Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C577 Arriving in G City

C577 Arriving in G City

City G was located in the northernmost part of the Z Country. It was located at the highest point of the Z Country, and it was also known as the Small North Pole of the Z Country. Its temperature was much lower than other cities in the Z Country all year round, and it was even colder in the winter. Coming to City G this season was simply courting death.    


Yi Lanyou was even more convinced of this when she just got off the plane. Her long coat was wrapped and wrapped, but she still felt cold.    


This time, because Divine Chef Long suddenly came back, Yi Lanyou did not go with Zhang Ya and the others. Instead, she went with Divine Chef Long first. Long Tianqi and Sven came over first. The others took the plane that night and came over. Thinking about the day and night difference in temperature, Yi Lanyou immediately sent a message to everyone in the group.    


In the end, after everyone replied to the text message, she sadly discovered that everyone was fully prepared. Only she herself was wearing less. . . After a while, Zhang Ya sent another photo. In the photo, Tu Xiaofei was lying on the glass with her eyes shining. In the glass, there were two rabbits eating grass and there were words attached. [Rabbits were placed in the pet club. ] Two rabbits a day for 200. What an advanced service. ]    


Just as Yi Lanyou was about to reply, Tu Xiaofei also sent a message over. The photo showed her excited expression as she gave the camera a thumbs up. Behind her were two rabbits bathing in the warm sun. Zhang Ya, on the other hand, had a helpless smile on her face as she stood at the side. This photo also included Tang Xiaofeng's text message: [Pet Clubhouse is so awesome! There is also pet spa service! So cool!]    


"Haha. " Yi Lanyou laughed out loud. Now, more and more people were raising pets, and the service for pets was also becoming more and more diverse. Yi Lanyou remembered Dog Two at home, and she would take Dog Two to enjoy some pet spa or something.    


"What are you laughing at?" Long Tianqi tilted his head and looked at her.    


Yi Lanyou turned her phone to him. "Tu Xiaofei's rabbit was left in the pet club. It looks pretty high class. "    


"Yes. " Long Tianqi nodded and said, "It's not cold anymore?"    


"How. . . How can it not be cold. . . " Yi Lanyou shivered as soon as she finished speaking. Why is the airport passageway so long?    


Long Tianqi took off his Weibo and surrounded Yi Lanyou. "Is it better?"    


"It's okay. . . " Yi Lanyou slightly lowered her head and felt the taste and temperature that belonged to him on her scarf.    


As soon as she walked out of the airport, a middle-aged man dressed in a Tang robe ran over to welcome her. "I am the housekeeper of Huo Family. It has been hard on everyone. " The man was less than fifty years old, and he had a kind smile on his face. At first glance, he looked like a loyal and honest man.    


"Yes. " Divine Chef Long answered all over his body. "Is that old fellow Huo Teng's body still passable?"    


"Thanks to you, Master's body is still healthy. " The butler nodded and said with a smile, "He keeps talking about the things that happened when he was young with the three Divine Chef. "    


"Isn't it the four Divine Chef?" Yi Lanyou was a little curious. Previously, there were also people who said that the Three Great Chef Gods were the Three Great Chef Gods. There were also people who said that it was the Four Great Divine Chef. She had also been confused before and had not asked too much when she was unclear. Now that the butler mentioned her, she asked.    


"This. . . " The butler looked at Yi Lanyou and then smiled and said, "My old master has some small conflicts with Divine Chef Yi. . . "    


"Oh. . . " Yi Lanyou had previously heard Divine Chef Long talk about this matter and nodded her head.    


"Please get on the car and talk about it in detail. " The butler cupped his hands and a snow jeep drove over from not far away.    


After Yi Lanyou and the others got in the car, the butler said, "The chauffeur will send you to Huo Family. I want to stay here and wait for the guests. Excuse me. "    


"Yes. " Divine Chef Long replied.    


After the car opened, Yi Lanyou looked at the scene outside the window. She felt as if she had come to another world, covered in silver. In the vast white, there were a few small houses in the forest. When they passed by a bridge, Yi Lanyou was stunned as she looked at the center of the ice river. "That is an ice house?"    


"Yes. " Long Tianqi looked at it and replied, "It is an ice house. "    


"I thought only Eskimo lived in an ice house. " Yi Lanyou looked surprised.    


"That is not for living. It is for children to play with. " Divine Chef Long replied.    


"Oh. " Yi Lanyou nodded and continued to look at the scene outside the window.    


"Today's weather is still pretty good. " Divine Chef Long said, "The sun is quite big. "    


"The sun?" Yi Lanyou blinked. She did not feel the existence of the sun at all previously. This could be considered as the sun being very big?    


Even in the winter of Z City, when the weather was good, one could still feel the warm sun. She could not feel it here at all. Apart from being cold, it was also cold.    


"G City is colder. " Divine Chef Long replied with a smile.    


Yi Lanyou felt a little embarrassed. This was no longer at a colder level.    


When the car drove out of the suburbs where the airport was located, Yi Lanyou felt that she had found the feeling of a modern city returning to reality. The city looked very similar to Z City.    


"Phew. " Yi Lanyou let out a long breath. There was a hot air conditioner in the car, so it was still considered warm. Looking at the people outside the window, Yi Lanyou could not imagine how it would feel if she lived here. She had always feared the cold.    


After passing through the city, the car drove out of the city from the east. After driving for about two and a half hours, Divine Chef Long said, "We are almost there. "    


"Yes. " Yi Lanyou nodded. The scenery by the window became desolate again. Some big families would indeed build their villas in remote places.    


When Yi Lanyou saw the Huo Family, her face was full of shock, "This is. . . An ancient castle?" The 19th century European style ancient castle was located in the middle of the vast snowfield. Yi Lanyou was already full of surprise when she saw it from afar. For a moment, she even suspected that she had mistakenly entered the Elf World or some other alternate dimension.    


"Hm. " Divine Chef Long nodded. "That's the Huo Family. "    


"Huo Family? Why are they living in the castle?" Yi Lanyou was stunned.    


"This has to start from the end of the Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty. It is too troublesome. " Divine Chef Long refused from the bottom of his heart. "You just need to know that it is the Huo Family. "    


"Oh. . . " Yi Lanyou nodded her head. "I know. "    


Looking at the Huo Family from afar, Yi Lanyou only felt that it was a fantasy. When she really entered the ancient castle, Yi Lanyou was shocked. The degree of extravagance was a little shocking. Her eyes rolled left and right as she looked around.    


"Everyone, this way please. " A maid dressed in maid attire walked over and extended her hand to invite them.    


"Yes. " Divine Chef Long responded, "Where's Huo Teng?"    


"Master is meeting guests in the study. " The maid politely answered and led them into the room that they had prepared.    


"This is really not enough for him to be busy. " Divine Chef Long smiled and entered the room.    


"Miss Yi, this way please. " The maid spread her hands and pointed, "The female guest is staying on the third floor. "    


"Okay. " Yi Lanyou responded, and said, "Master, I will go over first. "    


"Okay. " Divine Chef Long answered.    


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