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C3295 Forbidden!

C3295 Forbidden!

Eighteen years ago, the year Ye Hong was born.    


During that year, Four Talented Chef Master , who had long since washed his hands, had his own circumstances.    


He was determined to kill Ye Zhonglv. He held his grandson in his arms. He named him Ye Hong.    


Qi Shangde, Jiu Jue, and his daughter Qi Qiqi were leisurely running a liquor store in their hometown.    


Dao Jue was pregnant with Yonglu. He was chosen by the Dongfang Family of the Ten Great Ancient Clan and was going to be the son-in-law of a dragon.    


Expectedly, Pu Changyong lived in a remote village with his family and enjoyed the happiness of the heavens.    


However, this beautiful scene was crushed by Diwu Jun and the fifth family, which was led by Diwu Jun, when they were born again!    


In order to find the Immortal Chef Four Talents, the fifth family found Pu Changyong and Qi Shangde one after another.    


Under the cruel methods of the fifth family, Qi Shangde almost died. He was struggling to survive in the Riegan far away from Zhong Yang.    


He joined the Nightmare Factory because of Yonglu's anger. He wanted to seek revenge on the Fifth Family.    


When Ye Zhonglv heard this news, he felt sad. In order to not implicate his family, he hid in the small village of the Dragon Pool alone.    


As for Pu Changyong, most of his family members had died under the palm of the fifth family. Only his granddaughter, Pu Yunyue, was left.    


Pu Yunyue had mentioned to Ye Hong that Pu Changyong had died of illness a few years after that incident.    


But now it seemed that there were other secrets.    


What Pu Changyong had told them was what happened after that.    


"After that incident, I hate the fifth family to the core, but I can't take revenge.    


Because if I went to take revenge, it was very likely that Xiao Yue would be harmed together with me.    


" Under such torment, I gradually felt my own limits.    


Thus, in a single day, in order to not let the young Xiao Yue feel sad, I found an excuse to send Xiao Yue away. Then, I laid down in the cemetery that I had prepared long ago, and prepared to receive death.    


Unexpectedly, a group of people from the Nightmare Factory dug me out and brought me to the research base under the Devil Triangular Sea without saying a word.    


This stay lasted for several years.    


During those few years, they kept drawing my blood and fed me different medicines.    


Gradually, due to the accumulation of too many different medicinal properties within my body, a conflict occurred and my body began to collapse.    


They replaced me with mechanical organs, but they were unable to solve the fundamental problem.    


Thus, they put me and the other experimenters into the space ship, planning to transport me to the Ancient World's Nightmare Ocean to continue my research.    


After encountering the interstellar air current, I really thought that I could be freed. ...    


But I didn't expect that when I woke up, I would already be in the experimental base of the Nightmare Ocean.    


They helped me solve the conflict in my body, but after knowing my identity, they fed me the Fantasy Pills without any explanation.    


After I lost my mind, they kept infusing me with memories called 'Truth' day and night... "    


Pu Changyong closed his eyes in pain. "The so-called truth changed the people who killed my family to big brother. He is the person your grandfather sent.    


The 'truth' also said that big brother chose to kill them to keep the four cooking utensils for himself.    


In the brainwashing process, my memory was gradually changed beyond recognition.    


"There is only one thought left in my mind - transform into Absolute Night, kill big brother, and kill everyone from the Ye Family!"    


The more Pu Changyong spoke, the more painful he felt. He did not even feel his nails digging into his flesh.    


When Ye Hong heard this, he sighed sadly.    


So this was the origin of the name "Jue Ye. This was the reason why Jue Ye called him the little bastard of the Ye Family.    


Everything was a tragedy that had been orchestrated by the Nightmare Ocean!    


Ye Hong pulled Pu Changyong's hand over. He waved his hand to treat the wound caused by his nails. With a serious expression, he said, "Elder Pu, don't blame yourself.    


If you want to blame someone, you can only blame the Nightmare Ocean for being too ruthless!    


You must pull yourself together again. I swear I will let you see the day when the Nightmare Ocean is completely destroyed!"    


Ye Hong's comforting words did not seem to have any effect.    


Pu Changyong still held his head with a face full of self-blame. His mind was in a trance, as if he had fallen into a nightmare.    


Ye Hong frowned, thinking that he still had to use his old trick.    


Hence, he used other topics to divert Pu Changyong's attention, making him try not to think about this matter.    


"Elder Pu, did you discover anything while you were in the Nightmare Ocean?    


For example... who is their leader?"    


Pu Changyong shook his head and said in a daze, "During that period of time, I was muddle-headed and did not know what was real and what was illusory.    


I only knew to follow the orders after being brainwashed and act like a puppet to help the Nightmare Ocean.    


Before Cang Sickle dies, I will follow Cang Sickle.    


After Cang Sickle dies, I will follow Cang Yaokun. ...    


"But I think that the two of them aren't qualified to be the leaders of the Nightmare Ocean."    


"This damn Nightmare Ocean!    


Ye Hong clenched his fists again. Suddenly, he thought of the Devil Fire Formation and asked, "Elder Pu, do you remember the name Devil Master?"    


"Demon Master. ... Demon Master "    


Pu Changyong repeated the name a few times and suddenly hugged his head in pain.    


With a frightened expression, he said, "Forbidden! This is a taboo!    


Ahhhhh -"    


Ye Hong quickly pressed on Pu Changyong and injected his Qi into his body to ease his emotions.    


Pu Changyong, on the other hand, still had a lingering fear. He was panting heavily on the bed.    


Ye Hong looked at Pu Changyong and frowned deeply.    


Clearly, this Devil Master was not simple.    


He might even be the real leader of the Nightmare Ocean!    


Otherwise, Pu Changyong wouldn't react so strongly when he mentioned this name.    


But right now, he could not continue to provoke Pu Changyong.    


After that, Ye Hong asked Pu Changyong to have a good rest while he went outside.    


He held a meeting of the Cancer Burying Alliance and briefly mentioned Pu Changyong's story.    


When everyone heard that the Nightmare Ocean used and tortured a kind old man like this, they were filled with righteous indignation.    


After hearing Ye Hong's speculation about the Devil Master, everyone was deep in thought.    


If this Devil Master was really the True Devil that the Cancer Burying Alliance had been searching for, the Cancer Burying Alliance would have a new target.    


Naturally, it was to find out everything about the Demon Master!    


As for Lion Kong and I, who fled to the God Domain, as well as the other Nightmare Terrors' followers, it would be an excellent breakthrough point.    


Thinking of this, Ye Hong called Feng Jialou over for a meeting.    


The Three Crown Divine Bird from the Divine Realm took Lion Kong and us away, and Feng Jialou had just returned from the Divine Realm, so he might know something.    


He never thought that the information Feng Jialou brought back had nothing to do with this matter. Instead, it involved another major matter in the Divine Realm.    


That was the coronation of the Divine Emperor that would be held next month!    


"According to the information gathered by the Anti-Immortal Cult's Divine Realm branch, we discovered that there have been frequent mobilization of soldiers in various parts of the Divine Realm. It is very likely that a shocking war will break out!"    


Feng Jialou's words shocked everyone to death.    


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