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C1426 You Are a Crescent Moon Stone Spirit

C1426 You Are a Crescent Moon Stone Spirit

2Zhao Quan was not afraid of the fire spirits at all.    


Every time the fire elves attacked or formed, the small mouth of the Purple Crescent on the man's forehead would make squeaking sounds. It was obvious that the curved Purple Crescent was the one controlling the fire fairies.    


Zhao Quan swung his blade and charged at the Purple Crescent.    


Seeing the enemy attack, Countless fire spirits surrounded Zhao Quan, but they were unable to get close to him. The strong man waved his fist to block, but Zhao Quan still easily dodged. He used his Teeth Knife to slash at the Purple Crescent!    




A young child's scream echoed in Zhao Quan's mind.    


The sharp edge of the White Teeth Knife was already close to the Purple Crescent. In the nick of time, Zhao Quan put force on the side of his hand. The sharp edge of the knife cut close to the Purple Crescent, cutting off half of the head of the flaming man.    


Fortunately, most of the head that was cut off turned into fire spirits and floated around the Purple Crescent again.    


Staring at the Purple Crescent, Zhao Quan had a surprised expression on his face. "You... can communicate with me?"    


The childish voice of a child rang in his mind once again. "If you don't kill me, I can. If you kill me, then I can't. "So, you can't kill me. It's not right for you to kill me."    


That makes no sense! I didn't do anything after I came here. You just used a knife and you didn't allow me to fight back? "    


This thought only flashed through Zhao Quan's mind. Who would have thought that he would receive an answer from the young child? "I didn't kill you, did I? If I killed you, you wouldn't have the chance to kill me..."    


Zhao Quan was so angry that he laughed. "You didn't kill me, so you told me not to kill you. If I killed you, I wouldn't have to ask you not to kill me. Is that what you mean? "    


"That's right. That's why I have to kill you first. If I can't kill you, then I'll tell you that I can't kill me. That makes sense! "    


The childish voice was full of confidence. Zhao Quan could not resist it, so he decided not to argue with it. He went straight to the point. "Tell me, why does the fire elf listen to you? Are you a Moonstone Essence?"    


"What Moonstone Essence? It's so unpleasant to hear. Purple Crescent muttered, and then asked in a low voice, "Can I lie?"    


What do you think?! " Zhao Quan was amused. How could someone ask a lie in advance?    


The Purple Crescent spread out the endless fire spirits and floated in front of Zhao Quan. It was quiet, like a child. Alright, I'll tell the truth. I won't lie. I can feel that you are very fierce. I'm afraid that if I lie, you will kill me... "    


Yes, if I find out that you're lying, I'll really kill you. " Zhao Quan did not deny it.    


"You see! "Take a look!" The Purple Crescent was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. It squeaked and jumped in front of Zhao Quan. "I told you you were fierce. You will kill me!"    


"Are you annoying? If you keep nagging, I will chop you up right now!"    


"Alright, alright. Actually, I know you are deliberately scaring me. I can feel that you do not have any killing intent now. " I feel very good. Don't refuse to believe me. Let me tell you, there was once... "I... don't, don't, don't kill me. "I'll say it, I'll say it!"    


Aiya, with your explosive temper, killing intent can be aroused at any time. This isn't good, it will hurt your body! ... "It's coming, it's coming. "Say it now..."    


His voice was like that of a young child. However, his dilly-dallying was really like that of an old man. Moreover, he was unreasonable and unreasonable. He was being dilly-dallied. After a long time, Zhao Quan finally obtained its identity and origin from the Purple Crescent.    


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