Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C203 Feng Moye's Other Identity

C203 Feng Moye's Other Identity

Chung Rann drove straight to a private hospital because Cheng was shot after all. Naturally, she could not go to a formal hospital. When the time came, she would definitely file a case and investigate it. They did not want too many things to be involved.    


After confirming that Fenng Moye did not find anyone to follow her, Chung Rann let out a sigh of relief. She also called Ho Chuan and asked him to come over.    


After finding Cheng's ward, she opened the door. Inside, Pingkai was guarding Cheng. When they saw Chung Rann, the two of them immediately stood up.    


"Ms Rann."    


"Ms Rann."    


Chung Rann saw that Cheng was about to get up and quickly raised her hand. "No need. Quickly lie down. Your health is more important."    


When Cheng saw Chung Rann, there was a trace of guilt on his face. He lowered his head. Because of his body, his voice was still a little weak.    


"Ms Rann, I'm sorry. This time, we did not do our job well and exposed you. Did Fenng Moye ask you?"    


He knew very well the uniqueness of Chung Rann's identity because she did not only have this kind of identity. There were also many other implications behind it.    


Chung Rann did not want to tell them these private matters. The main reason was that she did not want them to have too much psychological burden. More importantly, the mistake of this operation did not lie with them.    


"It's nothing. I have already explained it to him. You don't have to worry about it. The main problem now is to take care of your health. Cheng, this is for you. Take it."    


She suddenly took out a card from her bag and handed it to Cheng. When Pingkai saw it, he couldn't help but exclaim.    


"Ms Rann, this card of yours... Is this the limited edition black card of yours? There are only five cards in the world, and it is an unlimited amount. It can be swiped anywhere."    


Not only was this card very useful, it also showed that the owner behind this card had a lot of power and power. It was not something that could be obtained with money.    


Ms Rann was really too generous. She was willing to give such a noble card to Cheng.    


Cheng was also shocked. He hurriedly waved his hand and refused, "Ms Rann, Ms Rann, this cannot be done. I cannot take this card. Quickly take it back."    


Many people with money and power could not get this card even if they squeezed their scalps. Only their status was distinguished. Moreover, those who were very influential were qualified to have this card. Ms Rann usually did not use it much. It must be very precious. How could he take away someone's love?    


However, Chung Rann had already made up her mind. She tilted her head and said to Cheng, "You guys have followed me for so long, so you should know my temper. Did you take back the things I decided to give away?"    


Cheng and Pingkai looked at each other. It seemed that what she said made sense.    


Those who followed Ms Rann knew that she was a person who kept her word. She especially hated people being indecisive. She was a very straightforward and decisive person. Naturally, she also hated people being indecisive and indecisive.    


This was also the reason why the two of them wanted to follow her without hesitation, because very few people would be so straightforward. Ms Rann's personality was what they liked very much. It was also because she was a girl who had such momentum and courage. It deeply attracted all of them.    


It was not the kind of love between men and women, but a kind of admiration.    


Cheng still accepted the card in the end. "Then... Thank you, Ms Rann."    


Pingkai, who was beside her, was so envious that his eyes almost lit up. "If I had known, I would have taken a bullet for Ms Rann too."    


Chung Rann smiled and hit him on the head.    


"You must be out of your mind. Who would want this kind of thing to happen? Only Cheng is lucky. If something really happened to Cheng, you wouldn't have said that."    


Pingkai scratched his head awkwardly. "Ms Rann, I was just joking."    


At this moment, Ho Chuan walked in from the outside. He was walking quietly and did not have his usual cool demeanor.    


He leaned against the door and called out carefully.    




Pingkai hurriedly said, "Ms Rann, Ho Chuan is here."    


Chung Rann turned around and rolled her eyes at him when she saw him shrink his head.    


"A man should be a man. Since you have done something wrong, you should be brave enough to admit it. What is wrong with you being a coward?"    


Only then did Ho Chuan slowly walk in. He very sensibly apologized to Chung Rann and Cheng, who was in the hospital bed.    


"Cheng, boss, it was my mistake this time. I apologize to you. How about this, I will give you all my savings from last month. Also, Cheng, I recently fell in love with a beautiful girl. She is definitely your type. Why don't I bear the pain and give it to you? "    


Cheng laughed lightly. "Go to hell! Do you think everyone is like you and have the leisure to harm other girls outside? My goddess will only be Ms Rann forever, okay? "    


Ho Chuan smiled. "Sorry, sorry. I forgot that you are loyal to Boss."    


Chung Rann went back to the main topic and asked Ho Chuan, "How is the investigation going?"    


"It has been found. The people from the Three United Gang know that the medicine was taken away and are investigating us. It depends on their ability to find out."    


Ho Chuan changed from being careless to being extremely serious.    


Chung Rann's eyes were filled with sincerity and her brows were tightly knitted. "You still have to be cautious. It is better if you can't find out. If you find out, it will be very troublesome for us to deal with it."    


Furthermore, Fenng Moye had already concealed it from her. It was not a big problem for her first identity to be seen through. However, if the force behind her was found out by him, it would create a storm.    


Ho Chuan asked curiously, "Boss, are you afraid that Fenng Moye will investigate you?"    




"He should not be able to find you. " Ho Chuan felt that Fenng Moye shouldn't be that capable. If he could, he would have found out a long time ago.    


Chung Rann slapped him on the back of his head without any hesitation.    


"You must have soaked yourself in a woman's brain, right? If Fenng Moye really didn't have the ability, then... How did he know that I could easily deal with those special forces elites on that train? Do you think those elites are small? "    


If she did not have the slightest doubt, how could she let Ho Chuan investigate Fenng Moye?    


Cheng said half-jokingly from the side, "Ms Rann, why are you and your husband still doing it? They are suspicious of each other. It was him who investigated you before, and now you are investigating her again. Don't tell me both of you have strong identities? "    


Pingkai clapped his hands when he heard that. "That's good. Anyway, that Young Master Fenng is also one of us, Ms Rann. When the time comes, we will rope him in and strengthen our team. Wouldn't that be bad?"    


Ho Chuan glared at Pingkai unhappily." Are you out of your mind? That Fenng Moye is not even sure whether he is our enemy or friend. Besides, Boss doesn't want to expose his identity so easily. Could that Fenng Moye be willing to do so? What if the two of them are really enemies? If you put it that way... Wouldn't that hurt everyone?"    


Pingkai was scolded by Ho Chuan until his head hung low in grievance.    


"I was just saying it casually."    


Chung Rann saw that they were still in the mood to joke around. Her cold eyes glanced at them.    


"Don't mention unimportant things anymore. Ho Chuan, quickly tell us the result of your investigation. Does Fenng Moye have any other identity?"    


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