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C404 Lion's Poop Is Better than a Bear's Shit

C404 Lion's Poop Is Better than a Bear's Shit

The power source car repair station was just an ordinary small repair shop. Just by looking at the cars parked at the entrance, one could tell the grade of the cars. Old Pao Sang and Old Jetta. These two cars added up to be older than Zhao Quan.    


The owner of the repair station was only in his early twenties this year. His face was full of pockmarks, and it was hard to tell if it was mixed with oil stains.    


Zhao Quan told Lu Dong to drive the car over. Then he said to the pockmarked face, "Brother, can you repair the windmill?"    


The pockmarked face was lying at the bottom of the car. "What's wrong with it? As long as it's not an engine, everything else can be fixed. We haven't even figured out the hydrogen power system yet. If it's a problem with the power system, only the 4S store can fix it. There's no other way."    


He was a rather honest person.    


So Zhao Quan asked, "It's a small problem. The brakes are not very sensitive. Can you give it a look now if you add some money? I'm quite anxious. "    


Since he had money to earn, he still needed to add some money. Of course, pockmarked face would not refuse.    


He got out of Old Psang's car and came to Zhao Quan's custom-made car.    


"Tsk tsk. What kind of car is this? Why haven't I seen it before? It looks quite grand."    


Zhao Quan smiled. "It's a trial car that I got through connections. It hasn't even gone public yet. The plates are all set. Alright bro, hurry up and help me take a look! "    


"Alright, I knew it. I have been paying attention to Wind Chariot. Why haven't I seen this model before?"    


The pockmarked face was quite talkative. Even if he was checking, it wouldn't delay him from talking.    


This was good. Zhao Quan was really afraid that he would keep his mouth shut.    


After that, he chatted with the pockmarked face. "Have you repaired it? Don't break it for me. No, I'll go to the 4S store! "    


The pockmarked face was unhappy, "Who are you looking down on? I just repaired a car a while ago. What a coincidence, it's also a brake system."    


Zhao Quan successfully hooked the conversation and continued to ask without batting an eyelid, "What's going on? Is it also insensitive?"    


The pockmarked face waved his hand. "No." That's not it. That person brought over a set of brake pipe brake pump and asked me to change it. I was still asking him. He saw that the car was quite new. Why did he change the brakes, gas pipes, and brakes? He told me to change them. "    


"God knows what these people are doing. But since they have paid, we naturally have to do it, right?"    


While Pockmarks was talking, he suddenly saw Jin Yuji pointing her phone at him.    


The pockmarked face was slightly stunned and then laughed, "Elder sister, why are you taking pictures of me? I am so ugly, I am not good at being in the limelight."    


Jin Yuji said with a smile, "I'm a reporter from the newspaper. The chief editor asked me to do the most glorious article for the workers recently. Just now, I saw that you were so hardworking and simple, so I couldn't help but take pictures of you..."    


Zhao Quan had already gotten the information he wanted, so naturally he did not pay much attention to Pockmarks.    


However, he saw a camera at the door of the maintenance station, so Zhao Quan went into the room and said, "Brother, can you use your computer to search for information?"    


The pockmarked face was very generous. "It's fine. This brother will do his best. I don't charge for the internet!"    


Zhao Quan sat in front of the computer, then turned the surveillance video forward, and then turned it to the day Sun Ning changed the brake system.    


He had seen Sun Ning's information before. The person who drove Sun Ning's car over was not Sun Ning. It was a woman who was about the same age as Sun Ning.    


And it was just as pockmarked face had said. When this woman got off the car, she was still holding a braking system in her hands.    


After sending the video to his phone, Zhao Quan left the maintenance station.    


Before Pockmarks could even finish checking, Zhao Quan gave him 200 yuan.    


"Brother, I'm sorry. The company called to ask him to return in a hurry. I'll come back to fix it another day. " This 200 yuan is a deposit. You better not go back on your word when the time comes! "    


The pockmarked face was amused. "Of course not. No, no, no. Just come at me. I don't want to be at the door. There's still my phone number! "    


Zhao Quan called Jin Yuji to get into the car, and then the car left the maintenance station.    


On the way out of the maintenance station, Zhao Quan received a call from the salvage boat, informing him that the car had been found.    


It was not bad. Although there was evidence to clear the injustice of the Wind Chariot, finding the car was more proof of the problem!    


Jin Yuji then arranged for the local staff of the 4S store to go to the scene to confirm and check the brake system of the car.    


As expected, the braking system was changed. And it seemed to be the one that the woman in the car was holding in the surveillance video.    


All the evidence had been preserved, including the video recording of the whole process when the car was fished out of the water.    


Because of this, no one would say that Wind Chaser had found someone to replace it.    


After leaving the maintenance station, Zhao Quan went straight to Sun Ning's house.    


When Sun Ning's wife found out that Zhao Quan was the owner of the Wind Chariot brand, she went crazy and wanted to beat Zhao Quan up.    


"If you touch my finger, I promise you won't get any compensation."    


Sun Ning's wife, who was crying and crying crazily, When she heard this, she immediately became much more obedient.    


She combed the messy hair in front of her forehead and asked Zhao Quan, "How much are you going to compensate?"    


Looking at Sun Ning's wife, Zhao Quan would never have thought that she was the woman in the video.    


Before he entered, he wanted to comfort Sun Ning's wife and ask if she knew the woman in the video.    


But the moment he opened the door, he was stunned. Because Sun Ning's wife was the woman in the video in the maintenance station.    


Zhao Quan asked her, "Don't pay attention to how much I will pay first. Answer one of my questions first. You killed Sun Ning and framed us. Who was the one who ordered this?"    


Sun Ning's wife, who was originally calm, now had some panic in her eyes.    


"You, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't slander me!"    


Zhao Quan did not want to talk nonsense with her at all. He took out his phone and played two videos.    


One of the videos was about Sun Ning's wife changing the braking system. The other video was about the car accident that had been fished out from the sea.    


"There was such an intentional move. Lions and bears grow trees and use their own excrement as fertilizer. After a year, the trees of lions grow better than bears, so the lions proudly say that lion poop is better than bears. Have you heard of this story? "    


Sun Ning's wife was completely dumbfounded at this moment. "I didn't do it. I didn't do it..."    


She said in a panic as she moved towards the door. It seemed like she had done it unintentionally.    


However, when she reached the door, she raised her leg and ran. It was obvious that she had planned this beforehand and was ready to escape.    


However, just as she left the door, she was kicked back.    


Her entire body was curled up on the ground like a shrimp.    


Lu Dong retracted his leg and placed his hands behind his back. He had the demeanor of an otherworldly expert.    


There was a kitchen knife in the room. Zhao Quan directly picked it up and walked forward, pressing it against Sun Ning's wife's pretty face.    


"Say something I want to hear. If there is something I don't want to hear, I will shave your face first and then cut your neck. " Don't worry, as long as you cut it well and don't die instantly, it is enough to drag you into the car and bring you to Sun Ning's grave. "    


Sun Ning's wife was frightened. Her pretty face was pale, and her hands were trembling as she supported herself.    


Especially when she felt the shiny blade on her face, that kind of coldness made her feel an unprecedented fear of death!    


"I'll say it, I'll say it all!"    


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