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C3377 That Day

C3377 That Day

"Therefore, after some of the Star Devils escaped from the Bluestar Sea a thousand years ago, they also brought along Empress Star Devil's prophecies about Son of Great Calamity, with the intention of finding and eliminating Son of Great Calamity.    


" In order to deal with this matter, I deliberately asked Xuanyuan to release various versions of Son of Great Calamity's false prophecies, with the intention of disrupting the Star Demon Race and Nightmare Ocean's line of sight.    


The final result is that they found Diwu Mohan but did not discover a real Son of Great Calamity like you! "    


Li Tao explained the origin of the prophecy clearly.    


In Ye Hong's mind, he recalled the contents of the prophecy once again.    


[Time and space appear, heaven and earth change. The great calamity has arrived, the Divine Path has been activated.]    


According to Li Tao's explanation, the great calamity should be referring to Empress Star Demon's resurrection plan.    


On the other hand, the Divine Path had confirmed the emergence of the Divine Path aura in Ye Hong's body.    


Then, how could the previous words, [Spacetime Discover] and [Heaven and Earth Transformation] be explained?    


Ye Hong did not know why, but he felt that Li Porridge did not tell him everything.    


Moreover, he had heard so much from Li Porridge today. Was it all true?    


Should he believe him or not?    


For this, Ye Hong made a decision.    


He looked at Li Tao and said expressionlessly, "I understand what Son of Great Calamity means now.    


"But I still can't completely trust you.    


Unless you guys help me save Grandma first.    


I also know that in order to save my Grandma, I need to gather all the Sacred Law bone instruments.    


Right now, the six Sacred Law bone instruments only lack the last bone zither. I don't believe that with your ability to create a world's Sage Emperor, you don't know where the bone zither is.    


"Tell me where the bone zither is."    


"Hahahaha -"    


Hearing Ye Hong's words, Li Tao suddenly burst into laughter.    


Li Mei couldn't help but laugh as well. She covered her mouth and laughed.    


The reaction of the two made Ye Hong frown.    


For some reason, he felt like he had made a big joke.    


" Ye, Ye, you don't care.    


Don't you realize that there is something else in this room?"    


Li Tao winked at him.    


Ye Hong was slightly stunned. He raised his eyes to look around.    


In the next moment, he looked around. Stop on an object.    


It was the guqin that Li Tao had placed aside earlier!    


Ye Hong had heard of this Qin from both sides. He could tell that it was a good Qin of excellent quality.    


But before this, his attention had been on Li Tao and Li Mei, and once again on the formation diagram. He did not pay attention to the guqin at all.    


At this moment, when he carefully examined it, he suddenly discovered that the ordinary-looking guqin actually had hidden secrets.    


Although the surface of the guqin was like a wooden guqin, there was a touch of greyish white on the bottom.    


Ye Hong went up and flipped the ancient zither. Surprisingly, he found that the bottom of the zither was in a grayish-white bone state!    


The material on it was exactly the same as the other five Sacred Law bone instruments in his hand.    


In other words, it was the same as the other five Sacred Law bone instruments. ...    


'Ding! ' Discovered Holy Law Bone Tool, Identification ability + 100! "    


Ye Hong could not help but twitch his lips.    


So the last Sacred Law Bone Tool he had been searching for was actually right in front of his eyes!    


He finally understood why Li Tao and Li Mei couldn't help but laugh.    


"Take it."    


Li Tao smiled generously and signaled Ye Hong to take the bone instrument.    


Ye Hong did not want to be polite with him. He put the bone instrument into his fat space and prepared to take it to the real world.    




Ye Hong was about to leave when he brought the zither back to reality.    


If everything went as planned, he had to take the Flaming Meteorite back to Bluestar as soon as possible and find the fat old man.    


Or perhaps, he could bring the fat old man to the ancient realm.    


From there, he could use the gathered Sacred Law bone instruments to let Xuan Yuan use the Divination Art to help him find Diwu Mohan's exact location.    


However, just as Ye Hong opened his mouth, Li Tao waved his hand with a smile and said, "Don't be in a hurry to leave.    


If you want to see Xuanyuan, you don't have to go through so much trouble."    


"Hmm?" Ye Hong narrowed his eyes. "Do you have a way to make that guy appear immediately?"    


"Hahahaha." Li Tao burst into laughter again. "You are looking for him, but there is no trace of him. Maybe he has been by your side all this time?"    


Ye Hong was stunned.    


By his side?    


At this time, Li Tao nodded at Li Mei.    


Li Mei covered her mouth and smiled. She turned around and walked out of the bamboo house leisurely.    


She didn't let Ye Hong wait too long. After a few minutes, Li Mei came back.    


But this time, she brought someone back.    


A person that Ye Hong would never have thought of!    




Ye Hong looked at Zhou Hao, who was following behind Li Mei, and his eyes almost popped out.    


"No, you are not Zhou Hao!" Ye Hong frowned and shook his head. "Zhou Hao has no cultivation base. How could he enter the Taoist Deerchaser World?"    


"You should greet him yourself."    


Li Mei smiled and moved away.    


Fatty looked exactly like Zhou Hao. He scratched his head and walked to Ye Hong.    


There was an embarrassed look on his face. "Master, there is something I have been keeping from you.    


"I am indeed Zhou Hao, but Zhou Hao is just one of my identities.    


As for my other identity..."    


He smiled awkwardly and his body suddenly changed.    


His body did not change, but a large black robe suddenly wrapped around his body.    


A dense aura covered his face, covering his face.    


This extremely familiar attire made Ye Hong's body subconsciously tremble, and his pupils instantly shrunk into a dot!    


"Cough cough, kid, I'm sorry that I kept it from you for so long..."    


The old voice that came from the figure in front of him had an unconcealable wretched aura.    


Ye Hong had heard this sound countless times in the Bluestar.    


"Xuan! Yuan! Old! Boss!    


Ye Hong rushed over aggressively and grabbed the black-robed man. He gritted his teeth and said, What the hell is going on? Explain to Yours Truly clearly!"    


He had been bouncing up and down the whole time. Zhou Hao, who had been following him, was actually that fat old man, Xuanyuan?    


Ye Hong's worldview instantly exploded!    


"If you have something to say, say it properly, say it properly..."    


The black-robed man who had been grabbed by Ye Hong let out an embarrassed voice. He seemed to be lacking in confidence.    


"Haha, let me say it."    


Li Tao looked sympathetically at Xuanyuan, whose collar was grabbed by Ye Hong. He held back his laughter and said, "In order to make it easier for me to protect you, Xuan Yuan is in the same class as you as Zhou Hao.    


Think about it carefully. Is it because he is in less trouble?"    


Ye Hong was stunned when he heard that.    


The first memory that appeared in his mind was when he was sixteen.    


That year, he slept soundly in the back seat of the classroom.    


In his dream, Zhang Xuewei, who was sitting at the same table, smiled like a flower.    


At this moment, he remembered that in his dream, the system that was suspected to be the Star Devouring Talisman in his body had awakened.    


Before he fell asleep, Zhou Hao, who was sitting in the front seat, handed him a bottle of water.    


It was precisely because he drank that bottle of water that he quickly felt sleepy.    


At this moment, all the memories of that day surged over at the same time, causing Ye Hong's eyes to widen.    


So it was.    


So it was like this!    


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