Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C208 Do Not Understand the Respect of the Old and Cherish the Young

C208 Do Not Understand the Respect of the Old and Cherish the Young

After Gong Yao left, Mu Qing immediately found a corner and called Lu Ziyu.    


She thought for a long time, but no one answered the phone. She was dying of anxiety.    


From her point of view, Lu Ziyu had betrayed her, so he didn't take her call. Thinking of this, Mu Qing's face turned ugly.    


Lu Ziyu...    


He really betrayed her for Cheng Haian.    


Suddenly, Mu Qing felt that it was laughable. She had gotten used to being betrayed, so she didn't feel much better. It was just that the corners of her mouth kept curling into a cold smile as she stood there.    


… ….    


Strangely, he kept buying shares in MK, but Lu Yichen didn't get any news at all.    


He wasn't someone who wasn't vigilant, so he shouldn't be.    


Lu Ziyu was puzzled by this matter.    


However, this was a good opportunity to attack Lu Yichen, and Lu Ziyu would not give it up.    


"Boss, I think the MK shares are a little strange!"    


"What's strange?"    


"I can't say. With such a huge incident, it's not normal for the MK shares to remain unaffected!"    


Lu Ziyu narrowed his eyes. This was also what he was worried about.    


"Are we still buying?"    


Lu Ziyu pursed his lips and said after a long while, "Buy it!"    


No matter what, he wouldn't let go of this opportunity this time.    


He had been waiting for this day for a long time.    


"But …"    


"Buy it!" The assistant was just about to say something when he was interrupted by Lu Ziyu. His eyes darkened, "I'll buy it at all costs!"    


Seeing his determination, the assistant could only nod his head.    


Over here, no matter what Lu Ziyu did, Lu Yichen didn't move at all.    


No one knew of his plan, and the entire company was in a state of panic.    


When Lu Yinzheng found out about this, he was so angry that he went straight to the company.    


Lu Yichen was just about to report something to Jason when he was recommended. Lu Yinzheng and his secretary were standing outside with troubled expressions on their faces.    


Seeing this, Lu Yichen didn't say anything and called out to Jason, "Do as I say. Go back down first!"    


Jason nodded and left with his secretary.    


The door closed and Lu Yichen looked at him, "Dad, is something the matter?"    


Lu Yinzheng walked in angrily, "What do you want?"    


Seeing that he was so angry, Lu Yichen didn't seem to be in a hurry, "Dad, I don't understand what you mean!"    


"Don't understand? "What are you trying to do now that the MK has been destroyed by you?"    


"Dad, since the company is in my hands, I hope you can trust me!"    


"Believe? "I just believe in you too much. That's how MK became like this!" Lu Yinzheng shouted angrily.    


However, no matter how angry he was or how angry he was, Lu Yichen did not seem to care about it at all.    


However, the more he was like that, the angrier Lu Yinzheng got. He squinted his eyes and looked at him, "Are you doing this on purpose?"    




Lu Yichen looked at him.    


"Because of Shaoqun, you want to disperse the company?" Lu Yinzheng guessed.    


Lu Yichen wanted to laugh.    


"If that's the case, and I don't want to empty out the company, then won't I have to come even faster?" Lu Yichen asked.    


Lu Yinzheng frowned, this was true, "Then what do you want to do?"    


"It's not what I want, it's what someone wants to do to the company!"    


Lu Yinzheng frowned, "What do you mean?"    


Then he remembered what had happened, "Was it that woman? Was it Cheng Haian? Is she the one who did this? "    


"Hmph, I've already said that she isn't a good woman!"    


Now, Lu Yichen couldn't listen to others' words about Cheng Haian. He looked over and said, "This has nothing to do with her. She was taken away because of me!"    


Lu Yinzheng frowned.    


"Dad, I know you don't like her, and I don't expect you to accept her. I know what kind of person she is, and that's great!"    


Hearing Lu Yichen's words, Lu Yinzheng didn't know what to say.    


Actually, it wasn't that Lu Yinzheng didn't believe Cheng Haian. Her upright character was what he always hated.    


He had already changed his opinion of her. Just now, he was angry, so he didn't say anything. Now that he thought about it, Lu Yinzheng's anger had dissipated quite a bit.    


"What's going on?" Lu Yinzheng asked.    


"You don't need to worry about this matter. I will handle it well!"    


Since Lu Yichen had already said so, what was there for Lu Yinzheng to worry about. As long as he didn't empty the company out of ill intentions, Lu Yinzheng could be at ease.    


He still believed in his methods.    


Lu Yinzheng lost his cool and sat on the sofa. After mulling over for a while, he said, "That woman was taken away. Where is the child?"    


"What child?" Lu Yichen didn't know how to react at the moment.    


"Exactly, two children!" Lu Yinzheng asked.    


Lu Yichen finally reacted and looked at him differently. It was rare for him to ask about the two children and it was a caring expression. He even wondered if he was mistaken.    


"They're fine!" Lu Yichen said.    


"Do they know about this?"    


"Yue went out, she's not in the city. Gong Yao knows about it!"    


"Then they're not worried?"    


"Don't worry!"    


Lu Yinzheng, "..."    


"Do they still not know the seriousness of the situation?"    


"I know!"    


"But …"    


"I'm just not worried!"    


Lu Yinzheng didn't know what to say.    


Sitting there, he pursed his lips, looking somewhat uneasy.    


"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Lu Yichen looked at him and asked.    


"No!" Saying that, Lu Yinzheng stood up, "Since that's the case, I'll go back first!"    




Lu Yichen nodded.    


Lu Yinzheng stood up and looked at him. He wanted to say something, but he eventually sighed and left without saying anything.    


After the door was closed, Lu Yichen looked towards the door with a hidden look. It was hard to understand what he was thinking …    


… ….    


Lu Yinzheng was very unhappy.    


However, he didn't know what he was angry about. He just walked out of the company in a huff.    


Just as he got on the car, Uncle Li asked, "Chairman, where are we going?"    


Lu Yinzheng was about to speak, but he suddenly remembered something and said, "To the police station!"    


"The police station?"    


"Yes, that's right, let's drive!"    


Uncle Li nodded and then drove towards that direction.    


Along the way, Lu Yinzheng was still thinking about what he should say when he saw Cheng Haian. However, the moment he arrived outside the police station, he saw Gong Yao walking out from inside.    


The moment Lu Yinzheng saw him, his eyes lit up and the haze in his heart disappeared.    


He immediately opened the car door, got out, and walked over as if he was not paying attention.    


Then, the two of them walked out and met up with each other.    


To be honest, Gong Yao was quite surprised to see Lu Yinzheng here, "Chairman Lu, why are you here?"    


Lu Yinzheng's face immediately fell. This kid is really … Not pleasant.    


With a "Chairman Lu", Lee Ke, who was standing behind him, was amused. This family was really strange and fun.    


"Can't I come here?"    


"You didn't come here to see my mother, did you?"    


"So what?"    


"Aiyo, is the sun rising from the west?" As he said that, Gong Yao raised his eyes to look at the sun. That weird tone of his really pissed Lu Yinzheng off to death.    


"No, the sun is rising from the east today!"    


"Don't you think you're going to die if you don't talk to me like that?" Lu Yinzheng asked.    


Gong Yao could not help but want to laugh, "At least it won't be too comfortable!"    


Lu Yinzheng rolled his eyes, "How's your mom doing inside?"    


"Are you concerned about my mommy?" Gong Yao asked with a surprised expression as if he had misheard.    


"Can't I take care of it?"    


"Did I hear it wrong? Or is it that you have some sort of conspiracy?" Gong Yao asked.    


"Am I such a person in your eyes?"    


"Yes sir!"    


Gong Yao answered without any hesitation. It really pissed Lu Yinzheng off. Luckily, he knew that this kid wasn't polite at all. He took a deep breath and tolerated it.    


"How's your mommy?"    


"It's pretty good!"    


"It will be better here?"    


"It's not good, so there's no way for you to come out. How about you think of a way to save my mommy?" Gong Yao asked while smiling at him.    


"Hmph, I won't care about your mother's matter, let your father worry about it!"    


"Fine, I didn't know you wouldn't be so kind!"    


"You …"    


"Don't be in such a hurry, I'm just saying it casually. If you feel uncomfortable listening to it, pretend you didn't hear it!"    




Looking at Lu Yinzheng, Gong Yao shook his head, "Then you can go see my mother. I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first!"    


Just as he was about to leave, Lu Yinzheng said anxiously, "Wait!"    


"Anything else?"    


"What are you doing?"    


"I have something to do!"    


"What is it?"    


"This... I don't need to explain it to you, right? " Gong Yao asked.    


"You … Do you know that you respect the elderly and cherish the young? "    


"Am I not young enough? Besides, you have never loved me! "    


"I —"    


"Do you have something to say? If you do, just say it directly. Don't hesitate to say it!"    


"Have you eaten? I'll treat you to a meal, let's chat as we eat!"    




Gong Yao looked at the time, "Are you sure, now?"    


"Why? Can't I?"    


"But at this time …"    


"So what if you're hungry? What time is there to eat!"    


Gong Yao, "..." Good, good, good. What else could Gong Yao say? He had to agree, or else this old man wouldn't know what to do.    


Lee Ke spoke softly from behind, "Are all the Lu Family people so eccentric?"    


Gong Yao rolled his eyes at him, "This is called a feature!"    


He directly got on the car.    


Lee Ke also followed to the car, sitting beside Gong Yao as if he was invisible. When Lu Yinzheng looked at him, he always felt uncomfortable.    


After Gong Yao saw through his thoughts, he said, "My bodyguard, but you can treat him as an invisible person. It's okay, you can say anything you want!"    


When Lu Yinzheng heard this, he naturally thought it was a bodyguard that Lu Yichen had assigned to him. He did not think too much and only nodded his head.    


As the car drove slowly along the road, Lu Yinzheng's gaze was fixed on Gong Yao. He didn't know why, but he wanted to look at Gong Yao a few more times.    


Feeling his gaze, Gong Yao raised his eyes and looked at him. Then, he touched his handsome face and said, "Is there something on my face?"    


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