The Super Universe Leveling Game

C781 Level 8

C781 Level 8

After everyone gathered, it was a great harvest, and everyone was pretty excited.    


"Let's stay here for a while." Storm AD suggested.    


"Although the price is a bit high, the items are really rich." Giant Sponge Baby said.    


"There's also an underground black market, I like it here" The competitive element in Human Ape Tarzan's bones was provoked.    


"What about you guys?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng and Three Thousand Silks.    


"I don't care. It's safer to live in the city." Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng said.    


"I'll listen to everyone," ___ said. Three Thousand Blue Threads said.    


"Okay, let's rent a suite" Dongfang Qingyu and the others went to the place where they rented the apartment.    


"It's so expensive!" Everyone looked at the message and was speechless.    


One room, one living room, 1.2 gold per month. Two rooms, one living room, 1.5 gold coins per month. Three rooms, two living rooms, 2 gold coins per month. Dongfang Qingyu and the others had seven people, so naturally they could only choose suites, seven rooms or more. There were no suites for seven rooms, most of them were for ten or more rooms. This was prepared for the Mercenary Group.    


Suites like this were divided into several levels: low-tier, middle-tier, and high-end. Low-class suites, 10 rooms, 5.5 gold coins per month. Middle-class suites, 7 gold per month, high-end suites, 10 gold per month. In reality, this price was naturally very low. However, this was still a game, so the players' main focus was on killing monsters and completing quests. The biggest use of houses was not to rest, but to provide a way to log off.    


If it was a life player, the usage of the house would be relatively high. Sometimes, a combat player might not even be used once in a few days.    


Looking at the price, everyone wanted to back out. Although everyone's value was not low, it was still somewhat unfair to leave the money here.    


"Two months." Dongfang Qingyu paid 20 gold coins and chose the most high-end suite. At the same time, he applied for seven people's monthly cards at the window.    


He took the room card and found a place to stay according to the address. The space was big, the environment was good, and there were all kinds of matching facilities. Everyone was very satisfied. Although it was more expensive, it was indeed worth the price.    


The others went to work separately, and Dongfang Qingyu started to refine the bones.    


As a race that had been passed down from ancient times, the Dwarf Clan had a long history. It had a deep foundation, and it was unknown how many advanced and top materials it had. The bones in the City of Dwarves were just scraps, but to Dongfang Qingyu... Both of them were at level 80.    


Open the furnace, light the fire, melt -    


Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes passed. Traces of melting appeared on the surface of the bone. Dongfang Qingyu frowned.    


The level of the bone was too high, and the temperature of the flame was not enough to melt the bone. This was going to be troublesome. He hurriedly sent a message to Three Inches Genius.    


"What are you doing?" Three Inches Genius only replied after five minutes. His tone was very fierce, and it was comparable to the bamboo shoots and stir-fried meat.    


"The temperature of the synthetic fuel is not high enough. Can you synthesize fuel with a higher temperature?" Dongfang Qingyu was also straightforward. It was easy to talk to Three Inches Genius. She did not like it when you were tactful and thought that it had delayed her time.    


"Double the price. You come and get it." This time it was shorter. Three Inches Genius replied in three minutes.    


"Alright, I'll call someone to come and get it." Dongfang Qingyu bared his teeth. These technical geeks were all brainless, but when it came to matters related to money, they instantly became astute.    


However, he did not bargain. They had grasped the technique.    


He asked Wealth On Week’s Eighth Day for help, and the synthetic fuel was quickly brought over. Dongfang Qingyu's Hongming's value had already been used up, but he didn't really want to return to Sky City.    


Level 2 synthetic fuel: temperature 5,300 degrees. Burning time: 15 minutes. Price: 130 silver coins per piece. Creator: Three Inches Genius.    


Level 1 Fusion Fuel's temperature was 4,000 degrees. Level 2 Fusion Fuel had an additional 1,300 degrees, but the price had doubled. Dongfang Qingyu gnashed his teeth in hatred.    


He opened the furnace and started the fire again. The level 1 synthetic fuel was crimson red. The Level 2 synthetic fuel had a faint yellow color, and the terrifying high temperature was surging. If a player touched it, they would immediately be burnt to ashes. Mysterious runes shone on the surface of the Raging Flame Furnace, blocking all the high temperatures within the furnace. The biggest difference between having a furnace and not having a furnace was this.    


The bones quickly melted, and wisps of black smoke came out. Those were the impurities that were burned to ashes. The three meter long bones slowly became more than a meter long, until they could no longer shrink. Only then did Dongfang Qingyu come out of the furnace.    


Purified bones: 91% purity, hardness: 40, physical defense: 500. Magic Defense: 430.    


The refining time of a level 80 bone was twice as long as that of a level 70 bone. Dongfang Qingyu started to feel tired after extracting the materials needed by Skeleton Warrior.    


"Blessing skill!"    


A milky white light shot out from Small Pudding Guoguo's Magic Wand and entered Dongfang Qingyu's body. Dongfang Qingyu suddenly felt a gentle and strong power surge through his four limbs and hundreds of meridians. Every cell became full. He immediately became energetic.    


A day quietly passed. At night, the human camp's players continued to test the dwarves. From time to time, the sound of magic explosions could be heard. The night in Peace City was very quiet, and the players all ran over to snipe the human camp's players. During the day, the players from Sky City stayed in their homes and did not go out, so they could only wait. The night became the only time for hunting.    


Dongfang Qingyu did not put too much effort into it. He went offline to sleep at 10: 30 and went online at 6: 30 the next morning. Another day passed, and he made a total of 18 Level 8 Skeleton Warrior.    


Skeleton Warrior: Level 8, HP: 90000, Attack: 7000, Agility: 130, physical defense: 9000, Magic Defense: 7500. Can be equipped with weapons, shields, and boots. (Note: Magic equipment cannot be used) Creator: Dongfang Qingyu, can be sold, traded, and sold.    


"F * ck!" When AD Storm saw the attributes, his eyes widened.    


"Defense 9,000, I have a headache." Xiyou Xiaozuanfeng felt powerless. He couldn't kill such a monster even if it stood still.    


"Three equipment slots, are you going to let me live?" The Giant Sponge Baby's face twitched. If it was only powerful, it could run away if it couldn't defeat it. However, after equipping the boots, he estimated... If he couldn't beat it, he couldn't run either. If he encountered an enemy, he would definitely die.    


"I like it. senior, you must give me one." Human Ape Tarzan's face was full of excitement. His blood was boiling with excitement.    


"Sure!" Dongfang Qingyu equipped Skeleton Warrior with weapons, shields, and boots. They were all Gold Ware. He was willing to invest in nurturing Skeleton Warrior.    


Skeleton Warrior: Level 8, HP: 90,000, Attack: 8,100, Agility: 180, physical defense: 10,300, Magic Defense: 7,500. Equipped with weapons, shields, and boots.    


Weapon: Tiger Head Blade    


Shield: Green Armor Shield    


Boots: Thousand Li War Boots    


Creator: Dongfang Qingyu, can be sold, traded, and sold.    


Seeing this attribute, everyone could no longer complain. Although they had already expected it, seeing it for real still shocked them. It was too powerful.    


Everyone was glad that Dongfang Qingyu was one of them. If he was an enemy, they would definitely cry.    


Not long after, Human Ape Tarzan's heart-wrenching scream was heard from the suite.    


"No -"    


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