The Super Universe Leveling Game

C622 Idol

C622 Idol

Fortunately, it wasn't too far away from Guangzhou, and Dongfang Qingyu, who had been tortured all the way, finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was time to get off the plane. He did not have any luggage, but it was not easy because he had to take care of Wang Xinyu and Tu Tu's luggage. When he walked out of the airport, he was immediately stunned by the loud noise.    


"Cai Mao, Cai Mao, Cai Mao!"    


"I love you, Cai Mao!"    


... "Cai Mao, I like you so much!"    


"Cai Mao, I have been your most loyal fan my whole life. You are my only idol!"    




Hundreds of young fans were waving banners and small flags. They were carrying pictures of Cai Mao and waiting. They were extremely excited when they saw Cai Mao walk out. That expression was definitely happier than seeing his own mother. This was the first time Dongfang Qingyu, Tu Tu, and Wang Xinyu saw a scene where fans were receiving them. They were so scared that they did not dare to go forward. The other passengers were not scared and could not leave either. Because a group of bodyguards came out of nowhere and stopped them.    


"Don't get close! Don't get close!"    


The bodyguard in the suit held his hands back and formed a circle around Cai Mao, protecting him in the middle. There were less than a dozen bodyguards in the circle who were in charge of opening the way, driving the passers-by, and blocking the crazy fans. His movements were well-practiced, as if he had been rehearsed hundreds of times.    


"There's a good show to watch." Tu Tu was originally very angry when she was chased away. She was Little Pepper. Just as she was about to get angry, she suddenly revealed an expression of schadenfreude.    


Dongfang Qingyu followed her gaze and looked over. A few middle-aged men who obviously had a different bearing than ordinary people walked out of the VIP channel of the airport. They took good care of themselves and were actually 15-20 years older.    


There were three people in the line, and each of them had a bodyguard and a secretary. They kept a low profile, but their aura was strong. They looked at them as they walked over. The surrounding people stopped in their tracks at the same time and let them go first. However, when they reached the exit, they were also stopped. Cai Mao's bodyguards did not care who they were, they all stopped them.    


There were three of them, one with a buzz cut, a square face, and a vigorous gait. With a straight back, it was obvious that they were soldiers. One of them had a cold expression and a small pair of eyes. However, he was very spirited. The dark grey suit had a different kind of manly charm on him. The last one looked ordinary, dressed casually, and had a gentle smile on his face. He was only 1.68 meters tall, but judging from the expressions of the other two, among the three, this person had the highest status.    


Dongfang Qingyu knew the last person, this person rarely came out of the country. However, his reputation was too great. It was impossible for him not to know him. 80% of China's mobile phones were produced by his company. The mobile phone Dongfang Qingyu used was also named by this person. Ren Yuanwu.    


"Who are the other two people?" Dongfang Qingyu asked Tu Tu.    


"The square face is the head of a semiconductor, such as a mobile phone, a computer, a tablet, and a cloud calculator. The development of many industries could not bypass him. He was a figure at the level of the Ancestral Dragon Kang Kai. The big-shot on the internet controls 20% of the cinemas in the country. The main point was that the headline news was his subsidiary company. If the main point was to support someone, basically, he would become famous overnight. If he didn't like anyone, that person had only been unlucky for a few hours. He had a bad temper... Look, he's going to flip out. " Tu Tu was looking forward to it. Looking at her expression, she regretted not bringing a bucket of popcorn.    


Dongfang Qingyu was shocked. He really did not have much influence on that Ancestral Dragon level big shot, but he had heard of that Internet big shot before. His nickname was Lei Dapao.    


Lei Dapao was famous for his daring words. He often bombarded people and things that he did not like. Because of this, he was called out several times and did not change his teaching, so he got the nickname Lei Dapao. Now that he was a little older, he restrained himself a little. However, those who were familiar with him knew that his restraint was not to nurture his body and mind. It was simply because the business empire had been expanding crazily these few years. Some industries were new. Not before. There were too many dangers and crises hidden in opportunities. Lei Pao, the leader, was treading on thin ice. He had to watch carefully, not having the time to meddle in other people's business.    


He did not have time to care about things that he could not see. If he could see, he would not let them go. He pushed aside the bodyguards protecting him and took a few steps forward. Just as he was about to speak, an accident happened in front of him.    


A middle-aged woman carrying a child didn't have time to dodge because of the crowded fans. She was pushed by the bodyguard and fell down. The three-year-old child fell to the ground and immediately cried.    


The child's cry was very penetrating and immediately suppressed the chaotic scene. No one expected such a thing to happen. Everyone looked at the big and small child who fell down and no one wanted to help them up.    


After being stunned for two or three seconds, the middle-aged woman threw away the luggage on her back. She quickly picked up the child and comforted her with a face full of heartache. Only then did a bodyguard walk over. It was the bodyguard who had pushed them, and the first thing he said was:    


"Don't you have eyes when you walk? If you bump into Cai Mao, can you bear the consequences? "    


The bodyguard's voice was very loud, and he had an imposing manner. The middle-aged woman was obviously a person who had not seen much of the world. All of her attention was on the child. She only cared about whether the child was injured or hurt from the fall. She did not care about anything else. When she heard the bodyguard's scolding, she felt guilty for no reason. She said in a low voice, "Sorry, there are too many people. I can't walk fast."    


After the child was carried by his mother, the crying had stopped. However, he was frightened by the bodyguard and cried loudly again. His two small hands tightly grabbed onto his mother's clothes.    


"Hurry up and leave, country bumpkin. If you don't have money, go and take the bus. What plane are you taking?" Disgust flashed across the bodyguard's face. As a bodyguard, especially a celebrity's bodyguard. They all looked at each other. Who couldn't be offended? Who was the boss? They could roughly tell who was the fan with a single glance. The way the middle-aged woman dressed and the luggage bag that fell to the ground were yellow and white. It was obvious that she was not a rich person.    


Tu Tu could not hold her temper any longer. She lowered her body. She quickly passed through the arms of the bodyguards blocking her and rushed in front of the middle-aged woman. She spread her arms to cover her back and shouted at the bodyguard, "Do you have money? Do you want to take a plane or a car? What does it have to do with you? Is the plane yours? Why don't you let her sit? If she can afford a plane ticket, then she can sit. The plane is for everyone, not a group of people. Why are you looking down on them? This is the airport, this is a public place. As long as you are a citizen of China, you can walk here. What right do you have to chase them away? Are you a police officer or a wounded patient? What right do you have to ask someone to make way for you? You didn't even apologize when you bumped into him, and you even chased him away in such an overbearing manner. Who gave you the confidence to do so? Or do you really think that the law of China won't be able to punish you? "    


" Who are you? Do you want to cause trouble?" The bodyguard's face was red and white as he shouted.    


"You want to cause trouble for your sister? If you hadn't stopped me... Do you think I want to stay here and watch you disgusting people? Do you also want to hit me? Hit me! If you dare to touch me, I will sue you until you lose all your fortune. Spend the rest of your life in prison. " Tu Tu's height only reached the bodyguard's shoulder, but her imposing manner completely crushed the bodyguard.    


Dongfang Qingyu hurriedly pushed away the bodyguard in front of him and rushed to Tu Tu's side to protect him. Although the bodyguard did not dare to make a move in public, but what if... What if the bodyguard became angry from embarrassment? Who could say for sure? Tu Tu was small and delicate, and her fighting strength was not on the same level as the tall bodyguard.    


"I am the bodyguard of the superstar Cai Mao. Of course, you must let the superstar leave first." The bodyguard said as if it was a matter of course.    


"What is Cai Mao?" Tu Tu asked back.    


"Cai Mao is not a thing. He is a big star. He is very famous. These are all his fans." The bodyguard pointed at the hundreds of young men and women, mainly girls. There were only a few young men and women. These people didn't care about right or wrong, and none of them came out to fight for justice.    


"So they are big stars. They are Cai Mao's fans. I'm not. They are willing to make way for Cai Mao. That's their own business. In a public place, everyone has the right to walk. First come first serve as the most basic traffic rules. This will not change with one's status and status. Big stars were just ordinary citizens of China. The only difference was that they were a bit more famous. However, this could not be a reason for him to enjoy privileges. Other people would voluntarily make way for him. That is other people's business. You do not have the right or the right to force those who are unwilling to make way for you to make way. Do you understand?" Tu Tu's words were reasonable and reasonable, making the bodyguard speechless.    


"Cai Mao is a big star. Everyone makes way for him. What right do you have to not let him?" After being stuck for a few seconds, the bodyguard shouted loudly, and his attitude was tough.    


"In a public place, I only make way for four types of people. Respected elders, immature children... Patients in emergency treatment, policemen in charge of public affairs. As for the others... I'm sorry, I won't let you... Of course, if it's someone I like, that's fine too. " Tu Tu slanted her eyes and looked at Cai Mao, who was heavily protected by the bodyguards, "This person is not an old man, nor is he a child. Thirdly, he is not a patient. Fourthly, he is not a police officer. A man dressed like a woman. I look down on such a sissy the most. Why should I let him... In this world, if there is no reason to escape... Which law says that they want to make way for celebrities? If there is, say it out loud, as long as you can say it out loud... I'll make way for them willingly."    


The bodyguard opened his mouth but was unable to say anything.    


"Why do you not like Cai Mao?"    


"Yeah, Cai Mao is like a woman. It is his freedom. He is so beautiful. Why don't you like him?"    


"We all like him. Why don't you like him?"    




The bodyguard was speechless, but the fans on the side were unhappy. When they heard Tu Tu say the idol in their hearts, they immediately pointed at her. They were filled with righteous indignation and pointed at her. That feeling was as if Tu Tu had insulted their parents.    


"Shut up!" Tu Tu's loud and sonorous voice exploded at this moment. She suppressed all the voices with her own strength. She pointed at everyone and was extremely angry. "You should all be students. You should put all your energy into studying. But you all want to chase after the stars. Are you worthy of your parents? Some of you rushed here from thousands of miles away just to pick up the plane. A plane ticket worth a few thousand dollars might be your parents' hard-earned salary for a month. You touched your conscience. Wouldn't it hurt to waste your parents' hard-earned money? You don't care about your parents who are getting old, you just stare at your names every day. He didn't even look at any of your celebrities. Was it very interesting? The value of your studies in school is to see whether a person is good looking or not. Can you not care about his character and talent?"    


Tu Tu's words were very reasonable, but how many fans were reasonable? Her words attracted even more fierce counterattacks.    


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