Urban Hardened All-area System

C3176 Lu Ping You Ning Qixiang

C3176 Lu Ping You Ning Qixiang

When Deer Seeping Velvet told Ye Hong and Ling Long about this with a surprised expression, Ling Long was also confused.    


Ye Hong, who knew the truth a long time ago, did not plan to expose it. He just smiled and said, "Since it's a blessing from heaven and earth, you have to keep it well."    


Although Deer Seeping Velvet still felt that it was strange, she had experienced too little and could not figure it out for a moment. She could only put away the diamond skeptically.    


During this time, Ye Hong glanced at the medium-sized diamond and found that it was not an ordinary diamond. It seemed to be very valuable.    


What if one day Deer Seeping Velvet took this diamond and sold it? The mother and daughter's basic lifespans should be all right.    


It seemed that Qu Yiyuan was much more generous than he had imagined.    




When Ye Hong brought the deer velvet back to the hotel, everyone in the team was stunned.    


Why did he go out and bring Little Loli back?    


The Deer Seeping Velvet's will was much more mature compared to his peers. He did not show any signs of shyness, but introduced himself gracefully.    


Ye Hong, on the other hand, simply added on to Deer Seeping Velvet's encounter by the side.    


For a time, everyone felt pity in their hearts when they heard this, and all of them sympathized with this Little Loli whose life was bumpy.    


They also encouraged and supported her action of participating in the culinary competition.    


Lu Seemingly Velvet also realized that the people around Ye Hong were easier to get along with than she had imagined. Her originally slightly perturbed heart had calmed down now.    


After that, Hu Yuzhu got her subordinates to help register their names.    


There were three people participating in the culinary competition this time. They were Ye Hong, Ling Long, and Deer Seeping Velvet.    


Because Ye Hong didn't say before that he intended to participate in the competition as well. So the velvet deer was surprised for a while.    


She had never thought that Ye Hong was not only good at medicine, but also extraordinary culinary skills.    




That night, Ye Hong went to a hotel alone in the city.    


The name of the hotel was Immortal Joy Hotel.    


Yes, it was the same name as the hotel in Xue Yu.    


The owner behind the scenes... Of course, it was the Anti-Immortal Cult!    


As a member of the Cancer Burying Alliance, the Anti-Immortal Cult was naturally under the command of Ye Hong.    


In a certain room in the hotel, a man and a woman appeared in front of Ye Hong.    


The woman was You Ziyi, whom they had met in Xue Yu.    


As an intelligence officer of the Anti-Immortal Cult, she was also sent to the Beast Sovereign Land.    


Next to You Ziyi was an old acquaintance, Qiu Ying.    


Back in the Bright Star Palace, Qiu Ying was an intelligence officer of the Anti-Immortal Cult who hid among the students.    


When Ye Hong was working in the Starlight Legion, he almost caught Qiu Ying.    


Of course, it was also because of Ye Hong that Qiu Ying, who failed the mission, was able to keep his life.    


Therefore, Qiu Ying was just as grateful to Ye Hong as the members of the Anti-Immortal Cult who were saved that time.    


At this moment, Qiu Ying and You Ziyi had solemn and respectful expressions on their faces as they listened to Ye Hong's orders.    


"I need you to keep an eye on the two of them for me.    


One of them is the leader of the Sha Family.    


The other is a woman from the Nether Clan named Qu Yiyuan."    


These two men were people Ye Hong couldn't see through.    


The reason why he let the Anti-Immortal Cult send people to keep an eye on them wasn't because he doubted them. Just in case.    


After all, if something really happened at that time, these two were definitely the most capable of disrupting the situation.    


Just as the two were about to leave to carry out their orders, Ye Hong called out to them again.    


"Help me find out more information about another force."    


"What force?"    


The World Gourmet Food Appraisal Association!    








For the next few days, Ye Hong relaxed and continued to stroll around the city with the rest of the team while waiting for the opening of the Feast Festival.    


As the opening day approached, the festive atmosphere in the city became more intense.    


Naturally, more and more foreign faces entered the city.    


Although the Deer King Tribe's soldiers handled the situation carefully and did not cause any major conflicts, the atmosphere of a storm was already faintly enveloping the city.    




Finally, the opening day of the feast arrived as scheduled.    


More than half of the city's people gathered at the glass plaza.    


The congested flow of people squeezed the Glazed Tile Street to the point where it was impenetrable.    


The stalls on both sides of the street had also withdrawn early, leaving the road completely to the pedestrians.    


Those stalls did not disappear, but gathered on Liu Li Square.    


Only at this time did the Glazed Tile Plaza fully display its wonders to the outside world.    


The Glazed Tile Plaza, which had originally been half suspended in the air, now had ten identical copies!    


However, the ten plazas were not parallel to the same plane. Instead, they were floating up and down like ten floors of skyscrapers.    


The plazas and the plazas were connected by a glass staircase and a glass elevator.    


Because everything was constructed from transparent glass. Therefore, no matter which square they were in, they could clearly see the movements of the other squares when they looked up or lowered their heads.    


It was no wonder that the bulletin board in front of the square clearly stated: [Recommended for female tourists or cross-dressing bosses to wear clothing other than skirts.]    


However, it was precisely because of this peculiar design that the surface area occupied by the ten squares was the same as one square.    


Therefore, when the Deer King and chairman of the World Gourmet Food Appraisal Association announced the start of the Food Festival, hundreds of thousands of tourists rushed into the square together. As expected, it didn't seem crowded at all.    


Ye Hong finally had the chance to see the true appearances of the Deer King and chairman.    


The current Deer King was called 'Lu Pingyou'. He was a middle-aged man of the Deer Clan.    


Just like the rumors said, Ye Hong could not see through his strength at all.    


The faint aura of an expert was far more powerful than the Tiger Tribe leader, General Hu, whom Ye Hong had seen before.    


Hu Yuzhu and Zhu Yijue didn't need to be compared to the Tiger Tribe leader.    


Perhaps only the whale king whale, Defiant Whale Halberd, could fight Lu Pingyou.    


It seemed that the rumors were true. The current Deer King was indeed a powerful contender for the next Beast King.    


To Ye Hong's surprise, it was chairman from the World Gourmet Food Appraisal Association.    


chairman was a beautiful middle-aged woman. He was an authentic Human Clan.    


She had an exquisite face and a gentle temperament. Her lips seemed to always have a kind smile.    


Ye Hong had heard of her name a long time ago.    


[Ning Qixiang] ] That was her name.    


According to Hu Yuzhu, Ning Qixiang came from the Immortal Fish City in Immortal Realm.    


Due to her superb culinary skills and her good temperament, she was quite popular in the association.    


A few years ago, she was elected as the new chairman as expected.    


At the same time, this was also the second food festival that Ning Qixiang led after her appointment.    


In terms of experience, there was no need to worry.    


However, Ye Hong was surprised. Not this.    


What surprised him was that he clearly remembered what Hu Yuzhu had said. Ning Qixiang was an ordinary person without any cultivation base.    


However, when Ye Hong shifted his gaze from Lu Pingyou to Ning Qixiang, he realized that reality seemed to be different from what Hu Yuzhu had said.    


He couldn't see through Ning Qixiang either!    


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