Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C506 It Was Yuan Hui Who Framed Me

C506 It Was Yuan Hui Who Framed Me

"If you have nothing to do, please move aside. " Yuan Hui was too lazy to continue arguing with her.    


"Director Yuan. " Lisa stared at Yuan Hui and said, "It is already disgusting enough to pretend like that. Now it is only the two of us. You don't need to pretend anymore, right?"    


. . . "" Yuan Hui felt more and more that this Lisa was being unreasonable. Half of her patience had already been wasted by Yi Haoen. Now that she was completely exhausted in Lisa, she took a deep breath and said, "Whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter. I know what I've done. I didn't tell anyone, but I didn't. But if Director Lisa continues like this. . . " Yuan Hui paused and said, "Even a rabbit will bite when it is anxious. "    


"What else do you have to threaten me with?" Lisa looked at Yuan Hui coldly. She really couldn't stand this whore's saintly look. This kind of person in front of her was really an eyesore.    


"Get out of the way. " Yuan Hui was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with her. This person's brain was not normal.    


"Director Yuan. " Lisa said, "Remember what happens when you offend me. " She would definitely take revenge.    


"I will remember" Yuan Hui looked into Lisa's eyes. "Can you move aside now?"    


Lisa looked at Yuan Hui deeply again before giving way.    


Yuan Hui strode past Lisa. She could feel that Lisa was still staring at her back. She frowned unhappily and Yuan Hui muttered, "Psycho. "    


Lisa clenched her fists and made a decision in her heart. She definitely could not let Yuan Hui stay and must chase her away as soon as possible. Not only that. . . Thinking of Yuan Hui's arrogant attitude in the office at that time, Lisa gritted her teeth. She wanted Yuan Hui to not be able to stay in this industry!    


Thinking of this, Lisa walked to the other side of the corridor. After knocking on the door of the third office on the right, Lisa looked at Zong Nian and said, "Dad, help me. "    


"What's wrong?" The man looked at Lisa and put down the pen in his hand. "Help you with what?"    


"I was framed. " Tears flashed in Lisa's eyes. " The document that the president sent at the meeting today was maliciously framed by someone and I handed it over. "    


"What?" That person was stunned. "Who is it?"    


"It's Yuan Hui from the Finance Department. " Lisa gritted her teeth and said, "She made herself up to fight with me over Ning Lang. "    


"Hm?" The man frowned and said, "This woman is really ruthless. "    


"Dad, help me. " Lisa looked at him and tears seemed to flow out of her eyes in the next second. "I am not willing to accept it. It was Yuan Hui who framed me. "    


"I know. " The man sighed. "You have always been proud and arrogant since you were young. You will definitely feel uncomfortable being framed like this. "    


"Hm" Lisa nodded. She would feel uncomfortable as long as she saw Yuan Hui.    


"Come. " The man opened a document from the computer and changed the watch and some inconspicuous numbers on it. He printed it out and handed it to Lisa. "Find someone to send this document to Finance Department and ask Yuan Hui to do it. Just say that the client is urging her to immediately finish it and quickly send the money. "    


"Okay. " Lisa nodded and took the document.    


"Remember, you have to take this document immediately. " The man said.    


"And then?" the man asked. Lisa asked.    


"I'll arrange for someone else to do the rest. "    


"Thank you dad" Lisa took the document and finally had a smile on her face.    


"Go do your work. " The man saw his daughter smile and felt much happier. "Remember to invite Ning Lang to come over when he has time. Just tell him I invited him. "    


"Yes. " Lisa nodded and left the office with a smile. Once the door was closed, the smile on Lisa's face was covered with a layer of gloominess.    


Yuan Hui, aren't you going to die this time?    


Yuan Hui, who was sitting in the office, felt a tingling sensation on her back.    


"Sister Hui, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Xiao Ya looked at the time and asked Yuan Hui. It was almost time for lunch.    


"I don't know. What do you guys want to eat?" Yuan Hui looked at the computer screen. The accounts that had not been completed in the morning had to be done properly. She still wanted to go back early this afternoon. The house was still in a mess and she did not have time to clean it up.    


"There is a person from a sushi restaurant downstairs handing out leaflets today. " Xiao Ya took out the leaflet that she had received, "Today, the leaflet is more than 20 naval grasses, more than 50 RMB for Sanwen Fish handbook, and more than 100 RMB for a fish sushi. It is even 10% off. "    


"Then everyone, let's try it out. " Someone replied. "I also want to eat sushi. "    


"Okay" Xiao Ya took out her phone and prepared to call to order food, "Sister Hui, what do you want to eat?"    


"Help me order a set meal. " Yuan Hui looked at the screen and said.    


"Okay. " Xiao Ya replied.    


On the other side, Yuan Hui continued to calculate the numbers in the form. After repeatedly checking and confirming that there was no problem with the numbers, Yuan Hui let out a long breath and prepared to rest. Just as this thought flashed through her mind, a document appeared in front of her. She turned her head to look at the person who threw the document. Yuan Hui frowned, "What is it?"    


"This document is very important. " The person who threw the document was a trusted aide of Lisa. He had a high and mighty look on his face. The client is already pressing for payment. This is the company's annual big order, don't make a mistake"    


"If you're worried, you can do it yourself" Yuan Hui glanced at her. To deliver documents at this time was still a paper document. She had to manually enter all the numbers. Lisa was clearly looking for trouble with her. Was she young or childish?    


"You!" This person was stunned by Yuan Hui's words. "Hurry up. " After saying that, he turned around and left.    


"What the hell is this?" The person at Yuan Hui's desk rolled his eyes.    


"Never mind. " Yuan Hui looked at the documents on the table and sighed. She turned her head and glanced at the vertical photo frame on the table. In the photo frame was a photo of her and Chi Yue standing side by side. Yi Lanyou and Wang Xiaoman stood in front of them and the four of them smiled sweetly.    


She did not know how Chi Yue was now and Yuan Hui lightly sighed. Taking a breath, her gaze landed on Yi Lanyou's smile. Her brows knitted and Yuan Hui said, "I will go out and make a call. "    


After getting up and going out, Yuan Hui dialed Yi Lanyou's number, "Hello?"    


"Mom, what is the matter?" Yi Lanyou asked.    


"I saw your dad at the company today. " Yuan Hui's expression was complicated, "Mom has something to ask you. "    


"I know what you want to ask. " Yi Lanyou's gaze drooped slightly. "Mom, you can't blame my dad for this. I asked him to hide it from you. "    


"Why?" Yuan Hui frowned and felt a little sour in her heart. Why did he hide it from her daughter?    


"I'm sorry. " Yi Lanyou softly apologized, "Mom, I was selfish. It was I who didn't want Dad to move away. "    


. . . "" Yuan Hui choked when she heard what Yi Lanyou said. Yi Lanyou's words made Yuan Hui's nose turn sour.    


"Mom, I'm sorry. " Yi Lanyou apologized again. Although she also thought that there would be a day when she would be seen through, she did not think that it would be so early. "Mom, do you blame me?"    


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