Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C469 An Unfriendly Ancestor

C469 An Unfriendly Ancestor

This day's weather has been cloudy since dawn, and even the air is heavy.    


"It's going to rain, isn't it?" Tang Xuanli put his arms on the window and looked outside. "Should we bring an umbrella?"    


"The maids will prepare it. " Qiu Wu looked into the mirror and tidied his clothes and tie.    


"Oh. " Tang Xuanli responded, "If Bai Qiuze really made a move at the cemetery, what would you do?"    


"Kill him. " A cruel look flashed across Qiu Wu's eyes. That was the ancestral grave of Bai Family. The ancestors of Bai Family had been sleeping here for generations. Even his father had died there. If Bai Qiuze disturbed him, Qiu Wu would kill him without hesitation.    


"Tsk. . . " Tang Xuanli curled his lips in dissatisfaction. "I came all the way from Jingdu to help you guys, but what happened in the end? Today, I am not allowed to go to the graveyard with you guys to worship. . . " Tang Xuanli was not very satisfied with the work arranged by Qiu Wu and Yi Lanyou.    


"Your task is of utmost importance. " Qiu Wu tidied his tie and turned around to look at Tang Xuanli. "Whether or not you can rope Bai Qiuze in the end will depend on you. "    


"Tang Xuanli stared at Qiu Wu and sighed heavily. "Qiu Wu, you have changed. "    


"What?" Qiu Wu asked in surprise.    


"You have been with Lanyou for a long time now. It is such a coincidence to talk to her. " Tang Xuanli shook his head and said, "Don't talk to me like that when we first met. It will take a lot of effort for you to practice talking. "    


"Qiu Wu heard Tang Xuanli's words and was stunned for a moment. Then he laughed involuntarily and said, "Maybe. " He had to say that Yi Lanyou had indeed brought him a lot of influence.    


"When are you going to confess?" Tang Xuanli walked towards Qiu Wu in a gossipy manner. "Don't blame your brother for not reminding you. I saw some changes in Lanyou's eyes when she looked at Young Master Long yesterday. "    


"What changes?" Qiu Wu frowned.    


"How would I know?" Tang Xuanli shrugged. "I don't know how to read minds. You can solve the problem of the three of you. "    


"Qiu Wu was silent for a moment before he said, "I will go first. "    


"I will not see you off. " Tang Xuanli waved his hand.    


"En. " After closing the door, Qiu Wu revealed a complicated look in his eyes. Lanyou and Young Master Long. . .    


Raising his head, Qiu Wu saw the end of the corridor and Yi Lanyou had just walked out of the guest room. She was wearing a black solemn long dress and her long hair hung down to her shoulders. The pair of jade bracelets on her slender wrist added a trace of solemnity.    


"Morning. " Yi Lanyou was the first to greet Qiu Wu.    


"Morning. " Qiu Wu nodded. "You woke up very early today. "    


"It would be better to say that I didn't sleep much. " Yi Lanyou smiled helplessly. She already knew that something big would happen today. Logically speaking, she should have laid down long ago, just that she should have a good sleep. In the end, she just kept tossing and turning, saying that she could not sleep at all. She only took a short nap at dawn. She was muddle-headed and could not tell whether she had slept or not.    


"Is he not feeling well?" Qiu Wu walked towards Yi Lanyou and asked.    


"No. " Yi Lanyou shook her head. It would be better to say that she felt uncomfortable in her heart. As long as he closed his eyes, he would be Long Tianqi. This was really annoying.    


"If there is any discomfort, you must tell me. " Qiu Wu said.    


"En. " Yi Lanyou nodded. "Let's go downstairs. Our godmother must be waiting for us. " She took the lead and walked down the stairs.    


"Qiu Wu looked at Yi Lanyou's back and lowered his eyes slightly. After today's matter was settled and the traitors were eliminated, he must confess to Yi Lanyou again.    


Walking down the stairs, Yi Lanyou saw Wen Ruoyan in a long black dress sitting in a wheelchair. She looked out the window and her expression was somewhat sorrowful.    


"Godmother. " Yi Lanyou went up to greet her.    


"Lanyou, morning. " Wen Ruyan turned around and looked in Yi Lanyou's direction. Although it was blurry and he could not see anything, she still revealed a quiet smile.    


"Gan Ma, you woke up so early. " Yi Lanyou walked to the front of Wen Ruyan's wheelchair and squatted down.    


"Yes. " Wen Ruyan smiled and nodded. "You will sleep less when you are old. "    


"How old is your godmother? She is 28 years old every year. " Yi Lanyou said.    


"Haha. " Wen Ruyan laughed and shook his head helplessly. "You will make me happy. "    


"Hehe. " Yi Lanyou smiled.    


"Sigh. . . " Wen Ruyan let out a light sigh and reached out his hand to stroke Yi Lanyou's cheek. "If Ah Wu's father was still here, he would be happy that I took care of such a good goddaughter. "    


"Godmother. " Yi Lanyou opened her arms and gently hugged Wen Ruyan. She really felt sorry for Wen Ruyan in her eyes.    


"I'm fine. " Wen Ruyan patted Yi Lanyou's back and said, "Come, have some breakfast. We are leaving soon. You can only come back at noon. If you don't eat more on the way, don't make noise and starve. "    


"Got it. " Yi Lanyou lightly stuck out the tip of her tongue and walked to the dining table to sit down. Just as Yi Lanyou sat down, Qiu Wu also greeted Wen Ruyan and sat opposite Yi Lanyou. After the two of them sat down, Long Tianqi and Sven also walked down the stairs.    


"Morning. " After greeting, Yi Lanyou lowered her head and looked at the breakfast in front of her.    


"Morning. " Long Tianqi also greeted her and sat on Yi Lanyou's left side.    


. . . "" Qiu Wu glanced at the two of them out of the corner of his eye. He had an instinctive uneasiness in his heart.    


During breakfast, everyone was strangely quiet. After breakfast, they left the white house and went to the ancestral grave.    


Bai's's ancestral grave was located four kilometers east of the ancestral home. Back then, he had invited the famous Feng Shui master to lock the location. Ever since then, Bai's's voice had become better and better. In the end, he settled down in the seven great families, and was considered one of the best even among the seven great families.    


The black car stopped at the entrance of the ancestral grave. As soon as she got off the car, Yi Lanyou heard the crow's cries. Combined with the gloomy weather, it made her feel a little uncomfortable.    


As the crowd stepped into the ancestral grave, Yi Lanyou felt a wave of pressure from all directions. She staggered and Yi Lanyou's face slightly changed. The discomfort here was even greater than that of the ancestral home.    


Was this not welcoming of her performance?    


Biting her teeth, Yi Lanyou slightly frowned and looked around all the tombstones. She roared in her heart, So what if I am not welcome? No one wants to ask for your opinion! [I just came in!] What can you do? It's best if you all lie down obediently!    


"Lanyou, what's wrong?" Qiu Wu noticed that something was wrong with Yi Lanyou and went forward to support her arm.    


"Nothing. " Yi Lanyou muttered unhappily in her heart. "Your family's ancestors are really unfriendly. "    


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