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C836 Something Magical Has Happened

C836 Something Magical Has Happened

Zhao Quan would never take advantage of someone who was forced to do so.    


Of course, it was still the same thing. The prerequisite was that it had to be true.    


Fortunately, Bai Xiaoxian, the secretary, did not lie. She immediately led Zhao Quan to the hospital.    


The doctor's greeting to the nurse made Zhao Quan realize that her father was indeed in the hospital.    


After entering the ward, the nurse who gave the injection started to scold Zhao Quan.    


"How did you become my boyfriend? My girlfriend works during the day and spends the night in the hospital. Don't you know how to get off work for her? I feel ashamed for you! "    


The kind-hearted female nurse actually dared to scold Zhao Quan. This made Bai Xiaoxian feel especially afraid.    


She was worried that the devil Zhao Quan would kill the female nurse again.    


But in fact, she did not. Zhao Quan acted very embarrassed, "Yes, yes, yes. You are right. You're right."    


Seeing Zhao Quan's good attitude of admitting his fault, the female nurse said a few words and then shut up. She told Zhao Quan to take good care of her and left.    


At this time, Bai Xiaoxian was confused. She really could not understand what kind of person Zhao Quan was.    


When it came to his demonic nature, he did not even blink when he hurt Chu Xinchu.    


However, at this moment, his behavior was very orderly. He did not seem to have any intention of hurting anyone.    


Hence, Bai Xiaoxian seemed to have understood a little about Zhao Quan. As long as he did not harbor any ill intentions, Zhao Quan would not bully others.    


The people he bullied were all bad people like Chu Xinxin, who bullied others with their power!    


Of course, this was only Bai Xiaoxian's initial guess. She did not dare to confirm it herself.    


While she was thinking about Zhao Quan, Zhao Quan looked at Bai Xiaoxian's father.    


At this time, Bai Xiaoxian's father was in a coma. According to Bai Xiaoxian's words on the way, he had been in a coma for three months.    


As for her father, he had been in a coma for three months.    


As for when he would wake up, even the doctor could not say.    


All of her assets had already been thrown in, and even the house had been sold. Bai Xiaoxian really had no other choice.    


It was precisely because of this that Chu Xinxin had the opportunity to take advantage of it. He took the opportunity to threaten her with money and coerced her to become the Little Brother.    


Zhao Quan used the Shanren Five Techniques and quickly found out the reason for Bai Xiaoxian's father's condition.    


Blood clots oppressed the nerves. However, most of the blood vessels around them were blood vessels. The doctors did not dare to operate on them. It might be a death sentence if they operated on them.    


Therefore, they could only hope that the blood vessels would disappear naturally. They hoped that Senior White would wake up naturally.    


"His neck is so dirty. You don't even know how to get a basin of water for someone to wipe!"    


When Zhao Quan mentioned this matter, Bai Xiaoxian was very embarrassed. After all, she had to go to work, and she was very tired after working for an entire night. She really did not have time, so after hearing Zhao Quan's words, she quickly took the basin out of the single ward and prepared to get some water to wash up.    


After she left, Zhao Quan broke a very thin grass stick from the broom beside him.    


In the next moment, he arrived in front of Senior White and picked up the soft grass stick.    


However, as he used the Shanren Five Techniques , a milky-white gaseous substance wrapped around the grass stick.    


After that, he directly picked up the grass stick and inserted it into Senior White's head with ease.    


It was very difficult to imagine that this was merely a grass stick, and it could actually pierce through a person's hard head!    


In next to no time, along with the grass stick entering, there was still blood that accumulated on the grass stick.    


When the grass stick was taken out, the originally yellow grass stick had already turned red.    


The grass stick was casually thrown into the rubbish bin, dyeing a large piece of toilet paper red.    


At this time, Zhao Quan wiped his palm on Senior White's head.    


The tiny holes left by the straw stick instantly healed, and nothing unusual could be seen at all.    


After Zhao Quan finished doing all of this, Bai Xiaoxian returned in a hurry.    


When she fetched water, she was worried that Zhao Quan would harm her father. After all, Zhao Quan was a very fierce person.    


However, when she returned to the room and saw that Zhao Quan was holding a folded and neat towel, she immediately relaxed.    


Fortunately, not only did Zhao Quan not make a move, he even prepared a towel to wipe her father's face!    


"You can go. It's not convenient for a girl like you. I'll help him wipe his face."    


Bai Xiaoxian was a little embarrassed. The kindness of an evil person was always so easy to be affected. It was like a ray of light in the dark night. It was so easy to be noticed and remembered...    


Half an hour later, Zhao Quan brought Bai Xiaoxian out of the hospital and paid another five million yuan in advance for Bai Xiaoxian.    


When Zhao Quan paid five million yuan in inpatient fees, Bai Xiaoxian was scared silly.    


"Are you crazy? There is no need for so much money!"    


"What are you afraid of? It is not like the hospital will not refund you. Take the receipt. This is your life insurance with your father in the future."    


After handing the receipt to Bai Xiaoxian, Zhao Quan took her out of the hospital.    


Throughout the entire process, Bai Xiaoxian's eyes were filled with confusion. She completely did not know why Zhao Quan treated her like this.    


Looking at how Zhao Quan forced her to have sex, Zhao Quan was a rogue.    


But everything that happened in the hospital made her feel that Zhao Quan had a completely different side to him.    


At that moment, Bai Xiaoxian received a call from the hospital.    


"What? My dad suddenly woke up?!"    


Something miraculous happened to Bai Xiaoxian!    


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