Martial Sovereign of Myriad Realms

C4469 Anger Sky Appears!

C4469 Anger Sky Appears!



The Fire Phoenix God Killer Bow was pulled open by Ye Feng. The surging flame power continuously gathered on the arrow, and the arrow released a bright fiery light, as if it was a sun.    




Feeling the arrow's power accumulating to the limit, Ye Feng immediately let go of the bowstring. The fiery arrow drew a bright light, as if it was a meteor in the night, beautiful and magnificent, and rushed towards the angry owl.    




The angry owl let out a terrified laugh, without any thoughts of resisting. The terrifying power of the arrow made it feel suffocated.    


In an instant, the angry owl exploded with all of its strength, even burning its bloodline and igniting its fleshly body potential. It did not hesitate to use its secret techniques and secret arts at all costs to escape at an extremely fast speed.    


In just an instant, the angry owl had escaped nearly a thousand miles, even faster than the Golden Crow from before.    


However, such extreme speed was nothing in front of the Fire Phoenix God Killer Bow.    


In the next moment, the fiery arrow suddenly appeared behind the angry owl, piercing through its body.    


A bloody hole appeared, and the angry owl's body stiffened in midair. In the next moment, the wound ignited with raging flames, and the angry owl was quickly enveloped by the flames, turning into a fireball that fell from the sky.    


Before the fireball landed on the ground, it had already burned out halfway, turning into ashes and dissipating.    


As for the angry owl, it had been reduced to ashes. Its lifeblood clone, Xie Xiao, also revealed a look of despair, and it also dissipated into nothingness.    




In the distance, Yu You, who was commanding the beasts to attack the city, suddenly felt his heart palpitate. He sensed the fall of Furious Owl and could not help but reveal an expression of disbelief. He quickly turned his head to look at Ye Feng.    


When he saw Ye Feng holding the Blazing Flame Divine Phoenix Bow that was burning with raging flames, Yu You's heart stopped beating. He knew the terror of the Blazing Flame Divine Phoenix Bow. It was a divine weapon that the Furious Law Clan had spent tens of thousands of years to completely subdue. But now, it was actually used by a nameless nobody like Ye Feng!    


"How is this possible? How is this possible?!"    


Yu You muttered in disbelief. The anger he had born from the fall of Furious Owl had been extinguished. The impact of this scene was too strong for him.    


At this moment, Ye Feng also saw Yu You. His face was slightly pale. This was because the consumption of using the Blazing Flame Divine Phoenix Bow was too great. However, Ye Feng did not hesitate at all and pulled the bowstring again.    


As the flame arrow condensed, Yu You suddenly felt the aura of death. His pupils suddenly shrank, and without any hesitation, he quickly retreated.    


"Blood-Defying Python, Nine Tribulations Ferocious Wolf, protect me!"    


Yu You shouted loudly. He ordered the other two second-stage Qi Zong beasts under his command to protect him. At the same time, he took out the token at his waist. On it was carved a majestic palace. It was the palace of the Furious Law Clan. This token was also given to him by the Furious Law Clan to use to contact them.    


"Lord Rage Heaven, the barbarian who stole the Fire Phoenix God Slaying Bow used the bow!"    


Yu You quickly sent a message. He knew how terrifying the Fire Phoenix God Slaying Bow was. Even if he was at the third stage of the Qi Sect, he would definitely not be able to block an arrow from the Fire Phoenix God Slaying Bow. Therefore, he sent a message to the Rage Law Clan for help.    


Rage Heaven's reply came in time. Almost as soon as Yu You finished speaking, Rage Heaven's voice came from the token.    


"I know that this barbarian is courting death!"    


Rage Heaven's murderous voice came from the token. Actually, the moment Ye Feng took out the Fire Phoenix God Slaying Bow, Rage Heaven had already sensed it. After all, the restriction on the Fire Phoenix God Slaying Bow was set up by the Rage Law Clan, so they could naturally sense it.    


"Sir, since you know, please take action quickly and punish the audacious barbarian!"    


Yu You revealed a look of pleasant surprise. He was originally worried that Raging Sky's recovery would be too slow, and that he would not be able to save him. However, since Raging Sky already knew about this matter, he would definitely save him. After all, Raging Sky was the Great Elder of the Raging Law Clan, a Half-Step Martial Spirit Realm Most Powerful Martial Cultivator.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had already released the flaming arrow. The arrow released an incomparable might, like the first ray of light that broke through the heavens and earth. It carried an earth-shattering fluctuation as it rushed towards Yu You.    


"Block it for me!"    


Yu You decisively ordered his two ferocious beasts to rush forward. The two Second Stage Qi Sect beasts rushed towards the flaming arrow, but they were instantly pierced through. They were completely unable to block the arrow.    


Seeing this scene, Yu You could not help but reveal a terrified expression. He originally thought that the two fierce beasts would be able to help him block for a while and drag him to Raging Sky's arrival, but he did not expect the flaming arrows to be so terrifying.    


"No, you want to kill me? Dream on!"    


Looking at the flaming arrows that were flying towards him at an extremely fast speed, Yu You let out an unwilling roar. Three lifeblood clones rushed out from his body, and they were also the three bodies of good and evil.    


The three clones rushed towards the flaming arrows without caring about anything else, trying to buy time for Yu You.    


In just an instant, the three clones were pierced through. The flaming arrows were like a hot knife through butter, piercing into Yu You's chest, who was terrified to the extreme.    




A huge bloody hole appeared on Yu You's chest, and blood also spurted out from his mouth and nose. He looked at Ye Feng with eyes full of hatred.    


"W-why would I die in the hands of an ant like you..."    


Just as Yu You finished speaking, his body was enveloped by the raging flames, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into ashes.    


Seeing Yu You's death, Ye Feng also heaved a sigh of relief. His tensed body instantly relaxed, and he almost fell from the sky.    


After continuously using the Fire Phoenix God Slaying Bow to shoot out two arrows, Ye Feng had consumed a lot of energy. Even though the Fire Phoenix God Slaying Bow recognized him and helped him, it was still a Quasi-Sage weapon. Ye Feng's divine ability was too weak to be used.    


At this moment, the lifeblood in Ye Feng's body had been completely exhausted. At the same time, the power of the Shattering Void Sword was also withdrawn, and what replaced it was endless pain. It was the injuries caused by the sharp sword qi of the Shattering Void Sword to the body, as painful as being cut by thousands of blades.    


Due to the death of Yu You, the beast tide below was in a state of chaos. Although there were quite a number of barbarians, none of them were at the Qi Zong realm, so they were unable to command the beast tide.    


With the crisis temporarily resolved, Ye Feng felt completely relieved.    


At this moment, a terrifying aura enveloped Ye Feng. Ye Feng felt that he was locked on. Even if he used the Golden Stairs, he might not be able to escape, not to mention that he no longer had the strength to activate the Golden Stairs.    


"Who is it?"    


Ye Feng's expression was ugly. He stood in place and did not dare to move. The aura that enveloped him made him feel extremely dangerous. He had a premonition that if he made the slightest movement, his head would be separated from his body in the next moment.    


"Hehe, I'm a bit late."    


A light laugh sounded out as a figure that was even more majestic than Yu You appeared in front of Ye Feng. The other party's entire body was scarlet red, and even his hair was scarlet red, as if he was a flaming giant.    


The one who came was the Raging Heaven of the Furious Law Clan. His aura was as deep as an abyss, and it was emitting a monstrously fierce might. A single glance from him made Ye Feng feel as if he had fallen into an abyss. This was an enemy that he could not defeat at all.    


Chapter 3 – The Raging Heaven of the Furious Law Clan;    


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