Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



"Ye Xiu, the person you saved lives inside?"    


When Ye Zhantian brought Ye Xiu to a relatively remote corner of the Ye Family household, the man pointed to a normal looking little house and said.    


With regards to the Ye Family having such a place, Ye Xiu simply did not know about it. Even if it was the original owner's memories, there was no such place.    


Ye Xiu looked around, although this place did not seem to exist, there were signs of people taking care of the flowers and plants, it was obvious that people would come here often.    


"Got it!"    


After Ye Zhantian finished speaking, he gently pushed open the door and Ye Xiu followed in.    


The furnishings in this room were very simple and crude. Apart from a bed, there was no other furniture. There was not even a stool.    


And on this bed, there was a person lying there quietly, not moving at all.    


"Patriarch, what happened to him?"    


Ye Xiu who was behind Ye Zhantian looked at the person lying on the bed, but because his entire body was covered by a blanket, he was unable to see what was happening.    


However, this person's aura was calm and steady. It was clear that he was not in any danger of death.    


"Just like Yun Hao, he used Swift Blood Escape. However, he did not have as much luck as Yun Hao, so after that, he laid on the bed without moving. It has been more than 10 years." Ye Zhantian sighed.    


"Patriarch, who is he!" Ye Xiu could not help but ask.    


Although this person was somewhat similar to Ye Zhantian, their age difference wasn't too big, so he naturally didn't dare to make wild guesses.    


"He is my compatriot's little brother, Ye Zhanshan. Ten years ago, an accident forced him to use Swift Blood to escape from death, but even though his life was saved, he suffered from a lifelong disability." Ye Zhantian muttered.    


"Ah, little brother, why have I never heard of such a thing?" Ye Xiu was shocked.    


Even if it was the original owner's memory, there was no news of Ye Zhanshan at all. It was as if the Ye Family had never had such a person.    


"My brother is a person who cares about his face. Ever since he laid in bed and couldn't move, he made me hide everything from me, so only a few people in the entire Ye family knows about him. Most people don't even know about his existence." Ye Zhantian explained.    


"So that's how it is!"    


Ye Xiu lightly nodded his head. Indeed, for a person to be crippled for life and to be able to only lie on the bed without being able to move, their life must have been extremely difficult.    


Ordinary people wouldn't be able to bear it, because this sort of life was even worse than death.    


"Patriarch, you want me to cure him? Just like Ye Yunhao? " Ye Xiu frowned slightly.    


It was only because Ye Yunhao had just been injured that he was able to heal her. But this Ye Zhanshan in front of him had already been injured for more than ten years, so even if his body's meridians were broken, he would have already merged with her by now. There was no hope of healing her.    


"Ye Xiu, I know that the chances are slim, but you can cure Yun Hao, so I want to ask you to try. I do not have the extravagant hope that he will be like before, only hoping that he will live a normal life, that's all." Ye Zhantian requested.    


"Patriarch, I'll check him first. As for the details, I can't guarantee. I can only give it a try." Ye Xiu thought for a while and said.    


The brotherly love was deep, and Ye Zhantian hoped so much for Ye Zhanshan to be good. This friendship moved Ye Xiu deeply, so if possible, he would naturally use his full strength to heal the other party.    




Just as Ye Xiu was about to check Ye Zhanshan's pulse, Ye Zhanshan who was originally lying motionlessly opened his eyes.    


"You ? "Why did you bring an outsider here?"    


When Ye Zhanshan saw that a stranger had appeared in front of his eyes, his eyes immediately revealed anger.    


Previously, Ye Zhantian had clearly promised him that he would never bring strangers into this house, but now, the other party had actually went back on his words.    


"Zhan Shan, I brought him here to treat you. Don't worry." Ye Zhantian hurriedly explained.    




Hearing these two words, Ye Zhanshan said with a face full of disbelief: "You let a wet behind the ears brat treat me, do you think I'm so easily tricked? Scram, all of you scram for me."    


"Zhan Shan, it is truly possible for him to cure you. Not long ago, a disciple of the Ye Family also used the Blood Escape, but that disciple, under Ye Xiu's treatment, was completely fine today, not even his cultivation was affected. So, you let him try. Ye Zhantian advised.    


Hearing Ye Zhantian's words, Ye Zhanshan's eyes revealed a shocked expression.    


Ye Zhanshan was very clear about his brother, so there was no reason for the other party to lie to him like this.    


No matter what, more than ten years had passed. Even if the Ye Zhanshan of back then could not accept this, he was already more or less used to it now.    


"You can really cure me?" Ye Zhanshan looked at Ye Xiu with an expression of disbelief.    


No matter what, Ye Xiu looked like a 15 or 16 year old child. How could he have that kind of ability?    


"It's impossible to completely cure him. I'm not an immortal, so it's impossible for me to recover a person that was crippled for more than ten years." Ye Xiu replied softly.    


Of course, neither Ye Zhantian nor Ye Zhanshan knew about the word "god" from Ye Xiu's words, because the word "god" did not exist in the Profound Sky Continent.    


"But ?"    


Just as despair appeared on the faces of Ye Zhantian and Yun Che, Ye Xiu continued to speak, "If it's only a recovery of my ability to take care of myself, then I can still give it a try, and with a lot of hope."    


"It's true!"    


Be it Ye Zhantian or Ye Zhanshan, when the two of them heard this sentence, their eyes revealed excitement.    


After all, he had been paralyzed for more than ten years, so it was basically impossible for him to cultivate again.    


However, if he were to return to living by himself, it would be extremely good news for him. So, how could he not be excited?    


Everyone who had been lying in bed for more than ten years would probably be extremely excited to hear that he was able to recover.    


"Don't be too happy yet. I'm only talking about possibilities. If you want to recover, there is one step that you must take. If you don't, then there is no way to take the next step." Ye Xiu replied.    


"Ye Xiu, as long as I can help my little brother recover and take care of himself, so that he can live a normal life, there's no problem at all for me to do anything." Ye Zhantian hurriedly stated his position.    


"Patriarch, it's not that you want to do something, but he wants to suffer the pain of having his meridians broken." Ye Xiu replied.    




Upon hearing these words, a surprised expression appeared on their faces.    


Back then, when Ye Zhanshan forcefully used Swift Blood Escape to break all the meridians in his body, the pain he felt was definitely inhuman. Now, he had to endure it again, especially under such circumstances, how could he endure it?    


"Patriarch, over ten years have passed, and the broken meridians have all stuck together once again. It's just that the adhesion was incorrect, so they became paralyzed. As long as these meridians are connected normally, the body should be able to move freely." Ye Xiu explained.    


"Brother, I don't want to continue lying on the bed, so I have to suffer the pain of having my second meridian broken. I just want to be able to return to normal." Ye Zhanshan who was lying on the bed expressed his opinion.    


"Alright, then we will accept your treatment." Ye Zhantian nodded.    


"Ye Xiu, do whatever you want. As long as you can make my brother stand up once more, there's nothing wrong with doing anything." Ye Zhantian looked at Ye Xiu with a serious face.    


Clan leader, my cultivation is still shallow, so I have to rely on you to break all the meridians in his body, but I cannot use brute force. I have to use the Profound Power to slowly crack them, and this step is a test for you. Ye Xiu said.    


Using a Profound Power to break meridians was not an easy thing to do, but if one was not careful, it could cause their entire meridians to be shattered into pieces.    


If that was really the case, then even if Ye Xiu had the ability to transcend the heavens, he wouldn't be able to reverse the situation.    


After hearing what Ye Xiu had said, Ye Zhantian's face immediately revealed a grave expression. It was obvious that he knew that this matter wasn't simple.    


"Patriarch, in order to prevent any accidents, we need to practice for a few days. When you can familiarize yourself with the Profound Power s in your body, then you can go." Ye Xiu said.    


For a Ranker with Peak Profound Qi Stage, controlling the Profound Power should not be a problem, but it was just simple control. It could not meet Ye Xiu's requirements, after all, he had to be extremely careful when reopening meridians, if there was one more Profound Power, then the entire meridian might be broken.    


"I know, but how am I supposed to practice?" Ye Zhantian asked doubtfully.    


"Don't worry about that. Actually, the training method is very simple. I'll teach you later." Ye Xiu replied.    


"Don't wait. Teach me right now. I'll go practice right now. That way, we can cure Zhan Shan earlier." Ye Zhantian anxiously said.    


Looking at the anxious Ye Zhantian, Ye Xiu laughed: "Patriarch, this matter cannot be rushed, because before the meridian break, I will have to spend a few days of effort to use the Xuanyu Needle to relax his body. This way, when the time comes, it will be easier for you to break your pulse."    


"Alright, alright. You can do whatever you want." Ye Zhantian nodded his head.    


As long as it could cure Ye Zhanshan, he would be willing to do anything.    


"En, Chief, you can go out and wait for me. I'm going to apply the needles." Ye Xiu replied.    




After hearing those words, Ye Zhantian turned around and left without saying a word. Naturally, he had 100% confidence in Ye Xiu.    


"Ye Xiu right? Sorry to trouble you."    


After Ye Zhantian left, Ye Zhanshan thanked Ye Xiu and closed his eyes. He did not think anymore.    


Seeing Ye Zhanshan leave the general's body with his eyes closed for him to take care of, Ye Xiu did not hesitate at all. He immediately pulled back the blanket and a set of Xuanyu Needle flew out.    


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