Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C300 Lu Shaoqun Began to Lose Face

C300 Lu Shaoqun Began to Lose Face

When that person heard this, he became afraid.    


"No, no, no, I know, I won't do that again!" That person immediately opened his mouth, and his previously unsatisfied expression immediately changed.    


"Really?" Gong Yao raised his eyebrows and asked with a harmless look.    


"Really, really!" The man nodded in fright.    


Gong Yao smiled, "You said it yourself. If I find out you have another chance, you know the consequences!"    


That person was frightened as he nodded his head repeatedly. He no longer dared to do so.    


With a glance from Gong Yao, those people understood and let them go.    


The moment those people were released, they immediately ran away in fright.    


Gong Yao helplessly shook his head as he watched them disappear in front of his eyes.    


Either don't try to be brave, or have the capital, or don't beg for mercy, as Gong Yao insisted and thought.    


But for these hoodlums, it was good to teach them a lesson. Gong Yao did not want to be too ruthless, who hasn't made a mistake yet?    


"Let's go, boss!"    


"En!" Gong Yao nodded.    


He was also drunk.    


At this time, he was still in the mood to care about these small matters.    


What happened at home.    


Thinking about that, he left with Lee Ke.    


… ….    


"What does it have to do with me?" Hua Yu retorted, "I'm not going!"    


"At least he became like this for your sake!"    


"For me?" Hua Yu frowned. "Why do you say that?"    


"You said it. Only by surpassing you can he be qualified to chase after you. So during this period of time, he has been training, boxing, and fighting with his life on the line. You have not seen what he looks like now!"    


Honestly speaking, when Hua Yu heard this, she was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that idiot to actually do this. Then, she sneered, "Give him five years. Do you think he can catch up?"    


"That's not the point. The point is that he's willing to work hard for you!"    


"NONONONO!" Hua Yu shook her head. "That was not for me, but for himself!"    


Gong Yao frowned.    


"He wants to be with me, that's his problem. He did it to achieve his goal, so what does it have to do with me? I don't want to have anything to do with him! " Hua Yu said.    


Why did this sound so unreasonable, but it also made sense?    


"But …"    


"Are you only going to tell me that I'm right or not?"    


"That's right, that's right..."    


"Just right!" Hua Yu interrupted him, "Anyway, he's him and I'm me, so don't involve me in his matters. Moreover, you dared to say that you were beaten up. If it was me, I would have already died!"    


Gong Yao, "..."    


He finally realized that Hua Yu didn't like men with no charisma at all, and a woman like her wasn't easy to brainwash either. In the end, she would even persuade her.    


After thinking for a while, Gong Yao gave up.    


In any case, this was an impossible task. Since Lu Shaoqun was going to bite off more than he could chew, he could only blame his bad luck.    


He sighed and stopped trying to persuade her.    


Hua Yu, who was sitting at the side, swept a glance at him. "I've found a problem!"    




"Are you trying to play Lu Shaoqun and me?"    


Hearing this, Gong Yao sat up straight, "How could that be?"    


"From the time you entered the door until now, you've been blabbering on and on about how much better he is!" As he spoke, his eyes narrowed, and he drew closer to him, "Didn't you hate him in the past? What's wrong now?"    


"Uh, this..."    


"This what?"    


"Didn't he just settle the dispute recently? Furthermore, he isn't as bad as I thought!" Gong Yao said.    


"Oh, really?"    


"That's right!"    


"So what, you're going to make me your aunt!"    


"If that's the case..."    


"I didn't expect you to have such a strong taste!"    


"Huh?" What do you mean? Gong Yao looked at her in confusion.    


Hua Yu inched closer to him and snuggled up to him, "I don't want to mess around with you!"    


Gong Yao, "..."    


What the heck was this!?    


Looking at Hua Yu, she smiled happily.    


"I …" Gong Yao slowly moved away from him, "I'm a bit thirsty, I'm going for a drink of water!" Finished speaking, he immediately dodged and left.    


He had never felt that women were so scary. This was the first time!    


It was simply too terrifying!    


In the kitchen, Jack drank the water in big gulps. He would not dare to persuade Hua Yu again.    


Hua Yu crossed her legs elegantly as she looked at the people in the kitchen. A proud smile rose on her face.    


They didn't want to do that anymore, but there was one more person.    


Gong Yue was in the middle of discussing some matters with Hua Yu when the doorbell rang.    


Gong Yao thought that Lu Yichen had returned and immediately went to open the door. However, when he saw the person standing at the entrance, he was stunned.    


"You, aren't you in the hospital? Why did you come here?"    


Lu Shaoqun looked at him, "Is Hua Yu here?"    


"That's right..."    


Lu Shaoqun looked inside and walked straight in.    


"Hey …"    


Gong Yao wanted to say something, but he couldn't stop her.    


Lu Shaoqun walked straight into the living room. When he saw Hua Yu, he was so nervous that he forgot what he wanted to say.    


Similarly, because his arrival interrupted Hua Yu's conversation, both Gong Yao and Hua Yu's gaze fell on him.    


Obviously, Hua Yu's gaze was disdainful.    


"Hua … Hua Yu!" Lu Shaoqun had a shy expression.    


"What!" Hua Yu said impatiently. If it wasn't for the fact that he was Gong Yao's uncle, she would have already knocked him down with a punch.    


"Nothing, I just came to visit you!"    


"What's there to look at!"    


Lu Shaoqun, "..."    


He lowered his head, not knowing what to say.    


Gong Yao was watching from the side. Why did Hua Yu look so masculine while Lu Shaoqun looked so feminine …    


"Aren't you in the hospital? Why did you come out?" Gong Yao immediately walked over to smooth things over.    


"Oh, the hospital is too bored, so I came out for a walk!" Lu Shaoqun    


Hearing this, a sarcastic smile appeared on Hua Yu's face. "I heard you got beaten up?"    


"I …"    


"He's so stupid!"    


Lu Shaoqun, "..."    


"If it were me, I would have been hiding at home and not daring to meet anyone. Yet, you are walking around arrogantly!" Hua Yu's every word was like a dagger that stabbed into Lu Shaoqun's heart.    


Gong Yao and Gong Yue were watching by the side. They were worried that Lu Yichen would not be able to take the excitement. It was just as Hua Yu had said.    


Lu Shaoqun stood on the other side with his fists clenched tightly. After a long while, he opened his mouth, "It's not like that, it's their sneak attack!"    


"It doesn't matter if he did a sneak attack or a surprise attack. He won. If you lose, he lost!"    


"But in the fight, I won!"    


"He won?" Hua Yu raised her eyebrows and looked at him.    


"Yes sir!"    


"If I win, that's all I can do?"    


"I …"    


"Alright, alright, stop talking. A person like you, you should go back and be your young master. It's suitable for you!" Hua Yu said with a smile.    


But the more she said that, the more unwilling Lu Shaoqun became. "Yes, I admit it, I was a rich young master before, but now I'm not, I'm also willing to try and change it!"    


"Don't tell me that your change is because of me!"    


"It's all because of you!"    


Hua Yu, "..."    


He didn't expect that after she provoked him with a few words, this idiot was going all out.    


At this moment, Lu Shaoqun suddenly took a step forward. Gong Yue immediately made way for him and stood beside Gong Yao.    


"Big brother, this …"    




Lu Shaoqun walked up and looked at Hua Yu. He was both anxious and helpless. His expression looked quite pitiful.    


"You said it. As long as I become stronger, you … you will give me the chance!"    


Hua Yu looked at him and stood up as well. With the same momentum, she said, "Is there something wrong with your ears or your back? I'm saying that you have to surpass me!"    


Lu Shaoqun looked sullenly at Hua Yu. He could only feel depressed.    


Hua Yu looked at him and smiled proudly. "So, I advise you to back off now that you know the difficulties!"    




Oh wow, he even got to the point.    


Lu Shaoqun looked at her, "I won't give up!"    


Hua Yu rolled her eyes helplessly. This child doesn't make sense.    


She didn't have any feelings for him, not even the slightest bit. What the hell was he trying to do?    


Hua Yu was too lazy to say more to him. She got up and left, but Lu Shaoqun stopped her, "Where are you going?"    


"What the hell does it have to do with you where I go!?" Hua Yu said bluntly. Her attitude towards him was bad, but Lu Yichen didn't care at all!    


On the contrary, he felt great.    


Hua Yu took a step and Lu Shaoqun followed.    


After sensing it, Hua Yu turned back to look at him. "What are you doing?"    


Lu Shaoqun looked at her, "Wherever you go, I'll go too!"    


Gong Yao and Gong Yue exclaimed at the side. How did this guy become so daring?    


Hua Yu was on the verge of going crazy. "I'm going to sleep, are you going to follow me too?" she asked, suppressing her anger.    


Lu Shaoqun, "..."    


"Don't follow me anymore, otherwise I'll break your legs!" With that, Hua Yu left.    


Lu Shaoqun stood on the spot and didn't follow her. However, he gazed at Hua Yu's back with reluctance.    


"Big brother, do you think he's a masochist?" Gong Yue asked.    


"Don't you see how he treated us? Do you think it's possible?" Gong Yao asked.    


Gong Yue thought about it and felt that it made sense. In the past, Lu Shaoqun was so anxious that he could jump up and down just from a single word they said. How could he possibly be a masochist?    


"Then, what is this?"    


"Err, one thing subverts another!" Saying that, Gong Yao walked over.    


"You …"    


"Can I stay here today?"    




Gong Yao didn't hear wrongly. He turned around and glanced at Gong Yue. Was he hallucinating?    


"Is Hua Yu staying here tonight?" Lu Shaoqun asked.    


"That's right!" Gong Yao answered subconsciously.    


"I'm staying here today!"    


Gong Yao, "..."    


He didn't even realize when Lu Shaoqun had become so crazy.    


"Stop!" Gong Yao said.    




"What do you mean? This is my house, and I don't agree to it. Don't treat yourself as an outsider, okay!?" Gong Yao said. What's more, they had always been at odds, why did it suddenly become like this? Was it not good to not get used to it?    


Lu Shaoqun rolled his eyes at him helplessly and pursed his lips, "Say it, what do you want?"    


"What do you want? Am I that kind of person?"    


"Isn't it?" he asked.    


"Of course not!" How could he be the kind of person to negotiate conditions?    


"Then forget it!"    


"You, ah, how can you have any sincerity?"    


"You said yourself that you're not that kind of person!"    


"Bye bye, the door is over there, farewell!"    


'Mysterious Hubby can't offend 'a man who can live with a treasure!    


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