Urban Hardened All-area System

C3307 Mysterious Courtyard

C3307 Mysterious Courtyard

Soon, they followed Anubis and the others into the research center.    


Along the way, they could see many researchers in white coats coming and going in a hurry.    


Their eyes seemed to only focus on experiments and research. They did not even look at Ye Hong and the others.    


"I'll go with Sanchette to see the leader. Mu Luo Min, bring the Night Wind brothers to settle down first."    


Halfway through, Anubis spoke up.    


The team was split into two. Ye Hong and the others followed behind Muromin.    


Mu Luomin was generous and enthusiastic. Along the way, she introduced the various building uses of the research center to Ye Hong and the others.    


However, the entire research center was too big. Mu Luo Min spent a long time introducing the buildings, but she did not even finish introducing one-tenth of the buildings.    


Suddenly, Ye Hong noticed a strange building in the distance.    


It was a small courtyard in the middle of a few tall buildings.    


The courtyard looked ordinary. There was only smoke rising from the kitchen. It looked like an ordinary farm courtyard.    


Especially in this place where tall buildings were everywhere, it seemed even more abrupt.    


"Miss Mu Luo Min, may I ask where it is?    


Mu Luo Min turned her head curiously.    


When she saw the courtyard Ye Hong was pointing at, her expression immediately changed.    


She hurriedly pulled Ye Hong's finger down and made a shushing gesture.    


After that, she quickly led everyone away until they could not see the small courtyard.    


"Hu - sir, you scared me to death just now!"    


At a corner of the wall, Muromin let out a long sigh.    


Then, she turned around and spoke to everyone with a serious expression: "All of you, pay attention. In the future, when you pass by that small courtyard, do not take another look inside and do not do any unnecessary actions!"    


However, the more she said that, the more curious everyone became.    


"Could it be that there's a huge dinosaur locked up there?" Fox Rou asked curiously.    


"It's even more terrifying than a big dinosaur!" Mu Luo Min had a solemn expression on her face.    


Seeing that everyone was still confused, she gritted her teeth and let everyone gather together.    


After that, she cautiously scanned her surroundings and discovered that no one had passed by. Only then did she lower her voice and say: "Regarding this matter, I will only tell you once!    


The one living in the courtyard is the Divine Emperor Crown Prince, His Highness Persion!"    


Everyone was shocked.    


So the one in the courtyard was actually the Divine Emperor Crown Prince, Perth, who was held hostage by the God Clan Technology Association and used to threaten the position of the Divine Emperor, Retlin!    


"Don't look at how simple the courtyard is, it's surrounded by traps. There are even some peerless experts of our organization watching from the shadows.    


" As long as you do anything that causes them to misunderstand, you will definitely be killed on the spot! "    


Mu Luo Min gave another warning.    


Only now did everyone understand why Mu Luo Min was so nervous just now.    


Everyone knew that this was Mu Luo Min's concern for them, so they quickly thanked her.    


"Alright, regarding this taboo topic, let's talk less in the future.    


I'll take you guys to the resting place."    


Mu Luo Min shook her head with lingering fear and continued to lead the group away.    


In the end, the place Mu Luomin led them to was an apartment building.    


According to Mu Luomin's introduction, she, Sanchette and the rest of the researchers mostly lived in this building.    


People like Anubis, who often went out, lived in different places.    


Although it was an apartment, the interior design was no worse than a high-class hotel.    


After everyone entered, they were very satisfied.    


But before they could relax and rest, a large group of people in white coats suddenly barged into the apartment.    


"Fabilo, Caennes. ... Why are you guys here?!"    


Seeing this group of people, Muromin stood up from the sofa in surprise.    


A moment later, her expression changed. "That's not right. Where are Anubis and Sanchet?!"    




The leader of the men from the God Clan, who seemed to be called Fei Bi Luo, pushed Mu Luo Min away roughly.    


Then, he brought a large group of people and approached Ye Hong and the others without any explanation.    


He held a bracelet shaped equipment and was about to put it on Ye Hong and the others' hands.    


Ye Hong and the others naturally wouldn't let things that they didn't know get close to them. They immediately wanted to resist.    


Fei Bi Luo also realized Ye Hong and the others' intention to resist. The corner of his mouth revealed a cold smile.    


"If you want Anubis to live, just stay where you are!"    


Mu Luomin seemed to have thought of something. Her face turned pale as she looked at Ye Hong with pleading eyes.    


Ye Hong frowned and gave his companions a look, telling them not to resist.    




Fei Bi Luo coldly harrumphed and brought his men to bring the bracelets to Ye Hong and the others.    


The moment he put the bracelet on, Ye Hong felt a slight numbness on his wrist.    


There seemed to be some kind of strange and powerful magnetic force that attracted the bracelet and the wrist together.    


He should not be able to break free just by relying on brute force.    


At the same time, there was a vague feeling of being targeted.    


It was as if as soon as he broke free from the bracelet, he would be discovered.    


This feeling of being treated as a prisoner made Ye Hong very unhappy.    


Fei Bi Luo looked coldly at Ye Hong and the others. Without saying a word, he brought his men and left the place.    


"Miss Mu Luo Min, I think you need to give us an explanation."    


After those people left, Ye Hong looked at Mu Luo Min indifferently. His voice was cold.    


In an instant, the pressure emitted made Mu Luo Min's face turn pale again.    


Only then did she realize that the man Anubis brought back had a terrifying pressure that she had never seen in her life.    


"sir, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you exactly what happened.    


But if I'm not wrong, Anubis must have been in trouble."    


Mu Luomin smiled bitterly.    


It seemed to confirm her words. Not long after, Anubis walked in with a gloomy expression.    


Facing Ye Hong and the others' cold gazes, he looked like he wanted to cry but had no tears. "Brother Ye Feng, everyone, I'm sorry!"    


Ye Hong glanced at Anubis and found that he had the same bracelet on his wrist.    


"Anubis, what happened?" Mu Luomin asked with concern, "Why did Fei Biluo and the others wear the [Monitoring Bracelet]?"    


Ye Hong heard her and glanced at the bracelet on his hand.    


So this thing was called the Monitoring Bracelet?    


Tch! It was not a good name.    


However, Anubis only sighed. He was speechless for a long time.    


"Let me speak for him."    


The voice came from outside the door. Sanchet, who had gone to see his leader with Anubis, had also returned.    


There was no monitoring bracelet on his hand.    


However, his expression did not look good either.    


He let out a long sigh and said with a bitter smile: The higher-ups think that Anubis's act of blowing up the Fire God Image with his own people was too impulsive, so much so that he offended the Phoenix family in the process of his death. It was not in line with the organization's immediate interests.    


" Thus, they decided to punish Anubis for grounded and make him unable to go anywhere during this period of time. He would stay in the research center obediently.    


As for sir and the others, "    


Sanchet shook his head and sighed." I can only say that you were unlucky and were implicated by Anubis. "    


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