it was addressed also changed. When one's cultivation level reached Profound Sea Stage, the difference between the two became initial, middle, late, and peak.    


Of course, there was a difference in how they called themselves, but their levels were still divided into four levels. This was the same as the previous levels.    


"Little Wang, we will reach the area of influence of the Five Elements Sect before we go any further. I wonder if you have anything else that you have yet to tell us?" Jiang Tai walked in front of Wang Yunmo and asked.    


"Clan Master Jiang, I have told you everything I know, we only need to wait for three days. Once the two Clan Masters and the six elders of Five Elements Sect enter the Five Elements Trial Field at the same time, then it will be the time for our sneak attack." Wang Yunmo hurriedly replied.    


"Kid Wang, if our Profound Leaf Sect is successful in taking down the Five Elements Sect this time, then you will receive the greatest credit. At that time, I will personally accept you as my direct disciple." Jiang Tai said.    


"Many thanks Sect Leader Jiang, many thanks!"    


After hearing this sentence, Wang Yunmo's eyes were filled with excitement. To be able to become the direct disciple of the sect master, his future prospects would definitely be limitless.    


But seeing Wang Yunmo's happy expression, the depths of Jiang Tai's eyes revealed a trace of playfulness.    


Of course, he hid this hint of playfulness extremely well, so Wang Yunmo, who had a happy expression at this moment, naturally did not notice it.    


Just like that, after conversing with Wang Yunmo for a bit, Jiang Tai walked over to the Profound Leaf Sect Vice Sect Leader, and then the two of them revealed a smile at the same time.    


Outside the Five Elements Sect gate.    


"Woof woof!"    


When two figures appeared outside the gate of Five Elements Sect as fast as lightning, they shouted out loud towards the two gatekeeping disciples at the same time.    


Before the two disciples could react, they saw the two figures instantly rush into the Five Elements Sect.    


"Aren't these Ye Xiu's two Profound Beast? Why did it have to come back so quickly? "    


When the two gatekeeping disciples came to their senses, they turned their heads to look at the inside of the Five Elements Sect, and revealed odd expressions.    


Ye Xiu's two Profound Beast were actually Blood Link Profound Beast, so logically speaking, these kind of Profound Beast should not have left their owners. But right now, only the Profound Beast had run back, yet they had not seen Ye Xiu's figure.    


Of course, these two Profound Beast had already entered the Five Elements Sect, so the two gatekeeping disciples didn't pay too much attention to them and continued to guard the entrance.    


"Woof woof!"    


When the two Sirius Dog entered the Five Elements Sect, they followed the aura to Ling Zhen's room.    




After the door was opened, a figure walked out. When this person saw the two Sirius Dog s standing at the entrance, a look of curiosity appeared in his eyes.    


"Woof woof!"    


Seeing Ling Zhen, the two Sirius Dog s screamed at him once again, and shook their heads at the same time.    


With that shake, Ling Zhen saw the Profound Treasure Bag s that were hanging around their necks. Both Sirius Dog s had a Profound Treasure Bag on their neck.    


Ling Zhen naturally recognized the Sirius Dog, but he had only seen it and not Ye Xiu. This caused him to be extremely curious in his heart.    


But since the Sirius Dog indicated for him to look at the Profound Treasure Bag, then the answer was inside the bag.    


"Senior, what happened?"    


And right at this moment, another beautiful figure walked out of the room, and this figure was naturally Xie Shan.    


Other than being juniors, Ling Zhen and Xie Shan were also partners, so they naturally lived together.    


"I'm not sure, but it should be related to Ye Xiu." As Ling Zhen spoke, he removed the Profound Treasure Bag s that were hanging around the necks of the two Sirius Dog.    


"What is this?"    


When they opened up the Profound Treasure Bag, they saw a tree branch in front of them.    


"There are words on it!"    


However at this time, Ling Zhen saw the words on the tree branch.    


"Junior Sister, what's written on your stick!" Ling Zhen put down the tree branch in his hand and then immediately asked Xie Shan who had examined the other tree branch.    


"Senior brother, I have written 'Enemy Attack' on this sword. Revenge for Wang Yunmo, other than Five Elements Sect." Xie Shan replied.    


Hearing these words, Ling Zhen's eyes revealed a suspicious look, because the information on the two tree branches were the same.    


Regarding this, Ling Zhen understood after thinking about it. Ye Xiu must have sent out two Sirius Dog just in case, but if Wang Yunmo was going to take revenge, then why would the tone of the message be so serious?    


Wang Yunmo's cultivation was only at the Peak Profound Qi Stage, if he could not even enter the gate of the Five Elements Sect, how could he attack?    


But Ye Xiu had used the word enemy attack, and even made the Sirius Dog personally send a message, so the situation was definitely much more serious than what they had imagined.    


"Junior sister, your Hidden Arts are better than mine. Go out and take a look. There's Five Elements Sect written on top of it, but there should be a situation outside." Ling Zhen instructed.    


"Alright, Senior!"    


Xie Shan nodded her head, and then her figure disappeared in the next second.    


"You two, wait a moment. After my junior finishes asking about the news, return to my master's side. Do you understand?" After Xie Shan left, Ling Zhen told the two Sirius Dog.    


"Woof woof!"    


Hearing this, the two Sirius Dog cried out to Ling Zhen, and then their wagging tails started to rest.    


Less than ten minutes later, a figure appeared in front of Ling Zhen in a hurry.    


"Junior Sister, is there really an enemy outside of the Five Elements Sect?" Seeing Xie Shan's serious face, Ling Zhen hurriedly asked.    


"It's Jiang Tai and Liu Pang from Profound Leaf Sect. Their Profound Leaf Sect is practically at full strength and they are currently ten kilometers away from the Five Elements Sect. However, they do not continue to come over. Instead, they stay where they are and rest." Xie Shan said.    


Profound Leaf Sect was not weaker than Five Elements Sect, but now that they had gathered all their forces, one could imagine what their goal was.    


"Have you seen Wang Yunmo?" Ling Zhen continued to ask.    


"Yes, he was indeed within the Profound Leaf Sect, but he did not see Wang Shijian's figure." Xie Shan replied.    


Although Xie Shan did not approach her, she could not be more familiar with his figure, so even if she were to look from afar, she would not be mistaken.    


"Oh my god, looks like Ye Xiu is right, but why isn't he returning to the Five Elements Sect?" Ling Zhen's eyes revealed a strange expression.    


Logically speaking, if Ye Xiu came back, the matter would be more convincing. However, he had only sent two Sirius Dog over, making Ling Zhen a bit confused.    


"Senior brother, it's not that Ye Xiu doesn't want to come back, it's just that he won't be able to." Xie Shan explained: "Everyone in the Profound Leaf Sect is resting on the path that Five Elements Sect requires. Even if Ye Xiu and the others go around a little further, the possibility of being discovered is extremely high, and with Wang Yunmo's existence in the Profound Leaf Sect, the moment he is discovered, it would mean that Ye Xiu and the others are not in a good situation."    


Since the Profound Leaf Sect was here to deal with the Five Elements Sect, then they would absolutely not be courteous to the disciples of the Five Elements Sect.    


Therefore, if Ye Xiu and the rest landed in their hands, they would not have much luck.    


"I understand, so Ye Xiu can only let the two of them run back here." Ling Zhen lightly nodded.    


"Senior brother, if I am not wrong, Profound Leaf Sect wants to wait for three days before they attack us. Three days later is the day we will enter the Five Elements Trial Field to cultivate, Wang Yunmo is very clear on this point, but if they were to sneak attack us that day, we will definitely suffer heavy losses." Xie Shan analyzed.    


Hearing that, Ling Zhen's face sunk, luckily Ye Xiu had realised it in time, otherwise, he would really be ambushed, and his Five Elements Sect would really be ruined.    


"Junior sister, immediately go and inform the few great clan elders to come up with a solution, and this time, if our Five Elements Sect can resolve the crisis, Ye Xiu's contributions will not be small." Ling Zhen said.    


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