Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C282 Severe Blindness

C282 Severe Blindness

After a long while, she finally said, "I know, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I won't let you worry about me anymore!"    


Looking at Haian for a long time, Lu Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded, "Alright, let's eat!"    




They returned to their places and ate.    


Lu Yichen let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Cheng Haian could eat something.    


… ….    


When they went back, Shadow was guarding Lu Yichen. Although he didn't have any expression, but from his eyes, it could be seen that he was very worried.    


After Haian walked in, she looked much better. Looking at her shadow, she said, "Go take a rest, I'm here!"    


The silhouette raised its head and looked at Cheng Haian. It stood up and bowed towards her. "Thank you, Miss Cheng!"    


"There's no need to stand on ceremony with me. This is what I should do!"    


The silhouette nodded and was about to walk out when a thought struck her and she turned around to look at Cheng Haian, "Miss Cheng …"    


Haian looked at him. "What's the matter?"    


The shadow came back to his senses, thought for a while, then said, "The boss came here this time for you. Miss Cheng, boss, you should understand boss's intentions. You should understand that something like this has happened …"    


"I know what you want to say!" Cheng Haian looked at him. "Let's talk about this later. Right now, it's imperative that he get better!"    


The silhouette nodded, "I've already notified the head's doctor. They will be here soon!"    


Hearing this, Cheng Haian nodded.    


Shadow went out.    


Cheng Haian's heart sank again as she looked at Koo Bai in the ward.    


Koo Bai, you must wake up!    


He had to!    


… ….    


The shadow followed Lu Yichen inside.    


Looking at the person inside, Shadow's fist suddenly tightened, his veins popped out.    


Lu Yichen couldn't wait to charge up and kill him. However, before he could do anything, Lu Yichen said, "Don't be rash!"    


Only then did Shadow endure.    


The young man looked at Lu Yichen and Lu Yichen's shadow and only glanced at them once. The corner of his mouth hooked up into a sneer, and then he lowered his head and pretended he didn't see Lu Yichen.    


At this moment, they walked over. Lu Yichen looked at that person and asked, "How is it? Are you mentally prepared?"    


The man did not speak.    


At this time, Lu Yichen looked at him and the corner of his mouth lifted into a sneer.    


He turned around and looked at the silhouette, "I'll leave the person in your hands, I'll leave first!"    


"Thank you!"    


Lu Yichen turned around and left without saying anything.    


At this moment, the silhouette remained inside, looking at the person with narrowed eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up into a sneer …    


… ….    


Lu Yichen was waiting outside. When he saw the shadow come out, he turned around and asked, "How was it?"    


Shadow looked at the gun in his hand and put it away. "We owe you one this time!"    


"No, it's even!"    


The silhouette was stunned for a moment, but he did not say anything. In that case, it was better.    


They went back.    


Another day passed, but Koo Bai showed no signs of waking up.    


Cheng Haian's mood became even heavier.    


At this time, the doctor came to check on him routinely, but after he finished, he shook his head.    


Cheng Haian looked at him. "Doctor, how was it?"    


"Not too optimistic. 48 hours have already passed. The probability of waking up is very small!" The doctor announced with regret.    


Cheng Haian shook her head. "No, that won't happen. There must be a way, right?" Cheng Haian looked at the doctor.    


The doctor looked at her and helplessly shook his head. "I think it's better to prepare my heart!" With that, the doctor turned and walked away.    


Cheng Haian didn't believe him.    


I don't believe it.    


Looking at the person lying on the bed, his eyes swelled up and tears rolled down his cheeks. The two fists on both sides of his body were clenched tightly!    


Suddenly, she rushed forward and grabbed the person lying on the bed.    


"Koo Bai, wake up. Wake up, do you think you can just lie there like this? Wake up! "    


"I tell you, if you don't wake up, I won't forgive you. Not in this life!" She grabbed Koo Bai's body and shook it fiercely. She really wanted to grab him from the bed.    


"Koo Bai, wake up, wake up …" Cheng Haian cried helplessly.    


Seeing Cheng Haian's impulsive look, Shadow and Lu Yichen also rushed forward and stopped her.    


"Haian, don't be like this!"    


"Why, why did this happen!" Cheng Haian cried bitterly.    


Shadow stood by the side, his jaw tight. All his emotions were suppressed by him.    


Just when they were in despair, Koo Bai's hand suddenly moved.    


They did not notice.    


Cheng Haian threw herself into Lu Yichen's arms and cried. Her shadow looked to the side and no one saw this scene.    


Cheng Haian's low wail was the only sound in the room.    


"Ahem …"    


Suddenly, Koo Bai coughed.    


They were stunned, but they did not ignore him. They looked at Koo Bai together.    


At this moment, his brows furrowed as if he was about to awaken.    


Cheng Haian glanced at Lu Yichen and then looked at Koo Bai.    


His eyelashes trembled as he slowly opened his eyes.    


Seeing this, Cheng Haian immediately rushed over, "Koo Bai, Koo Bai, are you awake?"    


The shadow also heard the commotion and looked over.    


"Boss …"    


"Go get a doctor, go!" Haian said anxiously.    


Shadow nodded in panic and immediately ran out to get a doctor.    


Cheng Haian looked at Koo Bai nervously, "Koo Bai, how are you? How are you?"    


Koo Bai slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the ceiling, then looked at Cheng Haian, but didn't say anything.    


At this moment, the doctor hurriedly walked in.    


"Doctor, he's awake. Look!" Cheng Haian said in panic.    


When the doctor saw her, he nodded. "Don't worry, Miss Cheng. I'll check it immediately!" Saying that, he began examining Koo Bai.    


Cheng Haian and Lu Yichen stood aside, waiting anxiously.    


After a moment, the doctor let out a sigh of relief, smiled and shook his head, "What a miracle, a miracle!"    


"What's the matter, Doctor?" Cheng Haian asked worriedly.    


"Being able to wake up is a miracle!" With that, he turned around and looked at Cheng Haian. "This mister here is fine. He only needs to rest for a while, and everything will be fine!"    


When Haian heard this, she was overjoyed. "Really?"    


"Yes, he was shot in the head. He could still wake up after 48 hours. This is a miracle!" The doctors were amazed.    


After confirming the news, Cheng Haian was overjoyed. She walked over to Koo Bai and said, "Did you hear that? You're fine!"    


Only then did Koo Bai gradually recover his senses. He looked at Cheng Haian and smiled, "I've made you worry!"    


Cheng Haian's tears fell even more ferociously, though she was crying tears of joy.    


At this moment, Koo Bai slowly reached out his hand to wipe her tears, "I heard every word you said!"    


Looking at him, Cheng Haian burst into tears as she laughed, "As long as you're fine!"    


At this moment, Koo Bai's hand was supporting his temple, frowning as if he was in great pain.    


"What's the matter with you?" Upon seeing this, Cheng Haian immediately asked worriedly.    


Koo Bai didn't say anything and just frowned. He was in so much pain that he couldn't control himself.    


Cheng Haian didn't know what to do. Looking at the doctor, she hurriedly asked, "Doctor, what's going on? How could it be like this?!"    


The doctor hurried over to check, but Koo Bai was still in pain after the examination, so he immediately called the nurse to give him a pain-relieving needle.    


Seeing Koo Bai quieten down bit by bit, Cheng Haian was extremely worried.    


He followed the doctor out. "Doctor, how could this be?"    


The doctor also frowned, expressing confusion, "We will do a brain exam for Mr. Gu to see what's going on, but we still have to wait for the results to come out!"    


Cheng Haian nodded. "Alright, then I'll be troubling you, Doctor!"    


"It's no trouble, of course!" With that, the doctor left.    


Cheng Haian took a deep breath. She didn't expect such a thing to happen after just waking up. She turned around and looked at Lu Yichen.    


However, Lu Yichen smiled at her, "Don't worry, everyone is awake. Nothing will be a problem!"    


Cheng Haian nodded and leaned against his shoulder, feeling extremely helpless.    


Lu Yichen hugged her, but he didn't know what to say.    


… ….    


In the afternoon, the results came out.    


In the doctor's office.    


Cheng Haian, Lu Yichen, and the shadow were all there.    


"Doctor, how is it?"    


The doctor took the finished test, pushed his eyes, and spoke.    


"According to the inspection, Mr. Koo Bai's brain was hit by a bullet, causing the neural line to be damaged. That's why it's like this!"    


"What will happen then?"    


"That's hard to say. It might be a slight pain right now, but if it's like this for a long time, then maybe …"    


"Maybe what?"    


"Maybe his memory will get worse. Maybe he will forget something. If it's serious …"    


Cheng Haianxin suddenly frowned, "If it's serious, what will happen?"    


"If it's serious, you might lose your sight!"    


"Blind?" Hearing those two words, Cheng Haian's eyes widened in shock.    


The doctor nodded.    


"Is, is there any way?" Cheng Haian asked.    


"At the moment, there's nothing we can do at home!"    


At this moment, Shadow spoke up, "What about abroad?"    


"Before, I heard that there is such an example abroad. It's still okay abroad!"    


Only after hearing this did Cheng Haian and Shadow calm down.    


The silhouette looked at Cheng Haian and said, "Miss Cheng, since that's the case, I want to bring Boss back for treatment!"    


When Cheng Haian heard that, she nodded and wanted to say something. At this moment, she turned around and looked at Lu Yichen.    


Lu Yichen also looked at her, as if he knew what she was going to say if she didn't say anything.    


However, knowing was one thing, hearing her say it out was another.    


After they left, Cheng Haian looked at Shadow and said, "You go in first!"    


Shadow nodded and walked in.    


Only Lu Yichen and Cheng Haian were left.    


"One Chen … …"    


Cheng Haian looked at him.    


Lu Yichen didn't say anything. His dark eyes were staring straight at her. His eyes were as cold as a cold cave. His usual elegance was mixed with his icy, evil eyes.    


"I have something to tell you!"    


Lu Yichen didn't say anything and just looked at her silently, waiting for her to speak.    


After some hesitation, Cheng Haian asked, "Can we postpone the wedding? I want to go abroad with Koo Bai!"    


Lu Yichen's eyes darkened. Indeed, there was a difference between hearing and guessing.    


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