Top Master

C413 This Is a Devil

C413 This Is a Devil

Liu Suyun panicked even more when she heard Zhao Quan's question and good advice. She quickly waved her hand.    


"No, Chairman. That's not what I meant. I just feel that we have to purchase anyway. Ji Jun has the right approach and knows about this. This is a good thing that the two of us can work together. " That's why, that's why I came to talk to you. "    


Zhao Quan looked at Liu Suyun, whose eyes were filled with sincerity, and she was so sincere that she looked like an idiot. He sneered and then took out his phone.    


After searching for the model of the MRI machine on the internet, he said to Liu Suyun, "Come, didn't you say that Ji Jun has the right method and knows about this? Then give him a call and ask which brands the MRI machine has, how much the production price is, and what advantages and disadvantages each have? Which famous hospital is using it?"    


Liu Suyun replied, "Oh." She felt that since Ji Jun said he understood, then he should really understand.    


After the call was connected, Liu Suyun told Ji Jun the problem as Zhao Quan had said.    


However, Ji Jun said to her, "Wait a minute. I'll turn on the computer and check. I'll reply to your letter in about half an hour."    


Liu Suyun was stunned. "So you don't know anything?"    


Ji Jun replied, "Nonsense. Why do I have to know everything when I'm a dumbass seller? It's fine as long as I can get in touch with them. "I only care about earning commission. I don't care about anything else. Alright, I won't be long-winded with you anymore. I'll investigate first! "    


After saying that, Ji Jun ended the call.    


During the entire conversation, the room was especially quiet. Even if the speaker was not turned on, Zhao Quan could still hear what was being said inside.    


Looking at Liu Suyun, who was confused, Zhao Quan said with a smile, "Ji Jun really fell into the eyes of money. If you don't know shit, you want to earn money from me. You think I am an idiot and an idiot. So he only wants to make money from me. "    


"So you, Liu Suyun, think the same. If he asks you to come, you come. You also think I am a fool and a fool, right?"    


Liu Suyun appeared very embarrassed, "No, it really is not like that. I thought that he..."    


Without giving Liu Suyun a chance to finish speaking, Zhao Quan said to her, " Since you don't think I'm an idiot, That's because you don't have a brain. Is there a need to say anything about this? "How long have you lived with him, you don't know?"    


How important is the hospital's medical equipment? As the head nurse, don't you know? "    


"He even asked Ji Jun to set up a company to purchase medical equipment. Luckily, the two of them are one. " Then tell me, what's so good about him? Just because he will use his computer to find out where the MRI machine is sold and how much it will cost? "    


"Aiyo, I really don't know. It turns out that using a computer to search for information online is considered a special skill?"    


"Tsk tsk, he's really amazing! " Then I'll also open a company and prepare to search for information on the Internet. " Anyway, I'll check it out too. Oh, right. Sister Suyun, do you know how to check things online? If you know how to do it, you can be the vice president. This little skill can make a lot of money nowadays! "    


Zhao Quan's words made Liu Suyun feel embarrassed. She simply did not know what to do.    


She was so embarrassed. She actually believed in Ji Jun without any proof, and even came to beg Zhao Quan again and again for him.    


It was really embarrassing to think about it. He even felt that he had gone too far.    


After that, there was suddenly a knock on the door.    


Zhao Quan was very surprised. This was not his home. Who would knock on the door? Could it be that his father knew that he had come, so he had come to see him? Or could it be that Zhao Xi's mother was thinking about Zhao Xi and him, so she was soft-hearted and came to see him?    


The thoughts in his mind were in a mess for a moment. Zhao Quan could no longer care about Liu Suyun who was under him. He hurriedly got up and rushed to the door.    


When he opened the door, he found that there was an old man in his fifties standing outside. There were a few words printed on his white t-shirt.    




Damn it, it was actually someone from a real estate company.    


After understanding this person's identity, Zhao Quan understood why he was here. This person was probably here to collect property fees. The old lady opposite him had told him that in the past three months, property companies had come to collect property fees countless times.    


Sure enough, in the next moment, property management uncle said, "Finally, someone is at home. The water and electricity have all stopped for you. I don't know how you guys are doing. Alright, hurry up and pay the property fees. The delay in the property fees is a total of 380. You... "    


Without waiting for the property owner uncle to finish speaking, Zhao Quan took out 500 yuan and gave it to him. "Go and pay for me. The rest is your errand money."    


The property manager was instantly amused. He had originally felt resentful after running around for nothing, but he did not expect to receive such an unexpected reward.    


This was 120 yuan. It was enough for him to work for a day and a half. It was quite good!    


After accepting the money, the property owner uncle happily left.    


Before leaving, he didn't forget to say, "Don't worry, the water and electricity will be here soon. It definitely won't take more than half an hour!"    


Zhao Quan did not care about this now. He only cared about Liu Suyun, who was lying on the sofa in the room.    


Since it was not his father and stepmother who came back, it was more important to eat Liu Suyun cleanly.    


However, when he returned to the living room, he found that Liu Suyun had already put her bag on her back in a hurry and was ready to open it.    


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