Spoiled Wife

C141 To gain or lose favor

C141 To gain or lose favor

Not only was the emperor's eyes filled with joy, but so was the empress dowager. To think that she looked so much like Jingze when she was a child, this was a pleasant surprise.    


Looking at the portrait from left to right, it really looked like Jing Ze when he was young. The two of them revealed a look of reminiscence. Although Eunuch Liu had described the original appearance to them, the description was not as shocking as the portrait.    


This time, they looked directly at the princess. Indeed, she looked very similar to Duke Xian, which was why they were looking forward to the beginning. They had already started liking this little girl before they had even officially met.    


Especially the empress dowager. Due to her previous negligence, it was too late for her to make up for it. Now that she met a child that looked so much like King Duanren's, and was also her granddaughter's child, it naturally caused her to be moved.    


If you were to say that he was a little guilty before, then he was a little sincere now. He truly liked this child and was even a little more tolerant towards Shen Qi.    


He didn't know if King Yuan had predicted such an outcome, but perhaps he also understood it clearly. Who knew!    


In Guanbei's residence, since the moment King Duanren started drawing the first portrait, he had been completely engrossed with this activity. Every day, he would draw a few, with different expressions and postures, recording her every detail.    


Shen Qi was also slightly surprised to see him like this. She did not expect him to be so patient with his daughter, which was a little inconsistent with her usual appearance.    


Even she felt that her daughter had fallen out of favor with her. Unexpectedly, she hadn't lost to his blood related cousin, nor had she been defeated by his blood related junior sister. In the end, she had lost to her own daughter.    


Shen Qi self-deprecated herself saying that she was the one who created it, she deserved it!    


However, seeing the scene of them getting along, she couldn't help but say quietly, "You're really nice to Chu Yu!"    


King Xian raised his head to look at her. Was he jealous? The corner of his mouth curled up. She really was a little girl. She was already a girl, yet she was still so childish.    


Thus, at night, in order to comfort the injured heart of the child's mother, Duke Xiang fiercely doted on Shen Qi for a bit. On the second day, when he slept through the afternoon, he was still hungry, but when he got up to wash up, he couldn't help but scold Shen Qi in his heart.    


After dinner, he immediately went to feed the newborn milk. Fortunately, there was still a wet nurse, otherwise, the child would have to starve to this point.    


That was why when he saw Shen Qi, he was so excited that his feet and hands were dancing. Seeing her like this, Shen Qi was also happy, so she quickly carried her to the inner room to feed her.    


King Xian followed her in. When he saw his daughter, he couldn't help but take a few more glances at her. He could finally understand what it meant to use all of his strength to eat.    


After Shen Qi finished feeding her, he patted her until she belched and wrapped her up again, handing her over to King Duanren, while she tidied up her clothes, and smiled at her daughter's energetic appearance after eating her fill.    


Before they could say anything, Yan Yi's voice came from outside, "My prince, Young Noble Situ has something to talk to you about."    


Shen Qi glanced at him, then extended his hand to grab his daughter, "Go and take a look, maybe something is up."    


Duke Xian knew that Situ Ye would not specifically report this to his palace, so this time, something really happened. Without saying much more, he passed the first stone to Shen Qi and quickly left.    


At the beginning, she was still a little confused. Seeing that her father had just left like that, and that he looked like he wanted to cry, Shen Qi immediately consoled her, "Father has matters to attend to, mother will accompany you, okay?" Then he kissed her on the cheek.    


He immediately became happy, extended his hand and grabbed Shen Qi's hair and stuffed it into his mouth, saying ahh as if he was responding to Shen Qi's words.    


Shen Qi felt that she was not healthy, and her hair usually was tied up. Today, due to being in a rush, she missed a strand of hair, and in the end, she caught it.    


He reached out his hand to pull back his hair, then smiled at her and scolded, "You little glutton!"    


This was the first time that she had caused Shen Qi to be overjoyed. She kissed her on the small face and then said with a face full of anticipation, "Beginner, let me laugh again."    


When King Duan and Situ Ye came in after talking, they couldn't help but laugh after hearing the both of them laugh.    


When Shen Qi heard his footsteps, she raised her head and said in pleasant surprise, "She knows how to laugh!"    


King Duan: ? His daughter would have laughed a long time ago!    


Shen Qi felt that her explanation was not very clear, thus she added, "I mean that she will laugh."    


It was only at this time that King Xian realized the difference. His daughter's laughter had always revealed a row of pink gums. It was soft to look at, but there was no sound. It was as if he had heard her laughter just now.    


He quickly walked in front of them and looked at Chu Feng with a bit of excitement. When he first saw his father return, he cried out to him.    


At first, he gave Shen Qi a lot of face, but he immediately let out a laugh, causing King Xian to be extremely happy as he looked at Shen Qi with bright eyes.    


Shen Qi also laughed, "Right, she knows how to laugh."    


After playing around for a while, she yawned and started to blink non-stop. King Duanren immediately adjusted his position and patted her to sleep. Sure enough, she closed her eyes and fell asleep very quickly.    


He placed her carefully on the bed so that people could look at her, and then they walked out.    


Shen Qi looked at him, "Senior Brother, you've left? But what happened? "    


King Xian was in a good mood. "The King of the barbarians has passed away."    


Shen Qi raised her eyebrows. Which prince will the next king be? "    


When King Xian heard this, his mood improved. "Because the King's death was too sudden, we haven't decided on the next successor yet."    


Did that mean the barbarians were going to fall into chaos? Shen Qi looked up at him. No other reason? Otherwise, how could she not have left her next successor?    


As if he knew what she was thinking, Duke Xian didn't explain and only smiled. "We'll be returning to the capital very soon." Although he said it calmly, Shen Qi understood what he meant.    


No matter what, the conditions of the Guanbei were not comparable to those of the capital, and no matter what happened in the Barbarian Kingdom Royal Palace, he would still be happy to see it happen.    


He didn't need to do anything to let the Barbarians have no other choice but to do what he had to do. If Mo Jingyu wanted to let him live a comfortable life, he wouldn't be willing to see the Barbarians calm down.    


Hence, even if Ye Lvhong managed to become king, he would definitely leave behind an existence which would give him a headache, and give him a chance to play a role.    


No matter if it was Ye Lvhong's luck or misfortune, he had to say that he was extremely lucky to Da Xia Empire. Therefore, enemies would sometimes bring about unexpected results.    


Before, he really wanted to send Mo Jingyu to see the King of Hell, but now he wished that he could live a little longer. At the very least, he shouldn't be killed so quickly by Ye Lvhong.    


Shen Qi did not say much. Returning to the capital was good, but now that she had a daughter, being able to provide her with a better condition was her goal.    


In the last year of Guanbei, there might not be such a chance to visit this place again, so Shen Qi especially cherished it.    


The people here were simple and honest, and their lives were pleasant. Although they were not as bustling and delicate as the capital, they still possessed their unique charisma.    


The barbarians had truly gotten into a state of chaos. Before the previous king had even said a word, he had already died. And before he could be buried, there was already a fight going on in Wang Ting's court.    


None of them were willing to surrender to another. Ye Lvhong was also a strong competitor for the throne, so he was naturally unwilling to surrender the throne to his other brothers.    


Mo Jingyu knew his own situation. Right now, Da Xia Empire no longer had a place for him to stand on, but to live in the barbarians, he would need to plan carefully.    


The barbarians could only win the new year of Da Xia Empire, and had spent the entire winter fighting for power. They had no time to care about other things, which was good news for the citizens of Guanbei, because they did not need to worry about them coming over to snatch food.    


When it was almost the new year, Shen Qi finally saw An Kang. She grew taller, and more robust, and seeing him like this, Shen Qi was also happy. An Kang was also filled with joy, but she still went up to pay her respects very politely.    


"Greetings, consort!" It was quite like that.    


Shen Qi smiled and went forward to help him up, "There's no need to be like this in front of me." Then he stroked his head, "It's grown taller! Are you used to being in the military camp? "    


At this time, Ankang relaxed a lot. When he mentioned the military camp, his face was full of excitement. "We are doing very well. His Highness has hired people to teach us martial arts. The best we can do is to eat chicken legs every day."    


Shen Qi laughed, she did not expect him to think up such a plan, there would be rewards and there would be penalties for it, thus she laughed and asked: "Then have you received any punishment?"    


Hearing wangfei's question, Ankang felt a little embarrassed. "Yes, master is very strict. Sometimes, if I can't do it well, I'll be punished."    


Shen Qi patted his shoulder and encouraged him. "It's alright, no one was born with it.    


An Kang looked at Shen Qi and laughed, "We had wanted to come and see you, Your Highness said that you wanted to rest and did not allow us to disturb you."    


Shen Qi raised her eyebrows, and said that it was all done by the Duke, but this was not the time to expose him, so she smiled and said: "It's fine, all of you are fine, I am relieved."    


Ankang hesitated for a moment before looking at Shen Qi and asking, "Princess, may I take a look at the princess?"    


Shen Qi laughed, "Of course you can. I asked the nanny to carry her over, she's very good at sleeping right now."    


Ankang quickly waved his hand. "If she's still sleeping, then forget it."    


After a short while, the wet nurse came over while carrying Chu Yue in her arms. She paid her respects to the wangfei first, Shen Qi waved his hands and reached out to receive her, "Is she awake?"    


The nurse replied with a smile, "I just woke up. I carried her over after feeding her."    


When Shen Qi saw her, she was really spirited. She stared at her with a pair of black grape-like eyes, extremely excited when he saw her.    


Shen Qi was also happy as she hugged her and kissed her. After that, she beckoned An Kang to come forward and extended his hand into his embrace, "Carry her, it's heavy."    


The maid at the side was shocked when she saw this. Why did the wangfei give the princess to a boy of half and a half? What if he fell?    


An Kang hadn't expected that the wangfei would let him carry the princess. He had wanted to look at her, but he quickly adjusted his posture so that the princess would feel more comfortable.    


Shen Qi helped him adjust at the side. At first, he wasn't afraid of strangers, so she only looked at him curiously. Then, she looked at Shen Qi and discovered that her mother was right there, smiling happily at him.    


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