Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C296 An Unknown Island

C296 An Unknown Island

The photo on the screen saver was of the family of four.    


On the sofa at home, it was taken while playing. It seemed so blissful.    


He rarely looked at Cheng Haian's phone, so he didn't know when she set this photo as a screen saver. Thinking about it, Lu Yichen couldn't help but feel tears in his eyes.    


However, Gong Yao and Gong Yue did not see him with his head lowered.    


Except, they also had an indescribable feeling in their hearts. They hadn't thought that they would become like this in such a short amount of time, even though they had been fine earlier.    


However, they did not notice Koo Bai's plan at all.    


"I wonder where Mommy is now!" Gong Yue said.    


Gong Yao didn't say anything, he just didn't want to add any more sadness to the heavy atmosphere.    


Lu Yichen held the phone, put it to his lips and started sobbing.    


As Gong Yao and Gong Yue watched on, they didn't know what to say.    


… ….    


Cheng Haian woke up again.    


He was still in a dazed state, and his body was exhausted. Although he was still in a half-asleep state, this state made him the most exhausted.    


She was about to get up when the door was pushed open again.    


Lisa walked in, carrying some food. When she saw Cheng Haian, she smiled warmly, "Miss Cheng is awake?"    


Cheng Haian wanted to say something, but her words seemed to be exhausting her energy. She finally chose to nod.    


"Since that's the case, then Miss Cheng, have some food!" Lisa is taking good care of me.    


However, Cheng Haian shook her head. "Water, give me water, I want water!" Cheng Haian said weakly.    


When Lisa heard this, she nodded and immediately went over to pour water for Cheng Haian. "Please have some, Miss Cheng!"    


"Thank you!" Cheng Haian took it and drank a few mouthfuls. Only then did she feel much more comfortable, as if the withering flower had some nutrients for her, and her whole body felt very comfortable.    


Lisa watched from the side. "Does Miss Cheng want to eat now?"    


In Cheng Haian's memory, it hadn't been long since she started eating, so she wasn't hungry at all. "Didn't I just finish eating?"    


"Miss Cheng is talking about last night!"    


"Last night?" She frowned. "Then, when is it now?"    


"It's already afternoon!"    


That was why she slept from yesterday night to this afternoon.    




"Did I sleep that long?" Cheng Haian asked in disbelief. She had never been able to sleep like this before.    


"That's right. I called for Miss Cheng several times, but she did not wake me up!" Lisa said, but she didn't seem to blame him.    


Cheng Haian frowned. "How did that happen!?"    


"I think it's probably because he lost too much blood that he became like this!" Lisa said, "I heard Miss Cheng gave a lot of blood for Mr. Gu. It must be normal for her to do this."    


Her words made sense. Cheng Haian nodded.    


"Miss Cheng, do you want to eat something now?!" Lisa asked, "This is the only way to recover faster!"    


Cheng Haian shook her head helplessly, "No need, I'm not hungry now!"    


"But …"    


"Put it down. I'll eat when I'm hungry!" Cheng Haian said that she really couldn't stand the feeling of being served.    


Lisa thought for a moment, then nodded.    


At this moment, Cheng Haian started looking around for something.    


Lisa headed out.    


"Wait!" she said suddenly.    


"Is there anything else, Miss Cheng?"    


"Have you seen my cell phone?" Cheng Haian asked. Why was she looking around, but she couldn't find anything.    


Lisa shook her head, "This, I'm not too sure!"    


Cheng Haian looked a little anxious. She didn't know how many days had passed, but it felt like she hadn't contacted Lu Yichen for a long time.    


In order not to worry them, she had to call them.    


However, he never would have thought that he wouldn't be able to find his phone no matter how hard he tried.    


"You … You, can you go find Shadow for a while?! " Cheng Haian asked, looking for her cell phone.    


"But, Shadow went out to do some work, he's not here now!"    


"What about Koo Bai?"    


"Mr. Gu is currently in the intensive care unit, so he's still not allowed to visit!" Lisa said.    


Cheng Haian frowned. She knew that the situation was tense, but she was really worried about Lu Yichen. If they couldn't contact her, what would happen?    


After searching for a while, he still could not find his phone.    


In the end, Cheng Haian lay on the bed and gave up.    


Maybe it had been lost, maybe it had been put away, maybe left somewhere unknown.    


Cheng Haian was thinking about Lu Yichen, Gong Yao, and Gong Yue.    


She didn't know how long it had been, but it felt like a long time since she had heard their voices, their news.    


He missed them so much now.    


Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of something.    


He raised his hand and looked at his watch.    


She remembered that Gong Yao told her that this could locate his position, and she could even talk to him.    


Thinking of this, she followed Gong Yao's instructions and pressed her watch.    


However, after pressing down for a long time, there was still no response.    


Cheng Haian frowned. How could this be?    


What happened? What happened? What happened to the location? What happened to the location? Why didn't they respond at all?    


Could it be that it's broken?    


Cheng Haian even patted her watch, but there was still no reaction …    


In the end, he gave up.    


After lying in bed for who knows how long, she felt a pain in her waist and back. Looking out the window, she got up and walked towards the window.    


Although it was a bit strenuous, Cheng Haian noticed that her strength had recovered a lot compared to before.    


When she reached the window, Cheng Haian was stunned.    


Outside the window, the sea stretched as far as the eye could see.    


Magnificent, blue.    


They're at the beach now?    


Cheng Haian frowned. This thought gave her a strange feeling, as well as an indescribable feeling of magnanimity.    


As he watched, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.    


Actually, Cheng Haian had an inexplicable feeling about the sea. She wanted to live by the sea, but it had always been a fantasy and an unrealistic idea.    


Now that he saw it, his mood was much better.    


At that moment, Lisa walked in again. She saw Cheng Haian standing by the sea and walked over with a smile. "Miss Cheng!"    


Haian turned around and smiled when she saw Lisa. "Is this the seaside?"    


"Yes, we are surrounded by the sea. We are on the same island!" Lisa said.    


"On the island?" Cheng Haian frowned. "Which island?"    


"I'm not too sure about that. I was transferred here. As a servant, it's inconvenient for us to ask so much!" Lisa laughed.    


Cheng Haian frowned. "Why don't I know that Whitey is so harsh on people!"    


Lisa immediately lowered her head, "I don't want to know. Here, there's no need to worry. There's no need to worry about food and clothes. To me, this is a very good life!"    


Cheng Haian looked at her. Someone who could pursue a peaceful life was definitely someone who had a harmonious heart.    


She smiled but didn't say anything.    


"Miss Cheng, eat something. If you don't, the food will get cold!" Lisa reminded.    


Cheng Haian nodded and walked over.    


"Mr. Gu told me that Miss Cheng might not be used to the food here, so I specifically hired a chef to cook for Miss Cheng!" Lisa said.    


Hearing this, Cheng Haian had a strange feeling in her heart. With the corner of her mouth raised, she said, "Little White has always been like this for me!"    


Lisa stood aside and said nothing more.    


"When Shadow comes back, remember to ask him where my phone is!" Haian said.    


"Alright, I understand!"    


"Forget it, it's better if he comes back to see me!" Haian said that she had a lot of questions to ask right now. Even if she wanted to meet Koo Bai, it would become a problem, so it was better to ask Shadow about it.    


Lisa nodded, "Okay, I will!"    


Only then did Cheng Haian concentrate on eating.    


Even though she hadn't eaten all the dishes in the middle, Cheng Haian was still not hungry. She just ate a few mouthfuls.    


Not long after Cheng Haian finished her meal, she yawned and once again felt sleepy.    


"I don't know why, but I'm sleepy again!" Haian said, "I'll rest first. When the shadow returns, remember to teach me!"    


"Alright, Miss Cheng!"    


Seeing Cheng Haian lying on the bed, fast asleep, Lisa walked out.    


… ….    


"Boss, must we always be like this?" Shadow asked, looking at the man in front of him.    


At this moment, Koo Bai looked extremely weak in the hospital. He wore a black suit, which made him look even more domineering.    


Koo Bai stood in front of the window and looked outside. Night was approaching again, and the endless sea was also swallowed up by the night.    


After a long while, Koo Bai took a deep breath, "If that's not the case, do you want her to see me unharmed?"    


"However, based on Miss Cheng's intelligence, she'll be discovered within a few days!" Shadow said truthfully.    


Every time Cheng Haian woke up and wanted to see her, she could not push this matter away. Otherwise, she would suspect him sooner or later.    


"If I can drag it out for one day, then it will be one day!" Koo Bai said.    


Since he had already said so, what else could Shadow say? He could only nod.    


"Right, how is it over there?"    


"I think Lu Yichen already knows what's going on!" Shadow said.    


After hearing that, Koo Bai smirked, "So what if you know? I can only resent myself for not discovering it earlier!"    


"Even if he knew, he would never see Haian again. He will never be able to see her again in this lifetime!" As he spoke, Koo Bai picked up the liquor on the table and gulped it down.    


Shadow watched from the side, his eyes full of worry, but he didn't dare to stop them.    


"No matter what, I must keep all the news that came here safe!" Koo Bai instructed.    


"These things have already been arranged. Unless someone divulges the information, he won't come here!" Shadow said with certainty.    


Koo Bai nodded.    


Staring outside, he took a deep breath.    




For you, I would rather hide in this deserted place.    


For you, I'm willing to give up everything.    


For you, I'd rather be here all my life, as long as I'm with you.    


But will you understand?    


When you know the truth, will you accept it?    


He hesitated in his heart. He could lie to everyone, but when he was facing Cheng Haian, he felt guilty. Her eyes seemed like they could see through him at any time.    


This sort of feeling was the most terrifying, torturous thing.    


Koo Bai couldn't help but close his eyes when he thought of those eyes.    


Even if you hate me, hate me, blame me, I won't let you go. In my next life, even if I die, I will die with you here!    


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