The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C873 A Pigsty Is Better than This!

C873 A Pigsty Is Better than This!

Rong Tiande was stunned when he heard her. Someone had taken Rong Xinlian's place in that room?    


He suddenly realized that Rong Changsheng was trying to use a method to cover up the fact that Rong Xinlian had been replaced. It would raise suspicion and cause the matter of the news to be leaked!    


"Grandfather, I know!" Rong Tiande looked down.    


"Don't blame me for not telling you now. This is a matter of great importance, and it's not suitable for you to know yet. Knowing about it will only endanger your safety. Just do as I say. Be careful on the road, do you hear me?" Rong Changsheng reminded them worriedly.    


The two of them quickly nodded. "Got it. We will be careful!"    


Rong Changsheng reminded them again and again, making them realize that the matter was really serious. They did not dare to neglect it.    


Taking advantage of the darkness of the night, the three of them came to the house where Rong Xinlian was imprisoned.    


This house was the prison cell of Rong Family. Usually, other than the servants who came to deliver food, no one would come. Even the people who came to clean the courtyard outside the prison cell were unwilling to come, as they felt unlucky.    


It was quiet everywhere. After Rong Changsheng carefully confirmed that there was no one around, he felt at ease and boldly led the two of them to the prison cell.    


This was a very damp room. The room was airtight and there was no sunlight at all.    


When the room was opened, there was a damp and moldy smell that made people nauseous.    


"Cough cough!" Rong Tiande and Rong Tiangang couldn't help but cough. They hurriedly covered their mouths and noses with their hands.    


"Why does it smell so bad? It smells so bad!"    


The two of them felt very nauseous. They only felt a little better when they covered their noses.    


Rong Changsheng frowned slightly. He did not know why, but after smelling that damp and moldy stench, his heartstrings were moved. He began to regret imprisoning Rong Xinlian in this place.    


No matter what, Rong Xinlian was his daughter. She should not stay in this kind of damn place and suffer.    


The furnishings in the room were very simple. There was a bed, a thin blanket, and a table for eating.    


The room was very dark and there was only a little moonlight at the entrance. The three of them could not see clearly. They quickly gathered the Vital Qi in their eyes and the scene in front of them immediately became much clearer.    


They saw that the wooden bed, which had been used for an unknown period of time, had long been corroded by the water vapor. Its legs were covered with green moss, and it was moldy and black.    


The thin blanket, which had been worn for an unknown period of time, was so shriveled that it turned black. It was almost as hard as an iron plate.    


A wave of anger suddenly surged in Rong Changsheng's heart. Although he said that he wanted to punish his daughter, it was not to make her suffer like this. Such living conditions, was it possible for a person to live in it?    


The blanket was so dirty that it could not keep him warm. If it was winter, how cold would it be?    


Rong Changsheng clenched his fists. Just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly remembered that the person who punished his daughter was him. It was him who wanted to punish his daughter to make her regret her mistakes. The servants did not listen to his orders and did not dare to do so.    


At this moment, the anger in Rong Changsheng's heart disappeared, leaving only a deep sigh.    


Even if Rong Xinlian was wrong back then and deserved to be punished, she had been punished for twenty years. She should have been punished enough.    


For twenty years, he had never come to this room to check on his daughter's condition.    


Even if he had come once, he was afraid that his heart would soften and let his daughter go.    


When Rong Tiande and Rong Tiangang saw the terrible condition in the room, their eyes widened in disbelief.    


"Heavens, this condition is too bad, isn't it? This is a place where people can live? Even a pigsty is better than this. "    


" Little Aunt has been living here for 20 years? "    


The two of them were shocked and couldn't help looking at Rong Changsheng. They really wanted to know how ruthless a person must be to live in this kind of place for twenty years.    


They felt uncomfortable even if they stayed for a minute. To live for twenty years? They would probably go crazy!    


Rong Changsheng remained silent. The two of them looked at each other, then looked at a person sitting by the bed.    


It was a haggard woman.    


The clothes on her body had not been washed for many years. Her hair and face were dirty and dirty. It seemed that she could count lice with a single grab. If not for the fact that this room was closed all year round, Rong Changsheng and the other two would definitely believe that there would be maggots on her body.    


She just sat by the bed with a blank expression on her face. Her dull eyes stared at the corner of the wall like a statue, not moving for a long time.    


"Oh my god!" Rong Tiande and Rong Tiangang couldn't help but exclaim.    


Was this a human or a ghost?    


Rong Changsheng's eyes turned red. No matter how angry he was about what happened back then, no matter how hard he was, he had to soften up in the face of Rong Xinlian like this.    


This was no longer a punishment, but torture!    




Rong Changsheng suddenly realized that he had gone too far.    




Under the gaze of the damp air, the rotten bed board let out a miserable cry. It was on the verge of collapsing.    


The woman was still sitting there in a daze, not affected by the outside world at all. She did not know that the sky was dark and the moon was bright in the outside world. She did not know the time and did not have any reaction to the outside world.    


Even if Rong Changsheng and the other two entered the room, they would not be able to attract her attention at all.    


"Grandfather?" Rong Tiande hesitated for a moment and asked softly.    


Rong Changsheng took a deep breath and controlled his emotions. His hands trembled slightly and he could not bear to turn his head. "You guys take him away. You have to be fast. Don't let anyone notice you!"    




Rong Tiande and Rong Tiangang endured the disgust and quickly walked in front of the woman.    


"Aunt?" Rong Tiande called her all over.    


Rong Xinlian did not have any reaction.    


"Little Aunt? What happened to you? I'm Tiande! " Rong Tiande was a little anxious. Why didn't anyone react at all?    


Rong Xinlian was still staring blankly at the corner of the wall.    


Rong Tiande's heart skipped a beat. "Bad. Don't tell me you are stupid?"    


"Don't speak nonsense!" Rong Tiangang glared at him. "Aunty must be fine. She must be thinking about something. Time is of the essence. Hurry up and take her away."    


"Oh, alright!" Rong Tiande had mixed feelings. He circulated the Vital Qi and carried Rong Xinlian on his back as he walked out.    


For some reason, the moment he carried Rong Xinlian on his back, Rong Tiande felt like he was carrying a dead person, a dead person without any emotions.    


"Grandpa, let's go! I'll have to trouble you to clean up the mess!" Rong Tiangang called out and immediately left with Rong Tiande.    


Rong Changsheng looked at their backs as they left, and it took him a long time to calm down.    


He turned around and walked into the house, then picked up a broom and broom and started to clean the house.    


His speed was very fast, and with the help of the airflow formed by the Vital Qi, he easily cleaned the house. Then, he gave a secret order and a person came out of nowhere.    


"Great-Grandfather!" What was surprising was that the person who came was actually a person who dressed like Rong Xinlian. However, her accent was completely different from Rong Xinlian's. From this, it could be seen that she was wearing a mask on her face.    


Rong Changsheng sized her up and frowned slightly. "Your voice is not right. It will expose you."    


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