Urban Hardened All-area System

C3327 Out of Control

C3327 Out of Control

Ye Hong had no interest in the young priest's teaching.    


However, when the young priest said this, Ye Hong felt a strange fluctuation coming from the young priest's body.    


He subconsciously looked over and found that among the crowd surrounding the young priest, many people's eyes had lost focus, as if they had suddenly become a walking corpse.    


Ye Hong's eyes suddenly turned cold.    


It was obvious that the young priest had used some kind of bewitching spell to control the consciousness of the people around him.    


Because of the Fantasy Pill, Ye Hong despised this kind of technique and was disgusted by it.    


The people around him, including Rou, Loong Yan, Xing Shiqi and the others all frowned.    


"You guys noticed it too, right?"    


Ye Hong looked at the young priest and smiled coldly.    


It was none of his business, but this young priest had used such a dirty trick in front of him. Then it was not up to him to "meddle" in other people's business.    


But before Ye Hong could do anything, a shadow flashed past the corner of his eye.    


Feng Jialou actually took the lead and walked towards the young priest.    


The current Feng Jialou no longer had his usual cynicism.    


His handsome face seemed to be frozen.    


Ye Hong actually felt the killing intent from Feng Jialou's body!    


His heart suddenly moved.    


Could it be that this young priest was Feng Jialou's enemy?    


In his line of sight, Feng Jialou took a step full of killing intent and forcefully squeezed into the crowd.    


As he moved forward, an invisible aura spread out from his body and covered the group of people who had been bewitched.    


Everyone who had been lost in their eyes had regained their focus.    


Seeing this, the young priest knew that someone had come to ruin the scene. He immediately looked at Feng Jialou with a gloomy face.    


"Brother, I don't think I've offended you before, right?"    


Feng Jialou didn't say a word, but his body suddenly moved.    


In the blink of an eye, he had crossed the short distance between the two of them.    


He grabbed the priest's robe and lifted him into the air.    




The young priest didn't expect Feng Jialou to suddenly attack. He was caught off guard and stared at Feng Jialou in anger.    


But just as he was about to speak, Feng Jialou threw him to the ground and forced his words back into his stomach.    


Feng Jialou's cold eyes looked at the priest who fell on the ground. His voice was as cold as the cold winter wind. He said word by word, "Immediately, get out of this city!"    


The people surrounding him also came to their senses at this moment.    


When they saw Feng Jialou's atrocities against the young priest, they were furious.    


"Where did you come from, you madman?"    


"Why are you so rude to the priest?"    


"Let him go!"    


All four of them were scolding Feng Jialou.    


Feng Jialou turned around and glanced around.    


His eyes were cold and murderous. The crowd was so shocked that they all backed away at the same time.    


"A group of idiots."    


Feng Jialou sneered and turned to look at the young priest on the ground. He repeated what he had just said. "Get out of this city now!"    


The young priest's face was gloomy. He gritted his teeth and said, "Cutting people's fortunes is like killing parents!    


I don't care who you are. I advise you not to go too far!    




"Otherwise what?" Feng Jialou's eyes were colder than before. He looked at the young priest as if he was looking at a corpse.    


In the distance, Ye Hong looked at this scene with doubt.    


The current Feng Jialou made him feel unfamiliar.    


It was as if some kind of suppressed emotion had erupted from Feng Jialou's body, and even changed his personality.    


"You've gone too far!"    


The young priest suddenly stretched out his hand and condensed the radiance of the fire Divine Arts in his hand. He slapped his palm towards Feng Jialou's leg.    


However, Feng Jialou only raised his leg and dodged the attack.    


Then he put his leg down from the sky and stepped on the young priest's hand.    


At this moment, he screamed like a pig being slaughtered and shouted from the young priest's mouth.    


"Brothers, save me..."    


The sharp cry of help spread to the surroundings of the square.    


In the midst of a series of messy footsteps, a dozen priests wearing the same red robe of the Fire God rushed over.    


When they saw the miserable state of the priests on the ground, they all revealed angry expressions and attacked Feng Jialou without giving any explanation.    


Dozens of flame Divine Artss flew in the air together.    


At the moment, a cold light flashed in Feng Jialou's eyes.    


In an instant, two long swords appeared in his hands.    


One was green and the other was red. They were his Blue Luan and Scarlet Sparrow long swords.    


They were also two of his three long swords.    


Feng Jialou wielded both swords and slashed left and right respectively.    


Two half-moon-shaped sword energies flew towards the Divine Officials in two different directions.    






The sword qi roared and cut two deep cracks on the solid ground of the square.    


Carrying a violent force, it swept both east and west!    


"Ah -"    


"Save me!!"    


In the midst of a series of chaotic screams, a dozen priests who had come to support all fell to the ground.    


The young priest on the ground was scared to death.    


He trembled and said: "This, this hero, please show mercy and tell me, just how did I offend you before?"    


At the end of his sentence, he was so frightened that he started sobbing.    


"You didn't offend me." Feng Jialou took back his swords and said coldly. "I just don't like you guys trying to seduce ordinary people."    


The young priest cursed in his heart.    


No matter how much he thought about it, he would never have thought that this was the reason why he provoked such a vicious star.    


Just as he was feeling aggrieved, he discovered that among the people he had bewitched earlier, there was someone who was rushing over with a group of people.    


That group of people wore vintage armor and held a knight's spear in their hands. They rode on warhorses that were similarly fully armed. They were supported by the radiance of Divine Artss.    


It was the [Divine Security Team] that was in charge of maintaining order in the Divine Capital!    


The young priest's eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted loudly, "Brothers of the Divine Security Team, there is an outsider gangster here who is trying to kill me. Hurry and catch him!"    


The Divine Security Team rushed over and surrounded Feng Jialou.    


The leading knight removed his mask and pointed his long spear at Feng Jialou. "You are the one who did this in Fairy's Capital?"    


Feng Jialou glanced at them and frowned. "I'm just cleaning up the cancer in Fairy's Capital," he said calmly.    


"Don't listen to his nonsense. He is deliberately causing trouble to stop us from spreading the faith of the Fire God.    


Such a vicious and vicious thug, his crimes are unforgivable! "    


The young priest on the ground looked at Feng Jialou with a dark expression and kept adding fuel to the fire.    


"Noisy." Feng Jialou didn't even look at him. He raised his foot and stomped on his head, making him unable to open his mouth even if he wanted to speak.    


"Impudent! How dare you commit murder in front of our Divine Peace Squad!    


Men, arrest this thug!"    


The knight captain shouted.    


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