Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C367 We're All Adults Now

C367 We're All Adults Now

The next day.    


Zhixuan woke up in a daze. She felt a headache coming on. She turned her head and slowly opened her eyes. However, when she saw the person before her, she was stunned.    


Instantly, he became much more clear-headed.    


Her eyes widened, and she sat up abruptly, certain over and over that she was not dreaming, but real.    


The person lying beside him was none other than Yun Yi.    


So she slept with him yesterday?    


F * ck me!    


She couldn't help but curse herself in her heart.    


But whether she had slept with him or he had slept with her, she did not know. The only thing she knew for sure was that they were lying in bed, naked.    


Zhixuan wanted to kill him.    


However, she didn't know what was going on either. Moreover, looking at Yun Yi, she had an indescribable feeling of nervousness and worry.    


Therefore, after hesitating for a long time, she decided to leave quietly.    


He slowly got off the bed and slowly picked up the clothes from the floor, afraid that Yun Yi would wake up. He looked back from time to time, but fortunately, Yun Yi didn't show any signs of waking up.    


She slowly put on her clothes, but her insides were nowhere to be found. She couldn't find anything, so she anxiously wandered around the room.    


"It should be under the chair!" At this moment, a voice came from behind him.    


After Zhixuan heard that, she was stunned. She turned around and looked at the person behind her in surprise. At this moment, Yun Yi had been holding his head with his hands and looking at her with a smile on his delicate face.    


Zhixuan was so frightened that she immediately pulled down her blanket to cover herself.    


"When did you wake up?"    


"I'll wake up when you wake up!"    


So he's been looking at me?    


Then, did he see the embarrassment she had just now?    


Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel angry, "Damn hooligan!"    


Yun Yi wasn't angry because of these three words, instead, he felt a kind of indescribable happiness. Her voice was soft, and from her mouth, it didn't sound like she was scolding him, but was acting like a spoiled child …    


Thinking of this, he turned around and moved closer to her. Lying on his stomach, he looked at her with a smile, "You scolded me nicely!"    


Zhixuan was completely speechless.    


Looking at his expression, he was extremely angry. It was impossible for him to put on clothes in front of him now. "You go out first, I want to put on my clothes!"    


"Have you ever seen a hooligan go out while someone else was changing?" he asked.    


"You — what the hell do you want?" Zhixuan looked at him angrily as she asked why this man was so hateful.    


Yun Yi was neither anxious nor angry, he blinked at her, "I want you to take responsibility!"    


"What responsibility?"    


"Don't you want to be responsible for what you did to me yesterday?" Yun Yi asked.    


So, did she really take the initiative yesterday?    


Zhixuan was upset, but she was also upset. She took a deep breath as she looked at Yun Yi's expression …    


"Everyone …"    


"Don't tell me we're all adults, I can't afford to play with you. Even if I'm an adult, I still want to be the most important person to me for the first time in my life. So, you have to be responsible for me!"    


Zhixuan almost suffocated to death with a single breath.    


The first time?    


Are you joking?    


Ye Zichen looked at him and asked, "Can you be more serious?"    


"Do you see anything wrong with me? "I am very serious!" Yun Yi said.    


Zhixuan was almost drunk.    


Yun Yi looked like he had never lived in the mortal world. However, his words were contrary to what he had said, which made Zhixuan unable to accept it.    


She took a deep breath. "I, I don't want to talk so much with you. I want to get dressed. You go out first!"    


"But I'm not wearing any clothes right now either!"    


"You …"    


"So you want me to get up now?" Yun Yi asked, but before she could say anything, Yun Yi was about to stand up.    


"Ah!" Zhixuan was so scared that she immediately covered her eyes. Seeing her shy look, Yun Yi laughed, but still stood up. She was wearing a pair of pants, but her upper body was naked.    


Normally, he would wear some white clothes that made him look very clean. He didn't look like he had muscles, but looking at him now, his figure was surprisingly great.    


However, Zhixuan covered her eyes and did not dare to look.    


Yun Yi smiled and went over to her. He squatted down and took her hand away from his face. "Alright!"    


"Don't touch me, you damn hooligan! Stay away from me!" Zhixuan struggled.    


Yun Yi didn't care and grabbed her arm, "Open your eyes and take a look!"    


"I don't want to see it, you freak!"    


"If you don't want to look, then I'll have to look at you!"    


"How dare you!"    


As Zhixuan said this, she opened her eyes and looked first at her upper body and then at her lower body. When she saw that he was wearing pants, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Why? Are you disappointed that you didn't see anything that you wanted to see?" Yun Yi raised his eyebrows and asked with a playful look.    


"What nonsense are you talking about!" Zhixuan turned her face away, her face burning.    


Yun Yi smiled and stared at her. He felt that she was becoming more and more ridiculous.    


"Alright, don't be angry!" Yun Yi coaxed.    


The next second, before Zhixuan knew what was going on, she suddenly felt her body rising into the air. She was shocked and subconsciously hugged Yun Yi, "What are you doing?"    


"What do we do if we sit on the ground and catch a cold?" Yun Yi asked as he carried her to the bed.    


"Put me down, put me down!" Zhixuan struggled.    


Yun Yi was unmoved. He held her, but when they got to the bed, Zhixuan struggled too much and both of them eventually stumbled onto the bed.    


The position of a man and a woman.    


Although it was a bit old-fashioned, it was always something worth watching.    


Yun Yi seemed to be in a good mood. Seeing her palm-sized face in front of his eyes.    


Zhixuan was also stunned.    


When she looked at him, she was momentarily at a loss.    


Yun Yi's face drooped down bit by bit. When his lips were almost touching hers, Zhixuan instantly woke up. She pushed him away with all her strength.    


"What are you doing?" Zhixuan looked at him in alarm.    


Although Yun Yi was a little disappointed, he quickly calmed down. "Sorry, I couldn't control myself just now!"    


With a single sentence, he had pulled away his image as a hoodlum. Instead, he had an indescribable charisma.    


Zhixuan glanced at him. "Although I don't know what happened yesterday, you should know very well …" I don't blame you for taking advantage of me when I'm down, but I hope that we can get together and leave.    




"I can't do it!" Yun Yi said directly, "I'll never forget how you kissed my lips yesterday. How much did you like me …"    


Zhixuan's face turned red as she looked at him angrily out of embarrassment. "What nonsense are you spouting!?"    


"I'm not spouting nonsense. You were the one who pulled me along and said that you liked me and wanted me to kiss you …"    


Zhixuan didn't know if that was true or not, but it was enough to embarrass her.    


"Impossible!" She denied, "I hate you so much, how could I like you!"    


"You said that you hate me, but you just don't know how to accept me!" Yun Yi said with a smile, neither fast nor slow.    


"… …" said Zhixuan. "    


Zhixuan didn't know what to do as she looked at him, that overly good-looking face now looking at her with a smile.    


"Don't think that just because I'm drunk you can give me a random accusation. Let me tell you, I can sue you for sexual assault while I'm drunk!" Zhixuan was so angry that she exploded and started to speak without thinking.    


"Oh, really? Then go and report it. At worst, I'll just use my next life to compensate you!"    


Zhixuan, "..."    


Yun Yi was a rascal!    




This was Zhixuan's conclusion!    


In vain, she thought he was a gentleman, but now, it seemed, he was a scoundrel!    


Zhixuan was so angry that she didn't know what to say.    


As if he could tell that she was angry, Yun Yi opened his mouth, "Um, don't be angry. If you don't want to, I can take it slow!"    


Zhixuan's tears began to fall.    


Yun Yi was scared out of his wits and immediately went forward, "What happened?"    


"Get out of my way, don't worry about me!" Zhixuan pushed him away, tears streaming down her face.    


Seeing her cry, Yun Yi felt unspeakably uncomfortable.    


It's my fault, can you stop crying? Whatever you say is the truth, I was wrong... "Saying so, he stretched out his hand to wipe her tears.    


"Why are you always bullying me? Do you know that it's really annoying? You're really annoying!"    


"Fine, fine, fine. I hate it. Don't cry anymore. I don't even know what to do when you cry!" Yun Yi said as he wiped her face with a pained look.    


The more Zhixuan cried, the fiercer she became. Yun Yi felt more and more guilty.    


"Alright, stop crying. Tell me what you want, and I'll listen to you, okay?"    


"You're out. I need to change!" Zhixuan said.    


"But you …"    


"Didn't you say to listen to me?"    


"Look at me dressed like this …" Can I go to the bathroom? "I promise, I won't come out, and I won't peek!" Yun Yi said.    


Zhixuan looked at him and finally nodded.    


Only then did Yun Yi let go of her reluctantly, "Good girl, I'll go in first!" With that, he walked inside. When he reached the door, he was still worried about her. He turned around and saw Zhixuan sitting on the bed, looking wronged.    


Yun Yi sighed and walked straight in.    


The moment the door closed, Zhixuan stared at it for a few seconds. The door had no intention of opening. Thinking of this, she quickly grabbed her clothes and put them on.    


When she was about to leave, she suddenly looked at the clothes on the floor. It was Yun Yi's clothes. She thought for a while, picked it up and tiptoed out the door.    


Yun Yi did not stay inside and washed his face. When he felt that it was about time, he wanted to come out and call Zhixuan, but no one answered. Instinct told him that things were not that simple, so he just opened the door and went out.    


The room was empty, the clothes on the floor gone.    


He was fooled!    


However, he wasn't angry. On the contrary, he felt that it was quite interesting.    


Sure enough, in the eyes of lovers, Zhixuan was always beautiful and cute no matter what she did.    


However, there was one thing that he had overlooked. His clothes were also missing. Was he going to go out naked?    


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