Planned Love



This welcome..." Uh, too formal.    


I raised my voice subconsciously and the corner of my mouth curled up, revealing a very official smile. I straightened my body and gracefully walked with Tai Ziqian to the center under the watchful eyes of the crowd.    


In order to give Tai Ziqian a leading role and also show off my "senior in the workplace", I introduced myself first, briefly introduced myself, and then said a few polite words. After summing up in a sentence or two, I left the seat that had already been marked with my name under everyone's applause.    


Although Tai Ziqian is about the same age as me, but in the end, he just graduated and I thought that he would be scared of students when facing so many seniors in the workplace. I didn't expect that not only did he take the microphone and talk casually, he also didn't know when he had prepared a PPT, accurately and succinctly analyzing some of the problems that Golden Age currently faces or might face in terms of finance. In the end, he confidently concluded: "In the next six months, I will lead my team to solve these problems one by one, and I have this confidence, so I hope to get the full support of each part!"    


I didn't expect him to be so calm and adept that he caught on to every question, as if he had already witnessed the inner workings of Golden Age. His confident look and casual attitude made many of those who had been complaining about this young CFO instantly change their attitude towards him and applaud him, much more enthusiastically than those who had replied to me …    


After the meeting was over, a commotion broke out in every office in Golden Age. The young and capable, high education, high talent, tall and handsome young unmarried CFO, momentarily became the focus of everyone's discussion. Those who knew Tai Ziqian's background all knew that in this company, Tai Ziqian was not inferior to Sheng Yun. It could be said that the two of them were on par with each other and each had their own merits.    


I took the opportunity to chat with Tai Ziqian, and when I hit him on the chest, I said, "Ziqian, you're good enough. "I didn't expect you to leave something like that to steal my limelight."    


"I'm not here to steal your limelight. I'm here to help you take the vanguard and have everyone focus their firepower on me. That's why you can do whatever you want with me." Tai Ziqian was sitting at his desk, looking at me with a smile.    


"More than that, I'm afraid? "I feel like you're not doing this just for this …" I looked at him meaningfully and smiled.    


After he finished his sentence, he looked at Sheng Yun with a provocative expression. I clearly saw it.    


He suddenly laughed, "Indeed, nothing can be hidden from you. I just want to prove to my grandfather that his only grandson is indeed outstanding, but his only nephew might not be inferior in any way."    


"It seems that some people still bear grudges for the loss of favour when they were young." I joked.    


"You're too narrow-minded, Shubei," he said, shaking his head and looking at me.    


At that moment, I saw the killing intent in Tai Ziqian's eyes. I was surprised at first, then I smiled, bent down and pressed my hands on his desk, looked him in the eye and said, "If you say that, then I have to support my man. I admit that you are indeed outstanding, but I don't think you can compare with him. "    


I said it on purpose, and when I saw this guy's frivolous side, I couldn't help but want to discourage him, tease him, and see his reaction.    


A deep sense of defeat appeared on his face as he said with a smile that was not a smile, "The only regret I have is that I didn't come back a year earlier. Otherwise, who are you now? I'm not sure."    


F * * k! This guy!    


I didn't expect that he would directly tease me, so I immediately blushed from embarrassment.    


Seeing that I was defeated, Tai Ziqian immediately laughed out loud. He threw a document at me and said, "This is the draft quarterly financial plan that I prepared. Let him see it. If he has any suggestions, we can discuss it together."    


"Oh? You're quite fast. When did you finish it?" I was surprised once again. This guy clearly came prepared, but he still acted as if he had just entered the workplace. This kind of playing the role of a pig to eat the tiger was indeed very thorough.    


"Since the first time he told me he wanted to hire me, I've been watching. If you don't have any skills, how would you dare accept such a hot potato? " Tai Ziqian raised his eyebrows and smiled until his eyes curved again.    


I respectfully took the document in my hand and said, "Tin, that's fine. I'll leave first."    


"Don't try this!" Tai Ziqian was so amused by my tone that he started laughing. He then said to me, "Then please let Xiao Liu come in. I have something to talk to him about."    


"Yes, master! This little one will go right away! " I teased him with a smile, then walked out of Tai Ziqian's office with a smile on my face.    


Who knew that the moment he walked out, he would bump into Sheng Yun! When I opened the door, Sheng Yun was just about to knock on the door and enter!    


"What did you talk about?" "Filled with happiness …" Sheng Yun whispered in my ear and asked. Only I could hear his voice.    


"Are you looking for him?" I restrained the smile on my face and seriously asked Sheng Yun. Then, I waved the documents in my hand and said, "This is the draft quarterly financial plan that he made. Do you want to take a look?"    


Sheng Yun was slightly surprised. He took the documents from my hands and said to me, "Follow me."    


I followed him into the office. I wanted to discuss what I should do next, but he pressed me against the door, picked up my chin, and asked, "What did you and Tai Ziqian talk about? Why is it that every time you see him, you get so happy? "    


"Is there?" I looked at him in confusion and continued to say seriously, "Didn't Director Sheng say that he didn't talk about personal matters at work? What is this? "    


"It's best not to flirt with other male colleagues while at work, or else after work..." You know the consequences. " There was a hint of vinegar in his voice, then he let go of me and straightened my collar.    


"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." "It's good that Director Sheng doesn't bully me when I'm at work. Also, where is my office?" I straightened up and asked.    


"Here." He pointed to the side of his desk, and I saw that, without knowing when, he had added a white desk, clearly out of tune with the rest of the office, but he was determined to keep it there.    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I said, "Director Sheng, isn't this a bit inappropriate?"    


"What's wrong with that?" He looked at me coldly and said, "This means that I have already given you the highest level of trust. If I share an office with you, why wouldn't you be satisfied? "There's no need to say anymore. Ziqian has already shown his sincerity, so you should also show your sincerity. I hope that this time, it's not your sincerity anymore …"    


I was stunned for a moment, then realized that his last sentence was actually spoken in a serious manner. He pretended that he didn't care about me at all and floated back to his desk, starting to read Tai Ziqian's proposal meticulously.    


After petrifying for three seconds, I sat down at the desk I had prepared, turned on the computer, and began to concentrate on preparing my work.    


Neither of us disturbed the other, each busy with his own business, and from time to time I stole a glance at him, always making my heart pound every time I saw him so absorbed in his work.    


The day flew by like this, and I knew he wanted me to stay in his office to keep some gossip out of my ears, and a little of his selfishness, as he said, in case I was flirting with other male colleagues. Sheng Yun, oh Sheng Yun, I didn't expect you to be such a beautiful man.    


I was in a good mood, and very efficient when it came to handling things. The old feeling of being full of energy had returned, and when I was ready to work overtime to finish my work, he suddenly stood in front of me and knocked on my desk. "Come, let's go eat," he said.    


"I'm not done yet, you go ahead." I told him as I typed rapidly into my computer.    


"You don't need to work overtime here. I will dismiss all the employees who work overtime." His cold voice floated over my head.    


I ignored him and immersed myself in my thoughts at work. The desperate San Niang of the past returned to me. He waited in silence for a while, then suddenly asked me, "Have you saved all your PPT?"    


"He did." "Yes," I said smoothly.    


"Yes." He gave a strange grunt of acknowledgment and left my desk. I thought he was going to stop pressing me, and I let out a huge breath.    


Three seconds later, the computer went black. He stood next to the main valve in the corner of the office and shrugged at me apologetically.    


"I'll be finished in three hours." At that moment, I almost went crazy.    


He came over, looked me straight in the eye, and said seriously, "I'm warning you again, follow me and you're not allowed to work overtime. What's more … "Xu Shubei, don't forget that you're still a mother."    


Oh, yes... Zaizai, I haven't seen Zaizai for a day.    


I immediately wiped off my sweat and chuckled. I quickly stood up with my bag in my hand and gave him a fawning smile.    


He put his arm around my neck, and just as he was about to kiss me, two loud coughs came from the door, then Tai Ziqian's lazy voice sounded from the door: "I say, are you going to eat dinner or not? If you want to kiss me, can you go home and close the door before you kiss me? "This is the company. Can you please pay attention to its image?"    




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