Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C294 An Unknown Conspiracy

C294 An Unknown Conspiracy

While Cheng Haian was busy with other matters, Shadow walked up and whispered something into Koo Bai's ear.    


After Koo Bai heard this, his expression changed.    


He looked at the silhouette, "How did you do that?"    


The shadow's face did not look too good, "It's just that I did not think of it and did not notice it!"    


Clenching his fists tightly, he finally opened his mouth and said, "Change the two of them!" he said coldly, in a voice that sent shivers down one's spine.    


The silhouette nodded with a dark expression. "I know, but if Miss Cheng were to ask …"    


Koo Bai glanced over with a furious gaze. If it wasn't because of the circumstances, he wouldn't know what he would do. "If you can't even explain this, what do you think I need you to do?"    


The silhouette immediately realized its mistake and lowered its head. "I understand!"    


Koo Bai retracted his gaze. Although he didn't have a definite answer, Cheng Haian's reaction today explained everything.    


If he hadn't come, how could he have ended up like this?    


Thinking of this, a bitter smile appeared on his face. Originally, he had thought that she might have gotten over it and that she would be happy together with him. However, he hadn't thought that …    


Koo Bai's heart couldn't help but throb. It was like a hammer hitting him hard, causing him to be unable to breathe.    


Shadow went out.    


"Shadow!" At this moment, Koo Bai suddenly spoke up.    


The silhouette froze for a moment before turning around.    


"Plan. "Let's do it earlier!" After a long while, she finally spoke.    


"But …"    


"Do as I say!" Koo Baiqiang changed the topic.    


The silhouette looked at him worriedly before finally nodding, "Alright, I understand!" After which, he turned around and walked out.    


Koo Bai laid on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and slowly closed his dark eyes...    




Don't blame me.    


I will use the rest of my life to atone for my sins and accompany you!    


… ….    


On the day of the anniversary.    


Although Cheng Haian was not in A City, she seemed to feel the sadness.    


Her mood couldn't be considered good, but it wasn't bad either. She only wanted to be with them even though she wasn't there.    


Last night, she had talked to Lu Yichen on the phone, and Cheng Haian had also talked to Gong Yao's Gong Yue. She had repeatedly told them to do well, perform well, and be filial for her.    


Gong Yao nodded again and again, "Mom, don't worry. I understand. You've already said it N times!"    


"I can't always be at ease when I'm not by my side!"    


"Mommy, don't worry. Grandpa and Daddy don't have any intention of blaming you, and you don't need to feel guilty about this. Anyway, after you come back, we can come here every year to commemorate Grandma!"    


It was Gong Yao who always understood her heart. His simple words had comforted Cheng Haianxin quite a bit.    


"Fine, I got it. If you need anything, give me a call!"    


"Yes, Mommy!"    


Only then did Cheng Haian hang up the phone.    


In the corridor, Cheng Haian was holding her cell phone, her mood heavy.    


At this moment, the corridor was in chaos.    


She looked back and saw Shadow lying beside a car, pushing his way.    


Seeing the person on the cart, Cheng Haining was stunned and immediately ran up.    


"What happened?" Cheng Haian asked worriedly.    


The silhouette was extremely worried. "I don't know either. I suddenly lost consciousness!"    


He looked at Koo Bai, but he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.    


"Koo Bai, Koo Bai …" She called out twice, but Koo Bai didn't react at all. Soon, they arrived at the door of the emergency room. The nurse received them and the shadow was held outside the door with Cheng Haian.    


Seeing Koo Bai go in and the door was closed, their hearts were pulled as well.    


After a long while, Cheng Haian finally came back to her senses and looked at Shadow. will it become like this? "    


Shadow shook his head. "I don't know either!"    


Cheng Haian's heart clenched.    


The two of them stood by the door, anxiously waiting.    


At this moment, the doctor came out from behind the counter and spoke in fluent, anxious English, "The patient is in critical condition right now and must undergo surgery immediately. However, due to the shortage of blood banks, blood matching is urgently needed!"    


When the silhouette heard this, it immediately said, "I'll immediately go look for someone!"    


"No need!" At this moment, Cheng Haian spoke up, "I'll do it!"    


The doctor did not hesitate and immediately nodded. "Follow me!"    


Cheng Haian nodded and followed him in.    


The moment the door closed, Shadow stopped and looked back, his gaze clear …    


… ….    


Cheng Haian walked in and saw Koo Bai lying on the surgical bed with a worried look on her face.    


"Lie here!" Doctor's instructions.    


Cheng Haian walked over and laid down beside Koo Bai. She turned her head and looked at Koo Bai. At that moment, she didn't know what she was thinking. Perhaps she was just thinking about getting Koo Bai up.    


Cheng Haian was still conscious at first when the needle stabbed into her blood vessels beneath her skin. But then, for some reason, she slowly closed her glasses and fell into a deep slumber.    


Surprisingly, the man who had been performing the surgery opened his eyes, and the doctor opened his mouth, "I've fallen into a deep slumber!"    


The person on the other bed, after a long while, finally said, "Let's go!"    


… ….    


Cheng Haian's phone couldn't be reached.    


After the matter was over, Lu Yichen called Cheng Haian. However, the message that came through the phone was, "Sorry, the call you made could not be answered for the time being."    


There were rarely times when she couldn't get through to her phone. Lu Yichen frowned, then picked up his phone to call again …    


No one knew how many he called, but he was still unable to answer the call. In the end, he edited a message and sent it over.    


At this moment, Gong Yao and Gong Yue walked up from behind them.    


"Daddy, what's wrong?" Gong Yao asked.    


Lu Yichen held a black umbrella. Today, it was drizzling in A city, so on this special day, he looked even more sad.    


Gong Yue was also walking by the side. Hearing this, she wasn't surprised. "The United States often comes from our side. Perhaps at this time, Mommy is sleeping!"    


"Today is the day of death, your mommy can't sleep!" Lu Yichen said with certainty.    


At this moment, she was definitely feeling guilty. She was definitely waiting for his call, so how could she possibly sleep?    


He was very sure of that.    


"Perhaps, something might have happened to Mommy!" Gong Yao said.    


Lu Yichen pursed his lips and didn't say anything else. He looked at them and said, "If your Mommy calls you, tell me immediately!"    


Gong Yao and Gong Yue nodded together.    


"Let's go!" "Get in the car!" Lu Yichen said and the three of them got in.    


In the car, Gong Yao's thoughts were the same as Lu Yichen's. He didn't think that Mommy would sleep at this time, so he started to make calls as soon as he got on the car.    


Ye Zichen glanced at Lu Yichen, so he temporarily couldn't answer the call.    


This kind of phenomenon was really rare.    


Therefore, he was slightly worried.    


However, he also advised himself that Mommy would not be gone for a day or two, and that nothing would happen, so he didn't take it to heart.    


However, they never would've thought that losing contact with them like this would almost be their life's greatest regret.    


… ….    


Cheng Haian's eyes quivered for a moment before she slowly opened them.    


An unfamiliar environment.    


It wasn't a hospital, nor was it her hotel.    


With a frown, she slowly got up.    


The large room was decorated with high-grade decorations, clearly showing that this place was different from the others.    


She sat up and looked around, frowning. Where is this place?    


Just as she was about to get up, she felt weak all over and fell onto the bed.    


How could this be …    


Cheng Haian thought in her heart.    


Right at that moment, the door was knocked. It was then pushed open, and someone walked in.    


"Miss Cheng!"    


Looking at the person in front of her, Cheng Haian frowned. "You are?"    


"My name is Lisa!"    


"You are?"    


"Mr. Gu told me to take care of you!"    


"Mr. Gu?" Cheng Haian frowned. "Koo Bai?"    


"Yes!" Lisa smiled.    


"What, what happened to him? "Where is this place?" Cheng Haian asked, trying to get up but lacking the strength to do so.    


Lisa immediately stepped forward and held her.    


"Miss Cheng, you've given too much blood, it's not easy to move. It's better to rest for a while!"    


Cheng Haian frowned as she looked at him. "Losing blood?"    


"Mr. Gu had an operation. You gave him the blood transfusion, so you fainted!" Lisa said.    


Speaking of which, Cheng Haian seemed to recall it bit by bit.    


"Then how is he now?"    


"The operation went smoothly. Mr. Gu is resting right now, and told me to take care of you!" Lisa said.    


Cheng Haian nodded. Her head was still dizzy.    


"Right, where is this?" Cheng Haian asked as she looked at her.    


"Oh, because there was some trouble after the operation, Mr. Gu was transferred here!"    


"Trouble, what trouble?"    


"This... I'm not too sure either! " Lisa could only say this. She didn't dare to say anything else.    


"Where's the shadow?" Cheng Haian asked.    


"He's taking care of Mr. Gu. He'll be here soon!" Lisa said.    


Asking about shadows was better than asking about her. Cheng Haian nodded, but she didn't think too much into it. At this moment, she felt a little dizzy, not allowing her to think too much into it.    


"Miss Cheng, you should eat something first. It'll be much better this way!" Lisa said.    


Cheng Haian nodded.    


Lisa carried the food over and helped Cheng Haian to eat.    


Lisa watched from the side as Cheng Haian ate. She then heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Miss Cheng, if there's anything you need, just tell me. I'll be right outside!"    


"I want to see Koo Bai!" Cheng Haian said, but even after eating, her physical strength had not recovered much.    


"Miss Cheng, you just ate some food and your stamina hasn't recovered yet. I think we should go take a look when you're better!"    


Cheng Haian had never expected that losing blood would consume so much energy.    


In the end, he had no choice but to nod his head.    


Returning to the bed, Cheng Haian was not only exhausted, but also a little sleepy.    


Lying in bed, he quickly fell back into his dream.    


After seeing her fall asleep, Lisa went out.    


"I've already fallen asleep!"    


"Alright, I understand. No matter what you do, you have to restrain her!"    


"I got it!"    


… ….    


The conversation between a man and a woman could be heard from outside, but Cheng Haian, who was in the room, didn't hear it. She had already fallen into a deep sleep …    


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