Urban Hardened All-area System

C3232 You Don't Have the Heart to Stab in the Willow!

C3232 You Don't Have the Heart to Stab in the Willow!

"Kid, hold on for me. I'll treat you to a feast when we get back!"    


The old voice drifted into Ye Hong's ears like a blur of smoke.    


It was the voice of Immortal Lord Yu deaf, Senior Yu!    


Ye Hong knew how powerful the sound shielding ability of the giant spoon above his head was, so he immediately understood that Senior Yu had used some kind of method to send the voice in.    


"Senior Yu! ..." "    


Ye Hong was touched. He closed his eyes and continued listening.    


What caught his attention was not Senior Yu's voice.    


It was a dragon's roar filled with dignity!    


"Ang -"    


The loud dragon's roar echoed in Ye Hong's mind, instantly putting the last piece of the puzzle that was missing from his comprehension onto it!    


"That's right. It's a dragon!"    


Ye Hong's eyes glittered like two stars.    


Of course, he remembered that the dragon's roar was Senior Yu's technique. It was the Fish Dragon Immortal Martial that he had seen in Immortal Manor of Fishes and Dragons.    


Ye Hong could never forget the shocking scene of the goldfish leaping into the sky and turning into a golden dragon.    


The fish jumped through the dragon gate and turned into an immortal!    


Wasn't this an act of breaking through barriers?    


It was a dragon roar that instantly filled up Ye Hong's comprehension.    


Just like the previous few times, the blood in his body began to transform into a great river, rolling and churning!    


The white fog that was rising from his body surrounded Ye Hong.    


Moreover, there was a faint black gas swirling within the white fog.    


It was the devil Qi that was forced out of his body at the same time!    


However, it was this demonic Qi that caused the white mist to have a mixed color.    


One black and one white. Like two giant arm-twisting giants, they were pulling each other inside Ye Hong's body.    


Ye Hong closed his eyes to comprehend, frowning deeply.    


If it was just demonic energy, he would have forced it out long ago.    


However, there was still the inner demon in his body!    


Under the control of the inner demon, the demonic energy suppressed the normal aura in Ye Hong's body, not giving him a chance to break through!    


Ye Hong gritted his teeth and tried his best to think of a way to deal with the inner demon.    


At this moment, there were actually others around Ye Hong who were worried about him.    


There was a row of ancient artifacts and ancient evil artifacts hanging from Ye Hong's waist.    


Old Monk of Nine-Lanterns , who was inside the pendant of the Haoshan Marquis Tomb, looked up worriedly. "Little friend Ye Hong," he said.    


Once Ye Hong lost control of his body, Old Monk of Nine-Lanterns , who had always been by Ye Hong's side, would be in danger.    


However, the heart demon can only be dealt with by Ye Hong himself. Outsiders can't interfere.    


"Unless someone can create an opportunity for this old monk to release the devil energy that wrapped around little friend Ye Hong. A breakthrough..."    


Old Monk of Nine-Lanterns muttered to himself and shook his head.    


Who could help him at a time like this?    


It was also located at Ye Hong's waist. On the other ancient artifact, the Lion King Magnetic Island, two black figures floating in the air were staring blankly at the sky.    


One lion and one seal. They were the evil spirits of the evil artifact, Evil Lion Magnetic Island, and the evil spirit, Qiu Qiu, of the Evil Water Demon Blade.    


After Ye Hong restored the Evil Lion Magnetic Island to the Lion King Magnetic Island, the evil spirit Thunderbolt had always been imprisoned here.    


As for Qiu Qiu, who was captured by Ye Hong, she was thrown to Thunderclap as his disciple at the same time.    


Once upon a time, Thunderbolt changed the way to instigate Qiu Qiu, planning to use her innocence to help her escape.    


However, Ye Hong had almost no intention of using the Lion King Magnetic Island. It made the two evil spirits like two big ornaments that were of no use at all.    


The wait of a day also made Thunderbolt feel despair.    


On the contrary, Little Seal Qiuqiu lived here carefreely and carefreely.    


But today, Thunderbolt discovered the perfect opportunity to break free from this cage!    


Demonic Qi!    


He discovered a large amount of demonic Qi!    


Furthermore, the Devil Qi had seeped into Ye Hong's body.    


What surprised Thunderbolt the most was that Ye Hong, who was normally like God of War, now had some kind of problem, allowing the demonic Qi to enter his body.    


"Dear disciple, it's your turn to attack!"    


Thunderbolt's huge eyes looked at Qiu Qiu with a serious expression.    


"Master, what should I do to save my master?    


Please teach me!"    


Qiu Qiu had a loyal look on her face.    


Thunderclap maintained a serious expression as he pointed his claw at the devilish energy around Ye Hong's body, "It's very simple. You just need to absorb the devilish energy into your body!"    


"But, but the demonic Qi seems to be much stronger than mine. Can, can I do it?" Little Seal Qiu Qiu said in disbelief.    


"Hmph! With me at the back, what are you worried about?" Thunderclap reprimanded.    


That's right! With Master's help, I can definitely do it!"    


Qiu Qiu jumped to the edge of the island and opened her mouth to suck in the devilish energy beside Ye Hong.    


The devilish energy wrapped in white mist was continuously sucked into Qiu Qiu's body.    


Her body, which was the size of a ball, instantly swelled up and turned into a big ball.    


"S-Master, I don't seem to be able to breathe anymore. Are you ready over there?"    


The round and round Qiu Qiu let out a panting sound.    


"I'm almost done. Hold on a little longer!"    


Although Thunderclap said this, he took advantage of the fact that Qiu Qiu could not see him and quietly left in another direction.    


He laughed in his heart: What a pure evil spirit, to actually be so loyal to a human! Idiot, laozi is only using it! You leave this place, that's all!    


The original Thunderbolt had absolutely no chance of escaping Leonis's Magnetic Island.    


However, now that the devilish energy in the outside world was surging, under Qiu Qiu's all-out absorption, it had already imperceptibly opened up a devilish energy channel that led to the outside world.    


Thunderclap was planning to leave through this passageway!    


However, there was someone who reacted faster than him.    


In the Haoshan Hou Tomb, Old Monk of Nine-Lanterns sensed the changes in the demonic qi outside Ye Hong's body and said with a face full of surprise, "Why did the demonic qi suddenly have a breakthrough?    


Forget it, this is not the time to care about this. This old monk has to hurry up and attack. I cannot miss this great opportunity!"    


He held the Buddhist beads in his hand, closed his eyes, and mumbled: "Heaven and Earth, Black Yellow, the universe is desolate..."    


Along with the rapid chanting of the array, a golden light flew out of the Buddhist beads and flew straight out of the Haoshan Marquis Tomb, entering Ye Hong's body!    


At this time, Ye Hong also heard the sound coming from the heart palace. "Huang Zhong! "Ultimate One Dao Art - Demon Binding Rope. Freeze!"    


It was Old Monk of Nine-Lanterns 's voice!    


The moment the voice appeared, Ye Hong felt a sense of relief.    


The inner demon seemed to have been imprisoned!    


"Little friend Ye Hong, I can only temporarily trap your heart demon.    


The rest of the way, you can only walk on your own!"    


What followed was Old Monk of Nine-Lanterns 's words.    


This was enough for Ye Hong!    


"Thank you, Master!"    


Ye Hong thanked him excitedly.    


The moment the inner demon was trapped by Old Monk of Nine-Lanterns , the only obstacle blocking Ye Hong's comprehension was removed.    


The barrier appeared in front of Ye Hong without any hindrance.    


Ye Hong instantly gathered all his strength and shouted loudly. "Break for me!"    


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