Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C498 The Furious Yi Weihai

C498 The Furious Yi Weihai

When Fang Fang received Yi Haoen's call, she was completely stunned. Holding her phone, Fang Fang felt as if she was dreaming. She pinched herself hard and took a big step back before confirming that the pain was real.    


Tears welled up in her eyes. Fang Fang picked up the phone, "Hello, Brother En. . . "    


"Madam. " It was not Yi Haoen's voice that came from the other side of the phone.    


"Secretary Lian. . . " Fang Fang was so happy that she felt like she had been splashed with a bucket of cold water. She froze.    


"Sir asked me to inform you that the divorce agreement has been faxed back to Yi's mansion. Please read it and sign your name when you have time. I will go and get it in two days. "    


. . . "" These words were like a long needle poking her heart. "Where is Brother En?" Did Yi Haoen already blame her to this extent? He didn't even want to tell her about the important matter of divorce.    


"Sir is busy. " Lian Cheng looked at Yi Haoen, who was looking at the documents in the office with a worried face. He said, "Madam, could you please read the documents and sign your name when you have time?" This was the reason why he called.    


"I won't sign it. " She was Yi Haoen's wife. No one could let her leave him.    


"If you insist, I am afraid we will have to go through the legal procedure," Yi Haoen said. Lian Cheng said, "At that time, please contact the lawyer. We will send the lawyer a letter later. "    


"Fang Fang knew that Yi Haoen was determined to divorce her. Tears of hatred filled her eyes. Fang Fang said word by word, "Even if he does not care about our relationship for more than ten years, he must think about the impact of this matter on Yi family. "    


Fang Fang understood Yi Haoen. He was a very responsible man. Even if he had already left the Yi family, he would never watch the Yi family lose. She knew him better than anyone else in the world.    


"I will help you convey your words. " Secretary Lian said with a cold face. The Yi family was inhumane to their master, but they still wanted to lock him up with this kind of moral shackle. Was there anything more heartless than this?    


"Sorry for the trouble. " Fang Fang's eyes were full of certainty. Yi Haoen would not publicly sue for a divorce. The Yi family was the leading restaurant in the Z City. If such a scandal really broke out, it would definitely cause the Yi family to fall into an irrecoverable state. Yi Haoen would not do it, and Yi Weihai would not allow it either.    


Yi Weihai was able to sit firmly in the seat of honor of the Yi family, and he was one of the seven great families. Naturally, he had his own ways and courage.    


Fang Fang clenched her fists tightly. She would never divorce. Even if she wanted to drag Yi Haoen along with her, she would still die as his wife. She had given up too much for Yi Haoen. She would never give up. No one could take him away from her!    


At the same time, in the chairman's office of the Yi family building in the bustling area of Z City, Yi Weihai looked at the documents on the table with anger. "Wan Xingzong is really asking for an exorbitant price!"    


"The people of Wan's have always been despicable. " In the computer video, Yi Haofeng frowned. "I called big brother last night. His attitude is very firm. "    


"What?" Yi Weihai frowned unhappily. He said, "It is really against him. " His son, who had been gentle and obedient for decades, suddenly became rebellious, which made Yi Weihai very unhappy.    


"Dad, how's the situation in Z City?" Yi Haofeng asked.    


"I'm fine. " Yi Weihai nodded. Although he was old, he could still control the demons under his nose. "How are you and Chengzhi?"    


"Pretty good. " When he said this, Yi Haofeng laughed dryly a few times. After Chef Immortal Feng returned from Z City to Jingdu, he was still the same to him, but he was not as good to Chengzhi as before.    


After all, no one liked to be deceived. When this matter was exposed, he had already expected it. But now, seeing Yi Chengzhi being ostracized every day made him feel very sad. After all, although he said that he was his nephew in name, he was actually his own son. He could only comfort himself by saying that it was good for young people to suffer a little.    


"Let's not talk about it for now. " Yi Weihai looked at the time. "I have a meeting to convene here. "    


"Okay. " Yi Haofeng reminded him. "Dad, the weather is getting colder. Take care of yourself," Yi Haofeng said.    


"Okay. " Yi Weihai nodded in relief. Yi Haofeng was still the best. It was not in vain for him to dote on him.    


After the video was hung up, the secretary came to inform Yi Weihai that there was a meeting.    


"En. " Yi Weihai nodded, showing his displeasure. Usually, this kind of meeting did not require him to attend, and it was Yi Haoen who handled it. Now this kid dared to run away, and he had to personally attend the meeting. Yi Weihai frowned, blaming his disappointing eldest son in his heart.    


He took the elevator downstairs and entered the meeting room. At this time, the managers of various departments were all waiting for him. After he sat down, the meeting officially began.    


This meeting was mainly focused on the activities during the autumn and winter season, as well as some matters and events related to special holidays. Yi Weihai heard a few of the plans and felt that it was not a big deal. After asking for more details, he found out that Yi Haoen had made two plans before he left.    


After listening to these two plans, Yi Weihai nodded and asked, "Who is in charge of these two plans?"    


"The president is in charge personally. " Someone replied. This year, Yi family's business was not as good as before. It seemed like the accounts were not as good as before. For some reason, there was a loss in the accounts. In order to make up for the loss as soon as possible, Yi Haoen tried his best to do everything by himself.    


"Yi Weihai frowned. "What happened after he left?"    


"Secretary Lian took over. " The man continued to answer.    


"Then let Secretary Lian continue. " Yi Weihai said.    


"But. . . " After hesitating for a while, the man said, "Secretary Lian changed his job. . . "    


"He changed his job?" Yi Weihai did not believe it. Looking at the food and beverage industry in Z City, Yi family had always been the leading company. Lian Cheng was not a fool. He could not change his job to another food and beverage company.    


"I heard that Secretary Lian is currently working at an online technology company. " The man paused for a moment and added: "He followed the president there. "    


"Hmph!" Yi Weihai slammed the table. "This unfilial son!"    


It was fine that he had left, but he still poached people from the company. How could he do such a crazy thing?    


. . . "" The people below were silent. They were just shrimp soldiers and crab generals who worked for their salaries. How could they have the right to speak. . .    


The meeting this time was very unpleasant. Yi Weihai was still cursing Yi Haoen in his heart even after the meeting ended. He blamed Yi Haoen for causing so much trouble for the Yi family.    


It was only in the afternoon that Yi Weihai issued an order. No matter what, he had to get Yi Haoen back to the Yi family!    


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