Evil Twins' CEO Daddy

C84 I Spent the Night with Mommy

C84 I Spent the Night with Mommy

Wu Tie nodded and walked out with Lee Ke and Gong Yue.    


As for Lu Yichen, after seeing them leave, he went back to the ward.    


In the car.    


Gong Yao's expression suddenly changed the moment he got on the car. "What happened to the thing I told you to investigate?"    


Lee Ke looked at him, "You're right, it's her!"    


Hearing that, a cruel smile appeared on Gong Yao's face.    


He had said that anyone who hurt her mother would be repaid a thousand times over!    


This time, she had really touched his bottom line!    


"Let's go, send me back first!"    


"En!" Lee Ke drove Gong Yao back in his car.    


It was already very late as Lee Ke escorted them upstairs. Just as they were about to leave, Gong Yao said, "Wait!"    


"Anything else?"    


"I'm a little hungry. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something before leaving? " Gong Yao asked.    


After tossing and turning the entire night, he still hadn't eaten. Now that he was back and on the verge of rest, he realized that he was slightly hungry.    


Lee Ke's eyes instantly lit up, "Hungry, of course I'm hungry!" With that, he immediately walked back and sat on the sofa. "Hehe, then I won't be polite!"    


Gong Yao looked at him speechlessly, then turned around and walked towards the kitchen.    


Gong Yue and Lee Ke were sitting on the sofa, "Quickly tell me what happened today?"    


Lee Ke looked at Gong Yue. Although he didn't interact much with her, but seeing Gong Yao's talent that day, he naturally thought that Gong Yue was the same.    


"You want to know?"    


"Nonsense, you don't want to know why I'm asking you!"    


Lee Ke, "..."    


These two siblings indeed had the same temper!    


Although Gong Yue looked like a princess, her temper was quite explosive.    


"Alright!" Lee Ke nodded and started to explain the process to Gong Yue.    


In the kitchen, Gong Yao was still worried about Cheng Haian and regretted coming back now. After thinking for a long time, he finally put down this thought. Lu Yichen was here, so he could be at ease.    


With that in mind, he began to cook.    


Actually, he didn't do anything. It was just three bowls of noodles.    


When he brought it out, he said, "It's very late, you can eat whatever you want!"    


Although it was just a bowl of noodles, what Gong Yao did looked pretty good. It was just like what Gong Yue said, no different from a 6-star hotel.    


It's already good to have something to eat now, and it's so tasty, so what else could Lee Ke choose!    


"Thank you, boss!" Lee Ke said with a smile and was about to take the bowl.    


However, Gong Yao opened his mouth, "Your one is in the kitchen, go get it yourself!"    


Lee Ke, "..."    


Thus, feeling especially helpless, he got up and went to the kitchen to carry his noodles.    


After a while, he walked out, held the noodles in his hands and sat beside Gong Yao. Seeing that it was delicious and even more delicious, Lee Ke was truly impressed.    


"Boss, are you a genius?" Lee Ke couldn't help but say.    


Gong Yao raised his eyebrows lazily and said, "Obviously, that's right!"    


Lee Ke, "..." He was actually at a loss for words.    


"It's too delicious!"    


"Good for nothing! A bowl of noodles has turned out to be so delicious!" Gong Yao couldn't help but retort.    


"I haven't eaten for a whole day!" Lee Ke couldn't help but retort. He had been busy with stuff since early in the morning and also busy with his stuff at night. Now, forget about eating noodles, even eating steamed buns was delicious.    


Gong Yao glanced at him. Forget about him, he even felt hungry.    


He had eaten three meals a day and had not eaten anything tonight. Now, he felt extremely hungry.    


Gong Yue, on the other hand, did not say a word as she continued to eat silently by the side. She was also very hungry …    


When he was almost full, Lee Ke looked at Gong Yao and said, "Oh yeah, Boss, what are you going to do about this?"    


Speaking of this, Gong Yao paused for a moment while eating, then said, "I have to think about this matter properly!" He never liked to give people pleasure, and he preferred to slowly torture them. Thus, he had to carefully consider his options before finding out.    


Lee Ke nodded and finished the rest of the noodles. He looked at Gong Yao and asked, "Do you need me to come tomorrow?"    


"No need, just keep an eye on that shipment. Don't let anything go wrong, I'll call you again if anything happens!" Gong Yao said.    


Lee Ke nodded, "Alright, since there's nothing else, I will be leaving first!"    


"En!" Gong Yao nodded and Lee Ke left.    


At home, only Gong Yao and Gong Yue were left. "Alright, go to bed early. Tomorrow, we have to go to the hospital to see Mommy!"    


Gong Yue nodded and returned to her room.    


This was not the first time the two of them stayed at home. When they were overseas, Cheng Haian had to go to school during the day and work at night to support them. They saw this with their hearts aching, but at that time, they could only look forward to it.    


It was also because of this that their feelings for Cheng Haian ran deep.    


It was an unsurpassable emotion.    


Therefore, when something happened to her, the two siblings were very worried. They hadn't had a good night's sleep.    


… ….    


The next day.    


Fortunately, it was Sunday and the siblings didn't have to go to school. Gong Yao got up early to cook soup for Cheng Haian and decided to take her to the hospital.    


Gong Yue also woke up very early for the first time in the world. If not, she would have to sleep until ten o'clock normally. It was obvious that they were all very worried.    


"Are you done packing?" Gong Yao looked at her and asked.    


Gong Yue nodded.    


"Let's go!"    


Only then did the two siblings leave for the hospital.    


In the hospital.    


Lu Yichen stayed beside the bed and watched over Cheng Haian all night long. That night, he didn't sleep for even a second as he kept thinking about the little things that happened between him and Cheng Haian.    


He indeed didn't remember what had happened between him and Cheng Haian, but in his memory, he once made a mistake. It was a woman who suddenly broke into his room one night a few years ago …    


When he woke up the next day, he had already disappeared. He had gone to look for her, but because the hotel's surveillance video was broken and there were no videos, he had no idea who the woman was that night.    


A long time had passed, and he had almost forgotten all about it.    


Could it be her?    


This was the only loophole.    


If that wasn't the case, then he really didn't know when he'd had such a brief encounter with Cheng Haian …    


He thought about it for a whole night, but he still couldn't figure out what was going on. Cheng Haian would have to wake up to find out.    


Unknowingly, the sun had already risen.    


At this moment, Gong Yao and Gong Yue walked in.    


Seeing them, Lu Yichen frowned, "Why are you so early?"    


"I was worried about Mommy, so I wanted to come over early to take a look!" Gong Yao said.    


Lu Yichen didn't say anything. For Gong Yao and Gong Yue, he knew that he couldn't use a normal child's thought process to ask them to act like a spoiled child like the other kids, who weren't just guarding their parents but also acting like a spoiled child.    


Moreover, it was so early that it made one's heart ache.    


Gong Yao looked at Lu Yichen. His eyes were red. Could it be that he didn't sleep all night and just guarded Mommy like that?    


Thinking of this, he was even more certain of something.    


If Lu Yichen wasn't interested in Mommy, then that was impossible.    


It was definitely interesting to be able to stay up all night without sleeping. However, he did not show any signs of being moved or excited. Instead, he looked at Cheng Haian flatly, "Mommy still hasn't woken up?"    


Lu Yichen shook his head.    


"It's still early. Let's wait a little longer!" Gong Yao said.    


Then he remembered something, "I made some soup, would you like some?"    


Boiled soup?    


Lu Yichen frowned. Just as he was about to say something, his phone rang.    


Ye Zichen frowned, then picked up his phone. When he saw the number, his expression turned a bit serious, "I'm answering a call!" As he spoke, he got up and walked towards the window.    


He didn't avoid Gong Yao and Gong Yue, he just didn't want to wake Cheng Haian up.    


"Speak!" He spoke sternly.    


Gong Yao did not know what was said on the other side, but he could tell that Lu Yichen did not look good, "Alright, I understand!"    


After saying that, he hung up.    


He turned around and looked at Gong Yao and Gong Yue. Just as he was about to say something, Gong Yao said, "Did something happen?"    


Lu Yichen nodded with a sullen face.    


"Then go back to your work!" Gong Yao said.    


Lu Yichen frowned and looked at Cheng Haian on the bed.    


He could tell that he was truly worried. Gong Yao opened his mouth, "Mommy is out of danger, nothing serious, I should wake up soon. Don't worry!"    


However, there was still some worry in Lu Yichen's eyes.    


"It's still broad daylight and I'm still in the hospital. Nothing will happen to me!" Gong Yao comforted him.    


Lu Yichen then nodded, "Alright, I will come back after I finish my business!"    


"En!" Gong Yao nodded.    


It could be seen that Lu Yichen really had something on his mind. Otherwise, if he left yesterday, Gong Yao would be unhappy.    


"Call me if you need anything!"    


"I will!"    


Thus, Lu Yichen looked at the person lying on the bed. Even now, she still hasn't woken up. Lu Yichen looked at the person lying on the bed, but she still hadn't woken up.    


As soon as he left, Gong Yue asked, "Brother, guess what father is going to do?"    


Gong Yue raised her eyebrows. "I don't know!"    


"I think that Daddy found the person who hurt Mommy, and should settle the score with her …"    


"Are you so sure?"    


"Hrmph ~"    


Gong Yao didn't dare to be sure, but he hoped so.    


If Lu Yichen could really do that, he would completely accept him.    


Before Cheng Haian woke up, the two siblings were standing guard beside her and chatting with each other from time to time.    


Not long after, someone walked over and stood guard at both sides of the door.    


Looking at them, Gong Yao frowned, "Who are you?"    


"It was Director Lu who sent us to protect you!" the leader said.    


Hearing this, Gong Yao raised his eyebrows and looked at Gong Yue, but she smiled and said, "Then, thank you uncles for your hard work!" As he spoke, he gave a big smile.    


Lu Yichen was serious.    


Although he didn't say it on the surface, Gong Yao was happy inside.    


Lu Yichen cared about them even if they were in danger or not. Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent people to protect them.    


Thinking of this, Gong Yao looked at Cheng Haian with a glimmer in his eyes. Mommy, did you see that? Daddy doesn't hate us. He seems to like us a lot.    


He was much more optimistic than he had imagined.    


Thinking of this, he smiled.    


At this moment, a voice sounded from the door.    


"Scram! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"    


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