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C814 A Confident Seller

C814 A Confident Seller

Zhu Xiwen said he was helping his friend grow eyes, but Zhao Quan realized it wasn't the case when they arrived at the scene.    


That so-called friend was just a seller, selling a crystal cloud bat ink slab. There were also five or six buyers around.    


"Everyone has seen this crystal cloud bat ink slab. As for the specifics, I don't need to explain to you all. What I want to tell you now is the origin of this ink slab. " Back then, my grandfather's grandfather was an official. He was a Grade Seven County Magistrate... "    


While the seller was telling the story of the inkslab, Zhu Xiwen gently touched Zhao Quan, and his face was full of embarrassment.    


"I'm sorry, sir. I lied. " Actually, I'm not my friend. I want to buy this inkstone but I eat it again. "You're not allowed, so..."    


Zhao Quan understood that Zhu Xiwen's lie was actually nothing.    


There were many times when there were risks involved in the trading of antiques. He was worried that the items would come out from underground.    


That was why they were helping strangers slap their eyes. Very few people would do such a thing. It was understandable for Zhu Xiwen to use a pretense.    


"But there is one thing. No matter what the goods look like, the commission cannot be changed."    


"You can rest assured about that. No matter if it is fake or not, the commission will not be less than yours!"    


Zhu Xiwen's words were at the bottom of the line. So the next moment, Zhao Quan opened his Ksitigarbha Ghost Eye and looked at the crystal cloud ink slab.    


It had to be said that this ink slab was really not bad. Its appearance and ancient charm were both excellent. No wonder it attracted so many people to buy it.    


Unfortunately, Zhao Quan could only see a little bit of time from this inkslab. He estimated that it would only take about ten years.    


About ten years' time clearly did not match with the time when the seller was celebrating.    


So Zhao Quan said to Zhu Xiwen, "No need to look, it's a fake."    


"A fake?!"    


This answer shocked Zhu Xiwen, and he couldn't help but shout out.    


His shout shocked everyone in the room, and they all looked at him. It was too late for him to cover his mouth.    


The seller was unhappy, very unhappy, and his brows were so furrowed that they could pinch a mosquito to death.    


"What do you mean? What right do you have to say that this is a fake? If you can prove it, I will eat this inkstone! "    


How could Zhu Xiwen know what right he had to say that this was a fake? In his opinion, this was the real deal. Asking Zhao Quan to come here was just to increase his confidence. But who would have thought that Zhao Quan would give him such an answer?    


It was very awkward. The other buyers next to him even smiled. "Yes. This is a fake. Hurry up and leave. Don't join in the fun here."    


But the seller still refused to let it go, "No, on what basis should I be framed that this inkslab of mine is a fake? This kind of framing is like saying: Huang Hua's eldest daughter is pregnant. Who could bear this? I don't care. Today, you must give me an explanation! "    


The more the seller grabbed Zhu Xiwen and refused to let him go, the more assured the other buyers felt.    


If the seller had a guilty conscience, how could he not let Zhu Xiwen go?    


At this moment, Zhu Xiwen could only look at Zhao Quan, who was begging for help.    


He could not say anything. Since it was the counterfeit that Zhao Quan mentioned, he could only let Zhao Quan prove it.    


Seeing Zhu Xiwen looking at Zhao Quan, the seller seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart.    


"A child who hasn't even grown all his hair yet dares to pretend to be a sensible person and speak nonsense. What a joke!"    


The seller was close to 50 years old. In his eyes, Zhao Quan could indeed be considered a child.    


However, Zhao Quan did not like to talk like this. "Then according to what you mean, just find a century-old longevity star for eye contact. Anyway, he has his age. Who cares if he's blind or deaf? Who cares if he doesn't understand this line of work."    


The seller sneered, "I won't argue with you. You think my inkslab is a fake, right? Come, take out the evidence. As long as you can prove that this thing is a fake or that sentence, I will immediately eat it in front of the big guy! "    


He had confidence. People's words were full of confidence. It made the surrounding buyers give a thumbs up when they saw it. They became more and more convinced that the ink slab was the real deal.    


Even Zhu Xiwen was a little lacking in confidence. He suspected that Zhao Quan had seen wrongly. After all, he hadn't even gotten the hang of it yet.    


In the room, everyone was staring at Zhao Quan, waiting for him to list out the evidence.    


But Zhao Quan had f * cking evidence. He couldn't dig out the Hidden Ghost Eye for others to install, and then let others see the meaning of time.    


He didn't know anything about the quality, appearance, history, and so on of this inkstone. There was no evidence to refute it.    


So after thinking about it for a while, he directly walked towards the crystal cloud inkstone.    


Everyone was watching Zhao Quan, waiting for the result when he got his hands on it.    


But who would have thought that as soon as Zhao Quan got the hang of it, he directly slammed it on the marble windowsill.    


After he took his hand away, the inkslab was still the same as before, but it was already broken into pieces.    


This action made everyone present dumbfounded. Even the seller was stunned. The entire room was silent.    


Zhu Xiwen was even more shocked. He would never have thought that Zhao Quan would be so 'vicious' even if he was beaten to death.    


An unverified inkslab, you think you can smash it just like that?!    


After a few seconds of silence, the seller pounced on Zhao Quan like a madman, "I'm going to kill you, you destroyed my inkslab, I'm going to kill you!"    


The other sellers beside him were also furious, and they all started to criticize Zhao Quan.    


"It doesn't matter if you can't afford it, it doesn't matter even if you hit me in the eye, but don't you harm things. If you don't want it, we still want it, damn it!"    


"I should have lifted you up and slapped you to death so that you can taste the taste of being harmed. This is such a good inkstone, if you say it will break, then it will break, you bastard!"    


"What are you wasting your words on him for? Call the police and arrest him, let him have his hands dirty!"    


With a single hand, he threw the seller who was in front of him in front of him. After that, Zhao Quan looked around at all the buyers in the room.    


"Why are you all so busy arguing? Don't you want to come and see for yourselves?"    


Before everyone could react, Zhu Xiwen had already rushed forward and picked up the broken inkstone to look at the broken pieces.    


When he saw this, he was stunned. The broken pieces were grayish-black in color, completely different from the ancient ink on the surface.    


This also meant that the inkstone was originally grayish-black. The reason why it had an ancient ink color appearance was all because it was made. Although it was not clear what kind of high-level means it used, just this point was enough to prove that this inkslab was absolutely fake!    


After Zhu Xiwen, the other buyers also rushed over, checking the authenticity of the inkslab from the fracture.    


At this time, everyone understood that they were all cheated by the seller!    


"Damn it, where is the person? Where is that dog?!"    


When they turned around to look for the seller to settle the score, they realized that there was no one in the room. The door was still open.    


"He ran away. Damn it, chase him back!"    


Just as everyone was about to chase after him, Zhao Quan grabbed the seller's neck and brought him back like a little chick.    


"Don't run, what are you running for? Didn't you just swear that you will eat this inkstone?"    


"Come, eat it. Run after you eat it. It's still strong like this!"    


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