Urban Hardened All-area System

C3300 Anyway It's Very Awkward

C3300 Anyway It's Very Awkward

The carriage stopped in front of the cavaliers.    


Then, a young girl's shout came from the carriage: "Hey, you guys!    


The new Fire God Patrol Officer patrolled the Fire God City under the oracle. You guys quickly lead the way to the church in the city! "    


The moment these words were spoken, the entire scene was silent.    


The cavaliers were stunned. Ye Hong and the others were also stunned.    


Ye Hong could not help but scratch his face with his index finger.    


His luck was really so bad. He had just run into a patrol when he encountered a real one?    


No wonder Feng Jialou said he was finished. He must have recognized the other party's identity through the carriage inscription.    


In short, the atmosphere at the scene was very awkward.    


The cavaliers looked at each other. I looked at you and was at a loss for what to do.    


Which do they want to believe?    


At this moment, the carriage also noticed that something was wrong.    


The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a young girl wearing a nun's headscarf jumped down. She put her hands on her hips and berated, "Don't you all have ears?    


Didn't you hear what I said?"    


The moment the curtain was lifted, Ye Hong saw a woman sitting in the car.    


Although it was just a glimpse, it had left a deep impression on him.    


Ru Yu's face was a little tired as she lazily leaned on the cushion.    


Her long, curly hair that was crimson like fire lazily draped over her shoulders, extending all the way to her chest.    


Under the crimson robe with cloud patterns, her proud figure was covered by her long hair, adding a different kind of Charm.    


The dense aura of the Fire God Divine Arts surrounded this woman's body. It was as if there was a furnace within her body.    


The moment the curtain opened, the woman opened her silver eyes and looked at Ye Hong from afar.    


Her eyes were filled with pride.    


Before the leader of the cavalry could explain, the woman's indifferent voice came from the carriage. "I think someone is pretending to be me."    


Ye Hong felt a chill in his heart.    


This official investigator was very observant.    


He only took a glance at the scene and deduced the reason.    


The girl from before was stunned. She said angrily: "Ridiculous, someone actually dares to pretend to be Lord Inspector!"    


As she spoke, she took out an item from her interspatial ring and showed it in front of the cavalry leader. "Open your dog eyes wide and take a good look at what this is!"    


What the girl took out was something that looked like a brooch. It was designed to look like the shape of a phoenix.    


Under the illumination of the setting sun, the phoenix on top of the brooch flickered with a faint red glow. It was vivid and lifelike.    


"This is... the Phoenix family emblem!"    


"Is this the Fire God Cult's number one family whose ancestors produced Godkings?"    


"The person in the car, could it be the Phoenix family's legendary top genius, the Divine Lord [Tresia]?"    


This time, not only the cavalry, but even the passersby were whispering to each other.    


The leader of the cavalry trembled.    


It was not only because of the fear after recognizing the Phoenix emblem, but also because of the anger of being played by Ye Hong.    


Obviously, a genius of the Phoenix family would not pretend to be an inspector for nothing.    


Naturally, the one who pretended to be an inspector could only be Ye Hong!    


"Arrest all these bastards!"    


The leader of the cavalry was furious. He pointed at Ye Hong and shouted.    


Feng Jialou put his hand on the hilt of his sword when he saw the cavalry coming at him aggressively. It seemed like he was going to fight back.    


Unexpectedly, Ye Hong held his hand.    


He shook his head at him. "Don't forget the purpose of our trip."    


Feng Jialou thought about it and sighed helplessly. He let go of the hilt of his sword.    


As Ye Hong had said, if a conflict broke out here, their identities might be exposed.    


Even if their identities were not exposed, it would attract attention. It was contrary to their original intention of keeping a low profile.    


Therefore, Ye Hong and the others did not struggle. They were all shackled by electronic shackles.    


"Put them in prison and watch them strictly. We will interrogate them tomorrow!"    


The leader of the cavalry said with a heart full of anger.    


Therefore, Ye Hong and his group, as well as the water god priest, were escorted to the prison in the city.    


Along the way, they attracted the attention of many passers-by.    


As they went deep into Fire God City, Ye Hong also saw the characteristics of this city.    


The most special ones were, of course, unique buildings that were different from other races.    


There were many domed, arc-shaped buildings in the city. There were also shops around the cultural periphery of worship and belief.    


At the same time, there were no lack of modern skyscrapers in the city.    


The strange thing was that the two styles of buildings stood on the east and west sides of the city.    


The main road that Ye Hong and the others were walking on happened to be the boundary of the east and west.    


Ye Hong looked to the left as if he had returned to the Middle Ages.    


Looking to the right, it seemed like he had returned to the modern civilization.    


Not only were the buildings torn apart, but even the pedestrians seemed to be divided into two types of temperament.    


The first type was wearing casual clothes.    


The other was wearing vintage clothes.    


Those who wore vintage clothes seemed to look down on those who wore ordinary clothes.    


Even the shops had different attitudes towards the two of them. They were obviously more obsequious to the vintage clothes.    


"Those guys are aristocrats."    


Beside him, his hands were shackled by electronic shackles. Feng Jialou, who could not move, pouted at the group of people in vintage clothes.    


As for the other group of people, they should be of the commoner class.    


As Feng Jialou had said before, there was a natural barrier between the aristocrats and the civilians in the God Territory.    


It seemed that the aristocrats still had a high status and privilege, and they despised the commoners in their bones.    


It was no wonder that the people from the God Clan's Polytechnic Association couldn't help but resist.    


"Don't whisper to each other, be obedient!"    


In front of them, the leader of the cavalry who was still angry shouted at Ye Hong and Feng Jialou.    


Feng Jialou shrugged and didn't say anything else.    


The bored Ye Hong lowered his head and started to study the electronic shackles on his hands.    


With his methods, he had a hundred ways to break free from the electronic shackles.    


However, he did not do so. Instead, he observed the techniques within.    


Although this thing was useless to him, it was a great weapon for ordinary Deities.    


If there was an unavoidable large-scale conflict with the God Clan in the future, this technique might come in handy.    


Ding! Triggering the strength of Grandmaster Level duplication and strengthening, triggering the power of proficient-level Electronic Technology..."    






When the sky was completely dark, the cavalry finally escorted Ye Hong and his men to the prison.    


Unexpectedly, the prison was right below the huge Fire God statue.    


On the way, the Fire God Inspector Tersia's carriage had already left the team and was sent to the west city area by a portion of the cavalry.    




After Ye Hong and his group were pushed into a large cell, the cell door was slammed shut.    


"Tomorrow, I will not let you have any good results!"    


Before the leader of the cavalry left, he threatened fiercely.    


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