Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C251 Improve Relationship

C251 Improve Relationship

"Are you really not worried about Koo Bai?"    


"People should always look forward. Since this is his choice, we should all respect him!" Cheng Haian said.    


Lu Yichen nodded after hearing it.    


Since that's the case, then let Koo Bai become the past tense.    


"If that's the case, then you should marry. What do you want?"    




"Except this one?"    


"An inexhaustible amount of money!"    


"Nothing else?"    


Cheng Haian was thinking seriously …    


… ….    


Lu Yinzheng was already waiting outside when he got off the plane.    


Hearing that Gong Yue was alright, he was ecstatic. He had long since been unable to wait any longer and had come here early in the morning to wait for her.    


He waited for hours.    


Cheng Haian and Lu Yichen walked over.    


"Dad, why are you here?" Seeing Lu Yinzheng, Lu Yichen still wasn't used to it. When he was young, he went abroad, but Lu Yinzheng had never appeared. Now, he even came to pick up the plane.    


"Of course I'm here to see my grandson and granddaughter!" With that, he turned his gaze to Gong Yue and walked over. "How is it? Are you alright?"    


Gong Yue shook her head. "I'm fine, Grandfather!"    


Looking at Gong Yue, his heart ached after he heard what Gong Yao said.    


"In the future, don't run around, do you hear me? Where do you want to go? Tell grandpa that grandpa will take you!"    


Cheng Haian and Lu Yichen both felt it was strange. After this trip, it was as if Elder Lu had changed into a different person and become so passionate.    


Even Gong Yue felt it was strange. She glanced at her father's mother, then smiled and said, "I understand!"    


"Good girl, let's go back with grandpa!" With that, Lu Yinzheng pulled Gong Yue and left.    


"Grandfather, is our family preference for sons and daughters?" Gong Yao asked.    


"How could that be? You two are grandpa's flesh and blood. Come, let's go home with grandpa!" After saying that, he pulled one of them with each hand and walked out.    


His heart ached …    


Cheng Haian and Lu Yichen looked at each other helplessly. If this was the past, then Elder Lu definitely wouldn't say such words. But now …    


"He …"    


"Let's go, we'll get used to it in the future!" Cheng Haian comforted him.    


What else could Lu Yichen say, he could only follow along.    


In the car.    


A seven-man car.    


Cheng Haian and Lu Yichen sat on one side while Lu Yinzheng chatted with Gong Yao and Gong Yue.    


Cheng Haian's mouth curved into a smile as she looked at Elder Lu and his grandpa chatting with the two of them. Their faces were filled with innocence.    


Actually, this feeling of harmony was quite good.    


Looking outside, Cheng Haian seemed to heave a sigh of relief as buildings flashed past her eyes one after another.    


Sure enough, the scenery in A city made her feel especially relaxed. The air was filled with a relaxed feeling.    


Cheng Haian took in a deep breath, enjoying the uncomfortable feeling she had all this time.    


At this moment, Gong Yao was chatting too much as he looked at the old man, "Grandpa, Daddy is still injured, aren't you going to ask?"    


Speaking of this, the old man glanced at Lu Yichen, then unwillingly said, "What, is your injury alright?"    


"No problem!"    


"Since you can't beat him, don't fight him. You must court death!"    


Lu Yichen, "..."    


The value of his rage rose bit by bit as he spoke word by word, "I've let you down!"    


Gong Yao, "..."    


It seemed like he had accidentally provoked another war.    


"I …"    


Just as the old man wanted to say something, Gong Yao immediately stopped him.    


"Why did you stop me? Did you not see what kind of shameful words he said …" The old tutor was furious.    


"You were the one who forced me to do that!"    


"I forced him?"    


"Isn't that so? Is there such a greeting to console me?" Gong Yao asked.    


"Is there something wrong with me?"    


"Of course not, if it was me, I would definitely be angry too!" Gong Yao said.    


The old man frowned, "Do you expect me to speak humbly to him?"    


"No one wants you to be humble, but you can't just provoke them with your words!"    


"He deserved it. If he doesn't get excited, then who knows what he might do next time!" The old man said.    


"Even if something happens to me, it has nothing to do with you!" Lu Yichen couldn't help but interrupt.    


"You …"    


"Ai ai!" Gong Yao immediately stopped him.    


Cheng Haian also comforted Lu Yichen.    


At this moment, Gong Yao pulled the old man to the side.    


"What are you being so secretive for? Don't tell me that I'm scared of him!"    


"Shh, lower your voice!"    


"I won't!" The old man looked to the side with a proud expression.    


Gong Yao was helpless.    


He gave Gong Yue a meaningful glance.    


Gong Yue immediately understood and grabbed the old man's hand. "Grandpa ~ ~"    


Gong Yue was the first to act coquettishly, and no one else was second.    


Lu Yinzheng immediately compromised with the call of grandpa.    


"Alright, alright, alright. If you have anything to say, just say it!"    


Only then did Gong Yao reveal a smile that said, "Grandpa, if you really want to ease the relationship between you and dad, speak, don't be stinging!"    


As if his heart had been poked, the old man immediately denied it, "Who, who said that I want to ease up my relationship with him?"    


"Didn't you?"    




"But I can see it in your eyes!"    


"You, you stinking brat …"    


"Aiya, Grandpa!" Gong Yao looked at him, "Do you really want to continue like this forever?"    


Elder Lu didn't say anything and looked to the side.    


"Alright, since you don't want to hear it, then I won't say it!" After saying that, Gong Yao imitated the old man and looked to the side.    


The way he felt when he said this was really unpleasant.    


The old man almost kicked him, "Is there any meaning in saying half of what you said?"    


"I thought you didn't want to hear it?"    


"I don't want to do it, but you should still say it!"    


Gong Yao, "..."    


She rolled her eyes at him. Was there a need to be so proud?    


"Speak!" The old man gave the order.    


Only then did Gong Yao have to stop talking, "Actually, Daddy is very easy to coax!"    


"Tsk, I need to coax him …"    


Before Gong Yao could finish his words, the old man came over. Gong Yao swept his gaze and calmed down, "Speak!"    


"Your way of getting along is to quarrel. If you're not staring, you're fighting. You've already gotten used to it, but if you were to care for him, he would definitely be flattered, in disbelief, and then at a loss for what to do!"    


"Are you serious?"    


"Right, not only can it embarrass dad, it can also ease your relationship!" Gong Yao tried to improve their relationship and said so with a smile.    


"I …"    


"If your relationship continues to be so stiff, I can't guarantee that he won't let me and my sister meet with you again in the future!" Gong Yao threatened.    


Lu Yinzheng, "..."    


This was simply a threat of eating naked fruits.    


However, it was obvious that he was taking advantage of the situation.    


Their gazes were fixed on the two little things, but they kept nodding their heads as if they were pounding garlic.    


What else did he have to say?    


In the end, he made up his mind. He turned around and looked at Lu Yichen, "How's your injury? Does it hurt?" he asked.    


Sure enough, Lu Yichen was stunned for a moment.    


He only saw the three of them muttering to themselves, but their voices were very soft, so he didn't know what they had said.    


"What do you want?"    


"I care about you!" He had to admit, when he saw Lu Yichen's embarrassment, his face turned red. After quarrelling for so many years, he suddenly felt that it was both funny and funny.    


Gong Yao and Gong Yue were both looking at them with smiles on their faces.    


Lu Yichen felt inexplicably embarrassed. He looked away awkwardly and said, "Boring!"    


Gong Yao and Gong Yue couldn't help but laugh.    


Even Cheng Haian, who was standing at the side, found it funny.    


However, Cheng Haian was very touched by the happy and harmonious scene.    


Very quickly, they had reached the Lu Family.    


The moment he got out of the car, Nanny Li came over. "Young Master is back?"    


"Miss Cheng, you're here too!?"    


Cheng Haian nodded with a smile.    


"Young Master and Young Miss are back!" Sis Li looked very happy.    


"How is it? Is the food ready?"    


"Yes, everything is ready!"    


"Where's Madame?"    


"Uh, upstairs!"    


Lu Yinzheng knew that Gong Ailin was unhappy, so he didn't say much. Instead, he said, "Let's start the meal then!"    


"Alright!" With that, Sister Li went to prepare the dishes.    


"I'll go up and change my clothes first!" Lu Yichen said.    




Thus, Lu Yichen pulled Cheng Haian upstairs.    


"Why are you changing? Why are you pulling me?" Cheng Haian asked.    


"Of course it's to get you to help me change my clothes!"    


"Rogue!" Cheng Haian scolded him with a red face.    


Lu Yichen was in a very good mood, "Miss Cheng, what are you thinking about? It's just that it's not convenient for me to be injured, so I asked for your help!"    


Cheng Haian, "..."    


"Or do you expect me to do something to you?" Lu Yichen asked in her ear.    


Yet, Cheng Haian slapped him with her hand. There were so many people here.    


While chatting and laughing, the two of them walked towards the bedroom.    




Lu Yinzheng was chatting with Gong Yao and Gong Yue on the sofa.    


At this moment, a small figure appeared there.    


"Brother Gong Yao, Sister Gong Yue!" A tender voice sounded.    


They turned around and saw Lu Chi coming down the stairs.    


Although he and Gong Ailin were irreconcilable, against Lu Chi and Gong Yao, they had nothing to do with each other.    


After Lu Chi went downstairs, he immediately ran towards them, "You're finally back. There will be someone to play with me in the future!"    


Gong Yao looked at him, "Alright, I'll play with you from now on!"    


"What about Sister Gong Yue?" Lu Chi looked at Gong Yue.    


After experiencing this, Gong Yue looked like she had grown up. She looked at Lu Chi for a long time and then smiled, "Sister will also play with you!"    


Only then did Lu Chi smile. That kind of smile from the bottom of his heart, it was a sincere smile because of a single sentence. It was the childishness of a child...    


Lu Yinzheng watched on from the side and felt gratified from the bottom of his heart.    


Lu Chi was also a pitiful child. Having no parents since he was young, he had always let Gong Ailin bring him up. However, this child had lost a lot of innocence and time that children should have.    


Looking at them, Lu Yinzheng revealed the kind smile that a grandpa should have …    


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