Urban Hardened All-area System

C3137 If You Become a Tour Guide I will Give You Good Fortune

C3137 If You Become a Tour Guide I will Give You Good Fortune

In the most luxurious office in the entire association building, Hu Lin greeted Ye Hong with a smile.    


Even Hu Jian was much more pleasing to his eyes than usual. He personally moved a chair for Hu Jian to sit on, which made the latter feel flattered.    


However, Hu Jian also knew who he was basking in. After he sat down, he obediently waited for Ye Hong and Hu Lin to discuss proper business.    


Ye Hong was also a person who did not like to be polite. He drank the tea that Hu Lin handed over and said indifferently, "My identity. You should have more or less guessed it.    


I can tell you something. I can order the Snow Clan's royal family around."    


Nonsense! Snow Emperor was still his disciple. How could he not order the Snow Clan's royal family around?    


Hu Lin was already overjoyed when he heard this, and his respect for Ye Hong rose.    


"Have some tea. Have some tea. Hehe. ...    


He didn't know what to do. He just kept adding tea to Ye Hong.    


Hu Jian had never seen Hu Lin lose his composure like this. He was full of surprise at the side, but he also admired Ye Hong more and more.    


"I didn't joke with you about the hundred million yuan purchase order just now.    


The prerequisite is that you can find ore worth 100 million."    


Ye Hong took another sip of tea and said casually.    


In fact, when Ye Hong saw the pequenino merchant who sold fake and inferior ores before he came, he had the relevant thoughts.    


Why didn't he directly purchase high-quality ores in bulk instead of passively sifting fake and inferior ores?    


After arriving at the Beast Sovereign Land, Ye Hong became even more determined.    


He discovered that because of the unique environment of the Beast King Valley, it was a fertile land that produced all kinds of ores.    


If he could build a long-term channel to purchase ores in the Beast King Valley, it would save a lot of effort for the Northern Dipper Region and the Blue Night Mountain.    


At the same time, Ye Hong chose Hu Lin.    


Although Hu Lin was a profit-seeking businessman and was not suitable for deep relationships, it did not hinder him from doing business with him.    


At the same time, Ye Hong did it for Hu Jian.    


Hu Lin, who was opposite him, immediately understood what Ye Hong meant. His hand that was holding the teapot began to shake.    


However, he did not pay attention to it at all. He did not even notice that the teacup was filled to the brim, causing more than half of the table to be splashed with tea.    


If it wasn't for Hu Jian's reminder, he would probably have waited until the smoothly flowing tea scalded his crotch under the table before he could react.    


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ... I, I was too excited!"    


Hu Lin was flustered. While cleaning up the water stains on the table, he impatiently said to Ye Hong, "Mr Ye, you found the right person this time!    


Our Fox King Tribe's business association will absolutely be able to help you find ore resources worth hundreds of millions!"    


In fact, Hu Lin didn't lie. This was one of the reasons why Ye Hong chose him in the end.    


The Fox King Tribe. Although the entire Beast King Valley wasn't a big tribe, the fox clan had a good relationship with all the big tribes based on their long sleeves.    


With their abilities, it would not be difficult for them to gather ore resources from the other tribes.    


"I have another condition."    


Ye Hong's words made Hu Lin's heart jump.    


"Hu Jian will be responsible for our business dealings."    


Ye Hong's next sentence stunned Hu Lin and Hu Jian at the same time.    


However, it was still unbelievable that Hu Jian had more business dealings.    




Fox Phosphorus immediately hesitated.    


Once Hu Jian was specifically in charge, most of the oil would flow into Hu Jian's pocket. This was what made Hu Lin feel conflicted.    


"If Hu Lin chairman doesn't agree, then treat it as if I didn't come here today."    


Ye Hong actually stood up straight, as if he was going to leave the room in the next second.    


"Wait, wait, wait!" Hu Lin immediately became anxious and hurriedly said, "Who said I wouldn't agree?    


This small condition, I'll agree!"    


Ye Hong's mouth slightly curled up with his back to Hu Lin, but his tone remained indifferent. "So, do you think Hu Jian's current position is worthy of his business?"    


"Mr Ye is right. I will write a promotion order for Hu Jian and promote him to minister."    


Hu Lin was ready to give it his all. He only wanted to keep Ye Hong, the super big client, and would naturally do everything he could to satisfy Ye Hong's request.    


"Minister?" Ye Hong's tone carried a trace of dissatisfaction.    


"No! How can a minister match up to Brother Hu Jian?" Seeing that Ye Hong was unhappy, Hu Lin quickly changed another promotion order. "I'll upgrade Brother Hu Jian to regional supervisor now!"    


"Huh?" Ye Hong glanced at him.    


"Mr Ye, supervisor is second only to me in the region. If I go any higher, I will have to step down and give up my position. Don't make things difficult for me." Hu Lin looked like he was about to cry.    


Ye Hong also knew the principle of taking things easy. He laughed and patted Hu Jian's shoulder. "Big Fox supervisor, you have to do well in the future."    


Hu Jian had been in a daze from the beginning to the end.    


From the moment Ye Hong appointed him to be in charge of this business, he began to feel as if he was dreaming.    


In his dizzy state, he even received a promotion order from supervisor in the region in a daze.    


It was only when Ye Hong patted his shoulder that he woke up from a dream.    


He could not hide the excitement in his heart, but he was more moved.    


This was not the first time Ye Hong had helped him!    


Thinking about how he was tortured by Hu Chuan an hour ago, he turned around and took the position of regional supervisor, his heart filled with emotions, and his nose immediately felt sore.    


He bent his knees and was about to kneel down for Ye Hong. "Mr Ye," he said. I don't know how many virtues I have accumulated in my previous life to meet you, my great benefactor!    


I have nothing to repay you. Please accept my bow! "    


Ye Hong did not like to be knelt down by others. He supported Hu Jian's body, making him unable to kneel down no matter what.    


He just smiled at him and said, "As long as you take care of this business, you will be responsible for it. It will be the best reward for me."    


Hu Jian's expression was incomparably solemn. He nodded vigorously and promised, "Hu Jian will definitely not disappoint Mr Ye!"    


Looking at Hu Jian who was full of energy, Ye Hong was also satisfied.    


The reason why he chose Hu Jian was naturally because of the quality of Hu Jian's character.    


Hu Jian who was pure and kind was always more assured than Hu Lin who only cared about profits.    


In addition, Hu Jian's tour guide work also made him very satisfied.    


If you become my tour guide, I'll give you a piece of good fortune.    


We won't lose out to anyone.    




When Fox Rou found out that her uncle had leveled up two levels with Ye Hong's help, she was so excited that she jumped up and down.    


She knew her uncle was dumb, so she thanked Ye Hong on behalf of Hu Jian from beginning to end.    


That lively and cute feeling made Ye Hong laugh.    


After solving Hu Jian's problem and negotiating business cooperation, Ye Hong had the time to greet him. Hu Chuan.    


That night, Hu Chuan was directly brought back to the hotel room by Ye Hong. He removed the hidden force and woke him up.    


When Hu Chuan slowly woke up, there was a snow-white ape face in front of him.    


That huge ape head was actually several times the size of his head.    


In his horror, Hu Chuan nearly fainted again.    


Then, he cried out in horror, "Where, where is this place?!    


Save me!"    


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