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C1244 The Trap Inside Is Even Stronger

C1244 The Trap Inside Is Even Stronger

When cultivators seek wealth, what they seek is naturally not money, but Spirit Crystals. Therefore, it was not surprising for cultivators to rob.    


Zhao Quan looked at the owner of the black shop and finally took out a bag of Spirit Crystals and placed it on the counter, "I'm happy to be rich."    


Zhao Quan did not think it was a problem to solve the problem with dozens of Zhao Quans. He would not do anything for dozens of Spirit Crystals.    


However, that was what he thought. Others did not think so.    


The owner of the black shop weighed the Spirit Crystals and was very satisfied. He then looked at Guan Shanyue. " Beautiful young lady. "What about yours?"    


Zhao Quan did not want to do anything for such a small matter, so Guan Shanyue was not willing to waste her time on it.    


So in the next moment, Guan Shanyue took out the Spirit Crystal and placed it on the table. There was also a small bag, and the amount was not small.    


Even if the shop owner was rich, he should have let them go, but he did not.    


Not only was he not allowed to let them leave, but he also signaled those cultivators to stop Zhao Quan. "This sir also has Spirit Crystals on him. But he doesn't want us to make a fortune. " So, the few of you can do it yourselves! "    


When he signaled his men to go and rob Zhao Quan, the owner of the store also came to Guan Shanyue with a smile on his face.    


"Beautiful lady, I can see that you have a bulging bag on your body. There must be a lot of Spirit Crystals hidden inside. Why don't you take them out for me to take a look?"    


These words were like hooligans.    


"Since you're unwilling to take them yourself, I'll help you."    


The shop owner's indecent attitude and tone made Guan Shanyue feel disgusted.    


So she didn't even bother to open her mouth and chose to take action.    


But she didn't expect the shop owner to be so indecent. Although the shop owner was a bit perverted, he was still powerful. However, when his powerful aura erupted, he was afraid that even Tan Yucheng could be compared to him. One should know that Guan Shanyue could not kill Tan Yucheng even if she joined forces with others. It was obviously impossible for her to fight the shop owner.    


Fortunately, she didn't need to do anything because the shoulder of the shop owner, who had just unleashed his energy, was grabbed by someone.    


After grabbing the owner's shoulder, Zhao Quan asked him, "Do you think this is appropriate?"    


The owner was stunned. Didn't he ask his subordinates to deal with Zhao Quan? Why did Zhao Quan still have time to disturb him?    


When he turned around to look at Zhao Quan, the shop owner also saw his miserable subordinates. To be more precise, he couldn't tell who they were, because there was only a pile of rotten meat on the ground, with blood all over the ground.    


The boss was so scared that he screamed. No matter what, he didn't expect to see such a scene when he turned around.    


He was so scared that he was stunned. He didn't know how to deal with such a thing. Even the aura that he had released earlier was gone.    


Zhao Quan asked him again, "I gave you the Spirit Crystal you wanted, but you wanted to attack me and her. Let me ask you, do you think this is appropriate?"    


"Suitable, f * ck you!"    


After being frightened, the shop owner only had one thought in his mind, and that was to leave immediately.    


Therefore, he didn't even think about it, and immediately prepared his means to force Zhao Quan to leave as soon as possible.    


However, before his means could fully form, he discovered that the Spiritual Force in his body couldn't be unleashed. It felt like he had turned on a tap, but there was a balloon on the tap, and the top of the balloon had been pierced to death.    


The shop owner felt his body expanding. The Spiritual Force was getting more and more violent, but he couldn't release it. He couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.    


He was afraid. He finally understood that Zhao Quan had given the Spirit Crystal to him just now because he didn't want to bother with him. However, he had recklessly treated it as a weakness that could be bullied. He even wanted to do something to Guan Shanyue!    


Now he finally realized how big of a mistake it was, but it was useless. He could not even beg for mercy.    


Seeing Guan Shanyue still standing there, Zhao Quan grabbed her hand and led her out of the door.    


Guan Shanyue felt that it was not appropriate. How could she let Zhao Quan hold her hand? The two of them were like a couple. She just thought that Zhao Quan definitely didn't do it on purpose. So she accepted it shyly and did not choose to refuse.    


Fortunately, she did not refuse. The moment she left the hotel, she suddenly heard a muffled sound behind her.    


She subconsciously turned around and saw that the shop owner was gone. Instead, there was a pile of rotten meat on the floor. How disgusting...    


However, besides being disgusted, she had also witnessed Zhao Quan's power once again.    


Zhao Quan's power was so strong that she couldn't even see it clearly.    


She didn't even know how Zhao Quan had attacked the shop owner. A person whom she was obviously no match for had died even easier than an ant in front of Zhao Quan.    


After taking a deep breath, Guan Shanyue looked at the man beside her. She felt like she was looking up to a big mountain. She couldn't help but feel respect in her heart.    


After leaving this place, the two of them went straight to the location of the Spiritual Vein.    


The Spiritual Vein was in the mountain. Under Guan Shanyue's lead, the two of them finally entered a cave. They flew all the way down and flew for over a kilometer before finally landing on the ground.    


There were some bones on the ground. They were the remains of animals. It was likely that some animals accidentally saw the cave and accidentally fell to their deaths.    


The cave was very dark, and there was no light at all. However, this was not a problem for Zhao Quan and Guan Shanyue. The darkness could not block their eyes, and it could not stop their footsteps either.    


The two of them walked side by side on the gradually spacious ground.    


There was a large cave around them, and the most spacious area was probably dozens of meters tall and thousands of meters wide. The surroundings were very neat.    


The supernatural work of nature would not create such neat things. This could only be artificially made.    


"Have you checked who made this cave?"    


When Zhao Quan asked this, Guan Shanyue shook her head. "I wanted to check, but I haven't found any clues after leaving this place. Tianming was killed by Tan Yucheng, so I temporarily put this matter aside."    


Zhao Quan didn't say anything else. He looked around again to prevent any traps from appearing, but Guan Shanyue walked steadily. Obviously, she had come here once and understood this place better.    


In fact, it was true. When they passed by a big rock, she said to Zhao Quan, "There is a trap here that can spit fire."    


Zhao Quan and Guan Shanyue came closer, but they didn't discover the trap. Furthermore, they couldn't find it even with the help of the Spiritual Force.    


He wanted to experience the power of this trap, so he called Guan Shanyue to retreat while he slowly moved forward.    


Sure enough, there was no Guan Shanyue this time. When Zhao Quan was about to get close, purple flames suddenly spurted out from the surrounding of the big rock. The flames were dozens of meters high, spanning north and south. No one was allowed to pass through.    


Furthermore, the flames were very intense. Zhao Quan tried using the red wings, but it also showed signs of damage in an instant.    


This also meant that if he tried to force his way in, he might get injured or even die inside.    


This was only the first layer of the trap, and the trap inside...    


Zhao Quan looked at Guan Shanyue, and Guan Shanyue replied in her heart, "The trap inside is stronger."    


Zhao Quan's way of looking at problems was different from ordinary people. Of course, he would also be amazed by the power of the trap, but he was more concerned about where the Spiritual Force that provided the trap came from. Obviously, there was a Spiritual Vein inside, and it was the spiritual qi inside the Spiritual Vein that supported the existence of the trap.    


This was a good verification point, and it made Zhao Quan feel happy. After all, he came here to 'steal' things.    


But at this time, he discovered another problem, and this problem was with Guan Shanyue.    


"Why is that jade pendant of yours flickering?"    


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